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Camel 2.0.0 release (Work in progress)

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.0.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • Introduced type converter registry to allow end users to programmatic get access to this registry
  • major improvements to Jetty for better handling of exception/faults and easier end-user customization how response should be written
  • major improvements to [File] for consuming files, now supporting pluggable sorting, filtering and idempotent repositories.
  • major refactor and improvements to FTP, aligning it with the [File] component.
  • minor improvements to JDBC, SQL, HTTP and MINA
  • [File] and FTP producers added option to write files using a temporary name and then rename it to the real name after the write completes
  • SFTP added support for knownhosts and privatekey files
  • Mail now supports setting additional SUN java mail properties
  • MINA now supports setting text line delimiters for textline codec.
  • MINA producer now throws CamelExchangeException in case no response received from remote server when in sync mode (sync=true)
  • RedeliveryPolicy added support for ref attribute to reference a existing policy in the Registry
  • Added onWhen and retryUntil predicates to Exception Clause
  • List component renamed to Browse
  • Exception Clause is much smarter as it will use caused by exception hierarchy for matching as well (will use bottom ups)
  • Added support for [# syntax in Endpoint URI's] to allow endpoint URI's to refer to bean in the Registry.
  • consumer. prefix can be omitted for scheduled polling consumers such as [File], FTP consumersCAMEL-1199. Thus the URI options is more simpler and you don't have to remember which requires consumer. prefix and which doesn't.

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

  • None

New Components


  • Scala (work in progress, not fully feature complete)

New Annotations

  • None

New Data Formats

New Languages

  • None

New Examples

  • None

API breakings


  • The List component is renamed to Browse component
  • The Queue component has been removed
  • The FTP component have renamed some of its URI options
  • The [File] component have renamed some of its URI options

CXF producer

From Camel 1.5.1 the camel-cxf producer's serviceClass parameter should be Interface, before that you could specify the serviceClass as a Class or Interface.

Changes to existing interfaces

  • add getTypeConverterRegistry() to CamelContext
  • change to use verb for EIP action
    • ProcessorType splitter -> split
      ×× ProcessorType resequencer -> resequence
    • ProcessorType aggregator -> aggregate
    • ProcessorType delayer -> delay
    • ProcessorType throttler -> throttle
    • ExceptionType delay -> redeliveryDelay
  • change the the JAXB annotations for spring schema
    • AggregatorType @XmlRootElement(name = "aggregator") -> @XmlRootElement(name = "aggregate")
    • DelayerType @XmlRootElement(name = "delay") -> @XmlRootElement(name = "delay")
    • DelayerType @XmlElement private Long delay = 0L; -> @XmlElement private Long delayTime = 0L;
    • RedeliveryPolicyType @XmlAttribute private Long delay; -> @XmlAttribute private Long redeliveryDelay;
    • ResequencerType @XmlRootElement(name = "resequencer") -> @XmlRootElement(name = "resequence")
    • SplitterType @XmlRootElement(name = "splitter") -> @XmlRootElement(name = "split")
    • ThrottlerType @XmlRootElement(name = "throttler") -> @XmlRootElement(name = "throttle")

