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Members are people within your organization who do not have access to the platform. From the Quick access menu click on members. This will launch the manage member page.

Add Members

Click the blue +create new member icon at the bottom-right of the page to create a new member.

Complete member details

  1. Enter member’s Account number

  2. First Name

  3. Middle Name (optional)

  4. Last Name

  5. Date of birth

  6. Uncheck the checkbox if the member your creating is not part of your organisation.

  7. Click on CONTINUE

Enter member Address:

  1. Street

  2. City

  3. Postal code (optional)

  4. Country

  5. Region (optional)

  6. Click on CONTINUE

Enter member’s contact (optional)

  1. Email (optional)

  2. Phone (optional)

  3. Mobile (optional)

  4. Click CONTINUE

Assign Member To Office

  1. Search for appropriate office by typing the name of office in the search field

  2. From search Results choose appropriate office. In the example we use CAMEROON.

  3. Click on Blue SELECT button to select office

  1. If you want to Remove the office you selected, from the Current Selection, Click on the Red DESELECT button against the office.

  2. Click CONTINUE

Assign Member To Employee

  1. Search for appropriate employee by typing the name of the employee in the search field.

  2. From search RESULTS choose appropriate employee In this example we use Berlinda

  3. Click blue SELECT button to select the employee

  1. If you want to Remove the employee you selected, from the Current Selection, Click on the Red DESELECT button against the employee.

  2. Click CONTINUE

Complete custom fields

  1. Fill the CUSTOMER CATALOG. The customer catalog will vary with different organizations.


View Members

Once you have created members a chart of all members will appear on the manage member screen. The following information will be displayed:

  1. Id (account number)

  2. First Name

  3. Last Name

  4. Current Status (Active or Pending). If pending, open member’s profile to activate employee.

Tip: Use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the page to locate the Member you are searching for. Click the either arrows to move to the next or previous page.

Clicking on the blue SHOW button against Member’s name on the chart will launch that member’s  profile.

Edit Member

Click the blue Edit member icon at the right-bottom of member’s profile to edit the member’s information.

Once appropriate changes have been made in each of the sections click UPDATE MEMBER.

Manage Loan Accounts Of Members

On the member profile page click on LOAN ACCOUNTS to launch the manage member loans page.

Create New Loan For Member

Click on the blue + create new loan for member icon at the right bottom of the page. This will launch the create new loan for member page.

Complete the loan details:

  1. Choose appropriate product from drop down menu.

  2. Short name of loan product

  3. Principal amount of product

  4. Interest rate on loan

  5. In the Term Field,  Use the arrows to set the duration of the loan. From the drop down menu set the number and select either weeks, months or years.

  6. In the Repay Every field,  Set the Repayment Strategy of the loan. From the drop down menu set the number and select either weeks, months or years.

  7. The format for the on the field will depend on the Term of the loan and loan repayment strategy set above:

A) Loan Term is 2 months and Repayment strategy is every 1 week.

  • In the on the field select the day of the week you in which you will repay the loan from the drop down menu. In the example we use Tuesday.

B) Loan Term is 2 months and Repayment strategy is every 1 month

  • Selecting the 1st on the field will permit you to set the day of the month in which you will repay the loan. In the example we use 3rd Day of the month of the month.

  • Selecting the 2nd on the field will permit you to set the day of the week in the month which you will use to repay the loan. In the example we use First Tuesdays of the month.

C) Loan Term is 10 years and repayment strategy is every 1 year.

  • Selecting the 1st on the field will permit you set the day of the month which you will repay the loan. In this example we use 3rd Day of the month.

  • Selecting the 2nd on the field will permit you select the day of the week in the month which you will repay the loan. In this example we use the second wednesdays of the month.

  • In the in field, select the month of the year you will use to repay the loan from the drop down menu. In this example we use February.

  1. From the drop down menu select the appropriate deposit account used for payment.

Complete debt to income ratio section

  1. Under Debt field, Click on ADD DEBT 

  • In Description field, enter a description of the Debt

  • In Amount field enter the Amount of Debt

  • Click on REMOVE DEBT if member has no debt.

  • If member has more than one debt click on ADD DEBT to add another debt

  1. Under Income field, click on ADD INCOME

  • In Description field, enter a description of the Income

  • In Amount field enter the amount of Income

  • Click on REMOVE INCOME if member has no more income

  • If member has more than one income, click on ADD INCOME to add another income.

Complete Co-signer section

  1. In Member field enter type members name and select appropriate name from search results.

  2. Under Debt field, Click on ADD DEBT 

  • In Description field, enter a description of the Debt

  • In Amount field enter the Amount of Debt

  • Click on REMOVE DEBT if member has no debt.

  • If member has more than one debt click on ADD DEBT to add another debt

  1. Under Income field, click on ADD INCOME

  • In Description field, enter a description of the Income

  • In Amount field enter the amount of Income

  • Click on REMOVE INCOME if member has no more income

  • If member has more than one income, click on ADD INCOME to add another income


View Loan Accounts

A chart of Member loan accounts created will be displayed on the manage member loan page.

The following information will be displayed:

  1. Id

  2. Loan Product Id

  3. Principal

  4. Interest

  5. Current status.

Clicking on the blue SHOW button against a loan account on the chart will launch details of the loan account.

  1. Click on Planned Payments to view payments. This will launch the planned payments page. the following are displayed:

  • Date

  • Payments

  • Interest

  • Principal

  • Balance

  • Click the drop down menu against the Start Date field to Edit plan Payments

2)Click on Tasks to change Status of the member loan. this will launch the Task page.

  • Click on the Blue CLOSE button to change the status of the member loan to Close.

