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Apache OFBiz Release Plan

NOTE DEJ20060909: This document is still being created and is not a final draft, but should contain most of the operations needed to create a release. We may want to add more sections on preparing for a release such as more on testing, and stuff on the NOTICE, LICENSE, KEYS, etc files.

General Goals, Policies and Process

How Do I Decide What to Use?

From a project user perspective there is one main question that can help determine which way they will want to get OFBiz: Do I want to contribute to the open source project?

For this question there are 3 main answers:

  1. Yes, definitely: I want to contribute to design, coding, and testing efforts and thereby collaborate with others to more effectively and efficiently satisfy the long-term requirements from me, my clients, or my employer
  2. Kind of: I want to stay on the cutting edge and participate with testing and feedback, but I'm not in a position to participate in development and/or in the near future I will need something more reliable and supported and that won't change very much
  3. Not really: I'm happy to offer feedback, but I really need something that will work well now and well into the future so we can get things going in our organization

For each answer there is a recommended way to get OFBiz:

  1. Get the code straight from the code repository (SVN) trunk and update frequently through development, and periodically even after production deployment
  2. Get the code from the code repository (SVN) release branch and keep updated or patched regularly as fixes are committed and the branch stabilizes over time; when getting started choose the most recent branch, even if it is very new; when new release branches are created update to them soon after the branch is done
  3. Get a built release package or the code from a release branch tag, and update as new pre-built release packages and tags are created; these will only represent fixes and unless a major issue arises they will be backward compatible and generally safe to update or patch to; when getting started choose a release branch that has been around for at least 2-3 months and that has no major outstanding issues in the issue tracker to assure that it has stabilized; when new release branches are created wait until you are ready to do a major upgrade and possibly need to modify your code and configuration, and wait at least until the prospective branch has stabilized before moving to it

General Release Policies

  • Release branches will be created approximately once per year; these will represent a new minor version number, and in cases of major and/or non-backward compatible changes a major version number
  • The trunk will never go into a feature-freeze state but rather development will continue and contributions will be accepted both immediately before and after the cutoff revision for a release branch
  • An initial pre-built package will be created and made available to help get people started with the branch
  • Once a release branch stabilizes an initial "stable" release tag and pre-built package will be issued
  • Patches on the release branch can be created and applied whenever users desire
  • Follow on release tags and pre-built packages will be issued when major problems are discovered and fixed, and periodically to represent a significant number of fixes and updates
  • Each new release tag and pre-built package with be represented by a third position version number change

How to do an OFBiz Release

Steps for testing a revision or branch before a release:

  1. For revision: svn export -r ${revision-number} ofbiz
  2. For branch: svn export$\{branch-name} ofbiz
  3. cd ofbiz
  4. ant run-tests
  5. Check results... (search for [JUNIT])

  6. cd ..
  7. rm -Rf ofbiz/

Steps for a test snapshot type "release":

  1. Example file-base-name: apache-ofbiz-incubating-4.0.0.RC1
  2. svn export ${file-base-name}
  3. cd ${file-base-name}
  4. echo ${revision-number} > REVISION
  5. ant run-install
  6. cd ..
  7. zip -r ${file-base-name}.zip ${file-base-name}/
  8. tar -czvf ${file-base-name}.tgz ${file-base-name}/*
  9. gpg --output ${file-base-name}.zip.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.zip
  10. gpg --output ${file-base-name}.tgz.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.tgz
  11. openssl md5 ${file-base-name}.zip > ${file-base-name}.zip.md5
  12. openssl md5 ${file-base-name}.tgz > ${file-base-name}.tgz.md5

Steps for creating a branch in preparation for a real release:

NOTE: these steps all start with an svn co command though it is not intended that this would be done each time such an operation is done, rather it is to show context with an expectation that those doing these operations would already have a checkout somewhere to start from.

  1. Exaple branch-name: release4.0 (for a series of releases using 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, etc)
  2. svn co ofbizroot
  3. cd ofbizroot
  4. svn copy trunk branches/${branch-name}
  5. svn commit -m "Created new branch: ${branch-name}"

Steps for applying a fix from the trunk to a branch as part of maintenance:

  1. svn co$\{branch-name} ofbiz
  2. cd ofbiz
  3. svn merge -r ${revision-1}:${revison}
  4. svn commit -m "Applied fix from trunk for revision: ${revision}"

Steps for creating a release from a branch:

  1. Example file-base-name: apache-ofbiz-4.0.0, or for framework only: apache-ofbiz-framework-4.0.0
  2. Example branch-name: release4.0
  3. svn export$\{branch-name} ofbiz
  4. cd ofbiz
  5. For framework only release: rm -Rf applications/
  6. ant run-install
  7. cd ..
  8. zip -r ${file-base-name}.zip ofbiz/
  9. tar -czvf ${file-base-name}.tgz ofbiz/*
  10. gpg --output ${file-base-name}.zip.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.zip
  11. gpg --output ${file-base-name}.tgz.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.tgz
  12. openssl md5 ${file-base-name}.zip > ${file-base-name}.zip.md5
  13. openssl md5 ${file-base-name}.tgz > ${file-base-name}.tgz.md5
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