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Apache OFBiz® Data Model Changes

Apache OFBiz follows The Universal Data Model by Len Silverston, with a grain of salt.

The following file contains information about the data model changes in the Apache OFBiz. The detailed description of migration scripts specified here can be found at Revisions Requiring Data Migration - upgrade ofbiz page.

Changes with OFBiz 17

Field types “id-ne”, “id-long-ne” & “id-vlong-ne” has been removed. Use “id”, “id-long” and “id-vlong” instead (detailed description at OFBIZ-9351).

Entity Changes

No changes

Field Changes

Entity Field Action IsPK Revision
MarketingCampaignPrice fromDate Added Yes R1805961
MarketingCampaignPrice thruDate Added No R1805961
MarketingCampaignPromo fromDate Added Yes R1805961
MarketingCampaignPromo thruDate Added No R1805961
MarketingCampaignRole fromDate Added Yes R1805961
MarketingCampaignRole thruDate Added No R1805961
Product manufacturerPartyId Removed No R1804408
SecurityGroupPermission fromDate Added Yes R1812383
SecurityGroupPermission thruDate Added No R1812383

Migration Scripts

  1. Updated sql-type for date-time and time field in fieldtypemysql.xml file R1793300 “Update msyql sql-type for datetime field-type to support Fractional Seconds in Time Values Please upgrade mysql to at least 5.6.4 or higher. After upgrade run ‘generateMySqlFileWithAlterTableForTimestamps’ service, groupName is required field for this service, It will generate sql file with alter query statement for date-time and time field at location”${ofbiz.home}/runtime/tempfiles/.sql" You can use execute sql statement from any of the mysql batch command.

Changes between OFBiz 9 to OFBiz 16

Entity Changes

Added 77 new entities

  1. JobRequisition
  2. ProductAverageCostType
  3. WorkEffortSurveyAppl
  4. WorkEffortIcalData
  5. WebSiteContactList
  6. WebAnalyticsType
  7. WebAnalyticsConfig
  8. UserLoginSecurityQuestion
  9. UomGroup
  10. TrainingRequest
  11. ThirdPartyLogin
  12. TestFieldType
  13. TestingSubtype
  14. TestingStatus
  15. TestingRemoveAll
  16. TestingItem
  17. TestingCrypto
  18. SystemProperty
  19. ShipmentGatewayUsps
  20. ShipmentGatewayUps
  21. ShipmentGatewayFedex
  22. ShipmentGatewayDhl
  23. ShipmentGatewayConfig
  24. ShipmentGatewayConfigType
  25. ReturnContactMech
  26. QuoteNote
  27. ProductPromoContent
  28. ProductPromoContentType
  29. ProductGroupOrder
  30. ProductCostComponentCalc
  31. CostComponentCalc
  32. PayPalPaymentMethod
  33. PaymentGroupType
  34. PaymentGroup
  35. PaymentGroupMember
  36. PaymentGatewayConfig
  37. PaymentGatewayConfigType
  38. PaymentGatewayWorldPay
  39. PaymentGatewaySecurePay
  40. PaymentGatewaySagePay
  41. PaymentGatewayOrbital
  42. PaymentGatewayEway
  43. PaymentGatewayCyberSource
  44. PaymentGatewayAuthorizeNet
  45. PaymentGatewayIDEAL
  46. PaymentContentType
  47. PaymentContent
  48. OAuth2LinkedIn
  49. OAuth2GitHub
  50. JobManagerLock
  51. JobInterviewType
  52. JobInterview
  53. JavaResource
  54. InvoiceNote
  55. InvoiceItemAssocType
  56. InvoiceItemAssoc
  57. InvoiceContentType
  58. InvoiceContent
  59. GlAccountCategoryType
  60. GlAccountCategoryMember
  61. GlAccountCategory
  62. GitHubUser
  63. FixedAssetTypeGlAccount
  64. FacilityContent
  65. ExcelImportHistory
  66. EmplLeaveReasonType
  67. EbayShippingMethod
  68. EbayConfig
  69. CountryAddressFormat
  70. ContentSearchResult
  71. ContentSearchConstraint
  72. ContentKeyword
  73. CheckAccount
  74. AgreementFacilityAppl
  75. AgreementContentType
  76. AgreementContent

Removed 8 entities

  1. DepreciationMethod
  2. FixedAssetMaintMeter
  3. OagisMessageErrorInfo
  4. OagisMessageInfo
  5. SalesOpportunityTrackingCode
  6. SimpleSalesTaxLookup
  7. TestBlob
  8. WorkEffortAssignmentRate