Removal of deprecated items

  • "initialRedeliveryDelay" in RedeliveryPolicy has been renamed to "delay". You will need to make this change in the Java/Spring DSL usage of the deadLetterChannel, redeliveryPolicy, transactionErrorHandler, and onException.
  • CamelTemplate has been removed, use ProducerTemplate instead. It can be created using org.apache.camel.CamelContext.createProducerTemplate().
  • exception() has been renamed to onException().
  • The beanShell method on ExpressionClause has been removed. Use language("beanshell", text) instead.
  • handleAll in try-catch has been renamed to finallyBlock
  • setOutBody() has been removed. Please use transform(Expression) instead.
  • setHeader(String name, String value) has been removed. Please use setHeader(String, Expression) instead.
  • convertOutBodyTo has been removed. Please use convertBodyTo(Class) instead.
  • The "methodName" parameter on a bean endpoint has been renamed to "method".
  • On the file endpoint excludedNamePrefixes and excludedNamePostfixes have been renamed to excludedNamePrefix and excludedNamePostfix.
  • The QueueCompoenent has been removed. Please use the seda: URI format instead of queue:
  • ListPollingConsumer has been removed.
  • InvalidHeaderTypeException has been removed. Use InvalidTypeException instead.
  • camelContext "useJmx" attribute has been removed. Please use the jmxAgent element instead.
  • CamelContext no longer has the following methods: addSingletonEndpoint, removeSingletonEndpoint, setRoutes
  • When using TransactionErrorHandlerBuilder, you must use DelayPolicy instead of RedeliveryPolicy.
  • The BeanInjector in camel-spring has been removed.
  • On Endpoint, getContext() and setContext(CamelContext) have been renamed to getCamelContext() and setCamelContext(CamelContext)
  • To set the ignored headers in the http component you must use the HeaderPropagationStrategy instead of setIgnoredHeaders(...)
  • JettyHttpProducer has been removed. Use org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpProducer instead.
  • In MailConfiguration, getDestination() and setDestination(...) have been renamed to getRecipients() and setTo(...).
  • shouldHeaderBePropagated() in HttpBinging has been removed in favour of using HeaderPropagationStrategy
  • In camel-ognl, RootObject class has changed getIn/Out to getRequest/Response
  • In JmsBinding, instead of get/setIgnoreJmsHeaders, use DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy.get/setOutFilter
  • In JmsProducer, getTemplate has been renamed to getInOnlyTemplate
  • get/setRequestTimeout on the JmsEndpoint has been removed. You will need to specify this in the JmsConfiguration.
  • In CxfBinding, createCxfMessage, storeCxfResponse, and copyMessage all require a HeaderFilterStrategy as a parameter. You can use 'new CxfHeaderFilterStrategy()' for instance.
  • In CxfSoapBinding, getCxfInMessage and getCxfOutMessage require a HeaderFilterStrategy as a parameter.
  • CxfSoapBinding.setProtocolHeader has been removed, please use CxfHeaderHelper.propagateCxfToCamel instead.
  • get/setContext() on the CxfSoapEndpoint has been renamed to get/setContext()
  • In camel-jms the RuntimeJmsException, MessagePropertyAccessException, MessagePropertyNamesAccessException, and MessageJMSPropertyAccessException have been removed. CamelRuntimeException will be thrown instead.
  • The beanShell method on ScriptBuilder has been removed. Use script("beanshell", text) instead.
  • In camel-stream usage of StreamMessage has been replaced by DefaultMessage
  • In StreamEndpoint, setFile has been removed. You should use the camel-file component instead.
  • In StreamEndpoint, setUrl has been removed. You should use the camel-http component instead.
  • serviceActivation has been removed

Aggregator specification in Spring DSL changed

The aggregator expression is now enclosed in a correlationExpression element. You now need to specify an aggregator as:

  <to uri="mock:result"/>

Known Issues

See known issues from previous releases.

Important changes to consider when upgrading

JAXB data format

If you use XJC to create the java class from the schema, you will get a ObjectFactory for you JAXB context. Since the ObjectFactory uses JAXBElement to hold the reference of the schema and element instance value, from Camel 1.5.1 jaxbDataformat will ignore the JAXBElement by default and you will get the element instance value instead of the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body.
If you want to get the JAXBElement object form the unmarshaled message body, you need to set the JaxbDataFormat object's ignoreJAXBElement property to be false.

Getting the Distributions

Binary Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



The above URLs use redirection

The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source for Windows

Source for Unix/Linux/Cygwin



Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


TOOD: Update to 2.0
For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes

jiraissues: com.atlassian.confluence.extra.jira.exception.JiraIssueMacroException: com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.
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