We are pleased to announce the new Camel 1.6.0 Release which includes the following new and noteworthy features! Get it while its hot!

Welcome to the 1.6.0 release which approx 169 issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • RedeliveryPolicy added support for ref attribute to reference a existing policy in the Registry
  • major improvements to Jetty for better handling of exception and faults and easier end-user customization how response should be written
  • minor improvements to Http and Mina
  • HTTP supports authentication
  • Mina producer now throws CamelExchangeException in case no response received from remote server when in sync mode (sync=true)
  • SFTP added support for knownhosts, privatekey files and passive mode
  • Added onWhen predicate to Exception Clause
  • Exception Clause is much smarter as it will use caused by exception hierarchy for matching as well (will use bottom ups)
  • Dead Letter Channel now have onRedeliver to allow custom processing an Exchange before its being redelivered. Allowing you to work on the message being sent.
  • Message Exchange Pattern can now be changed directly in the DSL.
  • No labels