Field Changes

Entity Field Action IsPK Revision
AcctgTransAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
AcctgTransEntry inventoryItemId Added No NA
AcctgTransTypeAttr description Added No NA
BenefitType parentTypeId Added No NA
BenefitType hasTable Added No NA
BudgetAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
BudgetItemAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
BudgetItemTypeAttr description Added No NA
BudgetStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
BudgetTypeAttr description Added No NA
CommunicationEventRole statusId Added No NA
CommunicationEventType contactMechTypeId Added No NA
ContactListCommStatus partyId Added No NA
ContactListCommStatus messageId Added No NA
ContactListCommStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
ContactMechAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
ContactMechTypeAttr description Added No NA
DeductionType parentTypeId Added No NA
DeductionType hasTable Added No NA
DocumentAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
DocumentTypeAttr description Added No NA
EmploymentApp approverPartyId Added No NA
EmploymentApp jobRequisitionId Added No NA
EmploymentAppSourceType parentTypeId Added No NA
EmploymentAppSourceType hasTable Added No NA
EmplPositionClassType parentTypeId Added No NA
EmplPositionClassType hasTable Added No NA
EmplPositionType parentTypeId Added No NA
EmplPositionType hasTable Added No NA
EmplPositionType partyId Removed No NA
EmplPositionType roleTypeId Removed No NA
FinAccountAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
FinAccountTransAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
FinAccountTrans glReconciliationId Added No NA
FinAccountTrans statusId Added No NA
FinAccountTransTypeAttr description Added No NA
FinAccountTypeAttr description Added No NA
FinAccountStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
FixedAsset acquireOrderId Added No NA
FixedAsset acquireOrderItemSeqId Added No NA
FixedAssetAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
FixedAssetTypeAttr description Added No NA
GlAccount externalId Added No NA
GlAccount openingBalance Added No NA
GlReconciliation createdDate Added No NA
GlReconciliation lastModifiedDate Added No NA
GlReconciliation statusId Added No NA
GlReconciliation openingBalance Added No NA
InventoryItemAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
InventoryItemStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
InventoryItemTypeAttr description Added No NA
InvoiceAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
InvoiceItemAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
InvoiceItemTypeAttr description Added No NA
InvoiceStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
InvoiceTypeAttr description Added No NA
InvoiceTermAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
JobSandbox currentRetryCount Added No NA
JobSandbox tempExprId Added No NA
JobSandbox currentRecurrenceCount Added No NA
JobSandbox maxRecurrenceCount Added No NA
JobSandbox jobResult Added No NA
OrderAdjustment amountAlreadyIncluded Added No NA
OrderAdjustment isManual Added No NA
OrderAdjustment oldPercentage Added No NA
OrderAdjustment oldAmountPerQuantity Added No NA
OrderAdjustment lastModifiedDate Added No NA
OrderAdjustment lastModifiedByUserLogin Added No NA
OrderAdjustmentAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
OrderAdjustmentTypeAttr description Added No NA
OrderAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
OrderItem supplierProductId Added No NA
OrderItem cancelBackOrderDate Added No NA
OrderItem changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
OrderItemAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
OrderItemShipGroup facilityId Added No NA
OrderItemShipGroup estimatedShipDate Added No NA
OrderItemShipGroup estimatedDeliveryDate Added No NA
OrderItemShipGrpInvRes priority Added No NA
OrderItemShipGrpInvRes oldPickStartDate Added No NA
OrderItemTypeAttr description Added No NA
OrderTermAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
OrderPaymentPreference track2 Added No NA
OrderPaymentPreference swipedFlag Added No NA
OrderPaymentPreference lastModifiedDate Added No NA
OrderPaymentPreference lastModifiedByUserLogin Added No NA
OrderShipment shipGroupSeqId Added No NA
OrderTypeAttr description Added No NA
PartyAcctgPreference orderSequenceEnumId Removed No NA
PartyAcctgPreference quoteSequenceEnumId Removed No NA
PartyAcctgPreference invoiceSequenceEnumId Removed No NA
PartyAcctgPreference oldOrderSequenceEnumId Added No NA
PartyAcctgPreference oldQuoteSequenceEnumId Added No NA
PartyAcctgPreference oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId Added No NA
PartyAcctgPreference orderSeqCustMethId Added No NA
PartyQual infoString Removed No NA
PartyQual institutionInternalId Removed No NA
PartyQual institutionPartyId Removed No NA
PartyQual partyQualId Removed No NA
PartyRate percentageUsed Added No NA
PartyRate rate Removed No NA
PartyResume contentId Added No NA
PaymentAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
PaymentGatewayResponse gatewayCvResult Added No NA
PaymentMethod finAccountId Added No NA
PaymentTypeAttr description Added No NA
PerfRatingType parentTypeId Added No NA
PerfRatingType hasTable Added No NA
PerfReview payHistoryRoleTypeIdTo Removed No NA