3) Click on Debt Income Report to View the debt Income Ratio of the Member and the Co-signer.

4) Click on Loan Documents to manage the loan documents. This will launch the Manage Documents page.

Click the blue +Create new document icon at the left-bottom of the page to create a new member loan document.

  • In Description field enter a description of the document


View Documents

A chart of loan documents created will be displayed on the manage documents page.  The following will be displayed:

  1. Description

  2. Created by

  3. Created on

Click on the blue SHOW button against a document to View details on the document.

  • Click on Edit icon at the right top of the page to edith document

  • Click on Delete icon at the right-top of the page to delete document

  • Click on blue Lock button to lock the document

  • Click on Upload Page icon at the right bottom of the page to upload Scanned loan documents from your computer.

Complete the following fields:

  • In Page Number field enter page number of the document you want to upload

  • In Select field, Click on BROWSE button to select appropriate page from your computer

  • Click on CREATE PAGE

All pages created will appear on the Document page.

  • Click on View Button to view page uploaded

  • Click on Delete button to Delete a page uploaded

Manage Deposit Accounts Of Members

On member profile page, click on Deposit Accounts to launch the manage member deposit accounts page.

Create New deposit Account For Member

Click the blue +Create New deposit account account for member at the right-bottom side of the page. This will launch the Create New Deposit Account for Member Page.

Complete the following fields:

  • Select product from drop down menu.

  • Search beneficiary by typing Beneficiary's name. ( beneficiaries should be members of your organization)

  • Click on create DEPOSIT ACCOUNT

View Deposit Accounts

A chart of all deposit accounts created will be displayed on the manage deposit accounts for member page.

The following information will be displayed:

  • Deposit Product

  • Account Identifier

  • Balance

  • State

  • Opened On

  • Last Transactions

Clicking on Blue SHOW button against a deposit account on the chart will launch details of the Deposit Account.

  1. Click on the Issue Cheques icon at the right-top of the page. This will launch the issue cheques page.

Complete the following fields:

  • Start at (optional)

  • Cheque amount


  1. Click on blue Edit Deposit Account icon at the right-bottom of the page. This will launch the Edit Deposit Account for Member page.

  • Search for appropriate beneficiary


View Identification Card

On Member Profile Page, click on Identification Cards to manage identification cards.

Click on blue +Create New Identification Card Icon at the Right-bottom of the page.

Complete the following fields:

  • In Number field, Enter Identification card number.

  • In Type Field, Enter the type of identification card used.

  • In Expiration date field, Enter Date of expiration of the identification card.

  • In Issuer field, Enter name of Authority who Issued the card.


A Chart of Identification cards Created will be displayed on the manage Identifications cards page.

The following will be displayed:

  • Number

  • Type

  • Issuer

Click on blue SHOW Button to open the detail page of the identification card.

  1. Click on Edit Identification Card Icon athe the Right-top of the page. This will launch the Edit Identification Card Page.

  • Edit the information in the various fields to suite the identification card you are using and click on UPDATE IDENTIFICATION CARD

  1. Click on Delete Identification card icon at the right-top of the page to delete the identification card used.

  • Confirm delete action on the pop up menu that appears

  1. Click on Add Identification Card Scan icon at the right bottom of the page. This will launch the Add Identification Card Page.

Complete the following fields:

  • In Identifier field Enter a name or number to identify the scan in the system.

  • In Description field add a Description of the scanned identification card

  • Select file from your Computer by Clicking on BROWSE button


A list of Scans Uploaded will be Displayed on the Identification card details page.

  • Click on Red Delete button to delete Scan

  • Click on View button to view scan

Manage Member Status

Click on Tasks on the member profile page to change the status of the member

  • On the Tasks page you can either LOCK or CLOSE a member.

View Recent Activities

Clicking on Activities on the Member Profile page to View Recent activities carried out on the member account.

  • A Chart of Latest Activities will be displayed on the Activities page.

Manage Member Payroll

Click on Payroll on the Member Profile Page to Manage Payroll Distributions. This will Launch the Payroll Allocations Page.

Click on blue Edit Payroll Distribution icon at the bottom of the page

  • Select main account by clicking on the drop down menu


Manage Tasks

On The Manage Members Page Click on Tasks. This will launch the Manage Tasks page. Click +create New Task icon at the right-bottom of the manage task page.

Complete the Following fields:

  • In Identifier field, enter a set of letter or figures to identify the task on the system.

  • In Name Field, enter the name of the task you are creating

  • In Description field, enter a description of the Task

  • Choose the Type Of task by selecting Either Identification Card, Four eyes or Custom

  • Select Mandatory if task is mandatory for members

  • Select Automatically assign this task when member is created (optional)

  • In Tasks need to be Executed, before member field, select either is activated, is unlocked, or is reopened from the drop down menu. Click on ADD Trigger if you want to add another field. Click on Remove to remove a Trigger

  • Click on CREATE TASKS

A Chart of all Task Created will Be displayed on the Manage Tasks Screen

  • Click on show against a task to open tasks Details.

  • Click on blue Edit tasks icon at the bottom of the page to edit a task.

  • Click on UPDATE TASKS after Editing

Manage Custom Fields

On the Manage Members page, Click  on Custom Fields. The Custom fields page will be launched.

  • Click on Delete icon at the right top side of the page to delete the catalog.

  • Click on SHOW button against a custom field to open the custom field details page.

  • Click on Delete icon at the top of the page to delete field

  • Click on blue Edit field icom at the right bottom of the page to edit the Field. This will launch the change custom Field page

Edit the following Fields:

  • Label

  • Hint (optional)

  • Description (optional)

  • Select Mandatory if the field is mandatory to members.


Next Page : Loan Product



  • No labels