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This document describe the process to release apache Hadoop Ozone. The process is not yet scripted and the documentation is work in progress


Tag the repository

git tag -s ozone-0.3.0-alpha-RC0

Set up environment variables

export VERSION=0.3.0-alpha

export RELEASE_DIR=/home/elek/projects/ozone-release/

export CODESIGNINGKEY=your_gpg_key_id

Reset the git repository

git reset --hard

git clean -dfx

Update the versions

find -name pom.xml -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i 's/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/ozone-$VERSION/g'

find -name pom.xml -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i 's/0.3.0-SNAPSHOT/0.3.0-alpha/g'

Create the release artifacts

mvn rat:check -fn -P hdds

mvn install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipTests -DskipShade -Psign,dist,src,hdds,hdds-src -Dtar -Dgpg.keyname=$CODESIGNINGKEY

cp hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-ozone-$VERSION-src-with-hdds.tar.gz $RELEASE_DIR/hadoop-ozone-$VERSION-src.tar.gz

cp hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-$VERSION.tar.gz $RELEASE_DIR/hadoop-ozone-$VERSION.tar.gz


Calculate the checksum and sign the artifacts

for i in $(ls -1 *.tar.gz); do gpg  -u ${CODESIGNINGKEY} --armor --output "${i}.asc" --detach-sig "${i}"; done

for i in $(ls -1 *.tar.gz); do sha512sum ${i} > ${i}.sha512; done

for i in $(ls -1 *.tar.gz); do gpg --print-mds ${i} > ${i}.mds; done

Upload the artifacts to somewhere

Upload everything from the $RELEASE_DIR to your apache home with sftp:


mkdir ozone-0.3.0-alpha-rc1

cd ozone-0.3.0-alpha-rc1

mput *

Check the results:

Push the tag to github

git push ozone-0.3.0-alpha-RC0

Note: It's not requirement to have the tag on the release branch (eg. on ozone-0.3) You can push the tag as is and merge it to the branch in case of a successful vote.



Publish the artifacts

You should commit the artifacts to the SVN repository. If you are not a PMC member you can commit it to the dev zone first and ask a PMC for the final move:

Checkout the svn folder:

And commit the artifacts to a new directory

svn mv

Write a haiku

Check the tag from the Ozone Road Map page (it's a national park).

Find a photo which is under the CC license.

Write a haiku to the photo with Future font.

Save it to add it to the announcement page.

Update the ozone and hadoop sites

This is documented here: How to generate and push ASF web site after HADOOP-14163

The same repository contains both the hadoop and the ozone sub-site.

In short:

  1. You need a new page like ozone/src/release/
  2. You put the photo with the haiku to ozone/static/releases/
  3. Regenerate the site: cd ozone && hugo
  4. Create a shorter announcement to the hadoop site, such as src/news/
  5. Execute hugo on the root dir of the repository
  6. Go to the content subfolder, start a webserver (I use Caddy without a config but python -m http also works) and check the result

You also need to upload the docs folder. It should be copied from the binary artifact to content/ozone/docs/...

Please also update the content/ozone/current symbolic link

At the end: commit and push everything (including the changes under ./content)

Add the final git tag and push it

git checkout ozone-0.3.0-alpha-RC1

git tag -s ozone-0.3.0-alpha -m "HDDS-602. Ozone 0.3.0-alpha release"

git push ozone-0.3.0-alpha

Change the development version on the branch

1. Usually I push the release tags as is and merge them back to the version branch later:

git checkout ozone-0.3

git merge apache/ozone-0.3

git merge ozone-0.3.0-alpha

2. Restore the apache hadoop version and bump the ozone version:

find -name pom.xml -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i 's/ozone-0.3.0-alpha/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/g'

find -name pom.xml -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i 's/0.3.0-alpha/0.3.1-SNAPSHOT/g'

3. Do a build and push the branch

Write an announcement mail to the hadoop mailing lists

Include general + user + all the dev mailing list

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