PerfReview payHistoryRoleTypeIdFrom Removed No NA
PerfReview payHistoryPartyIdTo Removed No NA
PerfReview payHistoryPartyIdFrom Removed No NA
PerfReview payHistoryFromDate Removed No NA
PerfReviewItemType parentTypeId Added No NA
PerfReviewItemType hasTable Added No NA
PersonTraining trainingRequestId Added No NA
PersonTraining workEffortId Added No NA
PersonTraining approverId Added No NA
PersonTraining approvalStatus Added No NA
PersonTraining reason Added No NA
PostalAddress houseNumber Added No NA
PostalAddress houseNumberExt Added No NA
PostalAddress cityGeoId Added No NA
PostalAddress municipalityGeoId Added No NA
PostalAddress geoPointId Added No NA
PosTerminal terminalName Added No NA
PosTerminalInternTx reasonEnumId Added No NA
Product releaseDate Added No NA
Product originalImageUrl Added No NA
Product inventoryItemTypeId Added No NA
Product shippingWeight Added No NA
Product productWeight Added No NA
Product diameterUomId Added No NA
Product productDiameter Added No NA
Product virtualVariantMethodEnum Added No NA
Product defaultShipmentBoxTypeId Added No NA
Product lotIdFilledIn Added No NA
Product orderDecimalQuantity Added No NA
Product weight Removed No NA
Product taxCategory Removed No NA
Product taxVatCode Removed No NA
Product taxDutyCode Removed No NA
ProductAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
ProductAverageCost productAverageCostTypeId Added No NA
ProductAverageCost facilityId Added No NA
ProductContent sequenceNum Added No NA
ProductKeyword keywordTypeId Added No NA
ProductKeyword statusId Added No NA
ProductRole sequenceNum Added No NA
ProductStore balanceResOnOrderCreation Added No NA
ProductStore defaultTimeZoneString Added No NA
ProductStore oldStyleSheet Added No NA
ProductStore oldHeaderLogo Added No NA
ProductStore oldHeaderRightBackground Added No NA
ProductStore oldHeaderMiddleBackground Added No NA
ProductStore styleSheet Removed No NA
ProductStore headerLogo Removed No NA
ProductStore headerRightBackground Removed No NA
ProductStore headerMiddleBackground Removed No NA
ProductStorePaymentSetting paymentCustomMethodId Added No NA
ProductStorePaymentSetting paymentGatewayConfigId Added No NA
ProductStoreShipmentMeth shipmentCustomMethodId Added No NA
ProductStoreShipmentMeth shipmentGatewayConfigId Added No NA
ProductStoreShipmentMeth allowancePercent Added No NA
ProductStoreShipmentMeth minimumPrice Added No NA
ProductTypeAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
QuoteAdjustment lastModifiedDate Added No NA
QuoteAdjustment lastModifiedByUserLogin Added No NA
QuoteAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
QuoteItem leadTimeDays Added No NA
QuoteRole fromDate Added Yes NA
QuoteRole thruDate Added No NA
QuoteTerm termDays Added No NA
QuoteTerm textValue Added No NA
QuoteTerm description Added No NA
QuoteTermAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
QuoteTypeAttr description Added No NA
RequirementAttribute changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
RequirementStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
ResponsibilityType parentTypeId Added No NA
ResponsibilityType hasTable Added No NA
ReturnAdjustment createdByUserLoginId Added No NA
ReturnAdjustment lastModifiedDate Added No NA
ReturnAdjustment lastModifiedByUserLogin Added No NA
ReturnHeader supplierRmaId Added No NA
ReturnItemResponse finAccountTransId Added No NA
ReturnStatus changeByUserLoginId Added No NA
SalaryStep fromDate Added Yes NA
SalaryStep thruDate Added No NA
SalaryStep createdByUserLoginId Added No NA
SalaryStep lastModifiedByUserLogin Added No NA
SalesOpportunity nextStepDate Added No NA
ServiceSemaphore lockedByInstanceId Added No NA
ShoppingListItem modifiedPrice Added No NA
SkillType parentTypeId Added No NA
SkillType hasTable Added No NA
SupplierProduct shippingPrice Added No NA
SupplierProduct supplierCommissionPerc Removed No NA
TaxAuthorityRateProduct isTaxInShippingPrice Added No NA
TerminationType parentTypeId Added No NA
TerminationType hasTable Added No NA
TestingNodeMember extendFromDate Added No NA
TestingNodeMember extendThruDate Added No NA
TimeEntry planHour Added No NA
Timesheet approvedByUserLoginId Added No NA
TrainingClassType parentTypeId Added No NA
TrainingClassType hasTable Added No NA
UnemploymentClaim thruDate Added No NA
UserLogin externalAuthId Added No NA
UserLogin userLdapDn Added No NA
UserLogin disabledBy Added No NA
ValueLinkKey createdByUserLogin Added No NA
WebSite visualThemeSetId Added No NA
WebSite hostedPathAlias Added No NA
WebSite isDefault Added No NA
WebSite displayMaintenancePage Added No NA
WebSitePathAlias fromDate Added Yes R1738588
WebSitePathAlias thruDate Added No R1738588
WorkEffort tempExprId Added No NA
WorkEffort sequenceNum Added No NA
WorkEffortAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
WorkEffortAssocAttribute attrDescription Added No NA
WorkEffortAssocTypeAttr description Added No NA
WorkEffortContactMech fromDate Added Yes NA
WorkEffortContactMech thruDate Added No NA
WorkEffortFixedAssetAssign availabilityStatusId Added No NA
WorkEffortPartyAssignment assignedByUserLoginId Added No NA
WorkEffortPurposeType parentTypeId Added No NA
WorkEffortStatus reason Added No NA
WorkEffortTypeAttr description Added No NA
WorkOrderItemFulfillment shipGroupSeqId Added No NA

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