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Apache Wicket - web site

The tutorial is almost finished. We have to design the web page that we will use to consult the incidents published in the database. The web framework that we will use is Apache Wicket.

Step 1 : Web pages

To display the incidents in a web page, we will create the file HomePage.html in the directory src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/reportincident. This file contain html tags with some wicket tags. One of the benefit of Apache Wicket compare to other web frameworks is that it try to keep the html page as clean as possible to facilitate the work of the web designer and integration with code made by the developers. It is a component framework like JSF but not based on programmable page like JSP, ...

	<title>Report Incident HomePage</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
	<strong>Report Incident HomePage</strong>
	<span wicket:id="message">message will be here</span> (1)
	<table cellspacing="0" class="dataview">
        	<th>Incident Date</th>
        	<th>Incident Ref</th>
        	<th>First Name</th>
        	<th>Last Name</th>
        	<th>Creation date</th>
        	<td><span wicket:id="incidentId">[incidentId]</span></td> (2)
        	<td><span wicket:id="incidentDate">[incidentDate]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="incidentRef">[incidentRef]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="givenName">[givenName]</span> </td>
       	 	<td><span wicket:id="familyName">[familyName]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="summary">[summary]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="details">[details]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="email">[email]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="phone">[phone]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="creationUser">[creationUser]</span></td>
        	<td><span wicket:id="creationDate">[creationDate]</span></td>


Remarks :
(1) - The tag wicket:id="message" is used to display top of the screen a message
(2) - The tags <td> are enriched with parameter wicket:id="" to allow to the wicket code page to replace this property with the property field of the Incident class.

Step 2 : Web page code

package org.apache.camel.example.reportincident;

import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.camel.example.reportincident.model.Incident;
import org.apache.camel.example.reportincident.service.IncidentService;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier;
import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item;
import org.apache.wicket.model.AbstractReadOnlyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.LoadableDetachableModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;

 * Homepage
public class HomePage extends WebPage {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private static final transient Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HomePage.class);

	private IncidentService incidentService;

	 * Constructor that is invoked when page is invoked without a session.
	 * @param parameters
	 *            Page parameters
	public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {

		LOG.debug("Spring service : " + incidentService.toString());

		// Add the simplest type of label
		add(new Label("message", "List of incidents coming from web services or file : "));

		// Add paging
		DataView dataView = new DataView("pageable", new IncidentProvider()) {

			protected void populateItem(final Item item) {
				Incident incident = (Incident) item.getModelObject();
				item.add(new Label("incidentId", String.valueOf(incident
				item.add(new Label("incidentDate", String.valueOf(incident
				item.add(new Label("incidentRef", incident.getIncidentRef()));
				item.add(new Label("givenName", incident.getGivenName()));
				item.add(new Label("familyName", incident.getFamilyName()));
				item.add(new Label("summary", incident.getSummary()));
				item.add(new Label("details", incident.getDetails()));
				item.add(new Label("email", incident.getEmail()));
				item.add(new Label("phone", incident.getPhone()));
				item.add(new Label("creationUser", incident.getCreationUser()));
				item.add(new Label("creationDate", String.valueOf(incident

				item.add(new AttributeModifier("class", true,
						new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
							public Object getObject() {
								return (item.getIndex() % 2 == 1) ? "even"
										: "odd";
        // dataView.setItemsPerPage(20);

        // add(new PagingNavigator("navigator", dataView));


	private class IncidentProvider implements IDataProvider {

		public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) {
			return incidentService.findIncident().iterator();

		public int size() {
			return incidentService.findIncident().size();

		public IModel model(Object object) {
			return new Model((Incident) object);

		public void detach() {
			// TODO Auto-generated method stub


	private class IncidentDetachModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {

		private long id;

		protected Object load() {
			return incidentService.findIncident(String.valueOf(id));

		 * @param c
		public IncidentDetachModel(Incident i) {

		public IncidentDetachModel(long id) {

			if (id == 0) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException();
			} = id;



package org.apache.camel.example.reportincident;

import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication;
import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringComponentInjector;

 * Application object for your web application. If you want to run this application without deploying, run the Start class.
 * @see org.apache.wicket.example.Start#main(String[])
public class WicketApplication extends WebApplication
	 * Init
    public void init() {
        addComponentInstantiationListener(new SpringComponentInjector(this));

     * Constructor
	public WicketApplication()
	 * @see org.apache.wicket.Application#getHomePage()
	public Class<HomePage> getHomePage()
		return HomePage.class;


Step 3 : web.xml configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""






Step 4 : Add spring stuffs

To allow our web bundle to have access to the osgi (1) service org.apache.camel.example.reportincident.service.IncidentService, we have to add the following line in the file called }} that we create in the directory {{.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns=""
 <osgi:reference id="incidentService" interface="org.apache.camel.example.reportincident.service.IncidentService"/> (1)

Step 4 : Adapt the pom.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<name>Report Incident Web Bundle</name>








						<!-- add the generated manifest to the war -->



			<!-- to generate the MANIFEST-FILE required by the bundle -->
							javax.servlet;version="[2.5.0, 3.0.0)",
							javax.servlet.http;version="[2.5.0, 3.0.0)",
							javax.servlet.resources;version="[2.5.0, 3.0.0)",
							org.springframework.web.context;version="[2.5.6, 3.0.0)",;version="[2.5.6, 3.0.0)",,


Package the application

To simplify our deployment procedure, we will use the provisioning mechanism of Apache Servicemix called 'Feature'. In a feature xml file, we will define the bundles that we will package and their dependencies. The bundles can be linked to a feature and features can be linked together. This file will be packaged in a jar.

The advantage of the feature is that you avoid to deploy manually your bundles in your OSGI server and they can be versioned as you will see in the file. Moreover, the feature can be seen as a contract between your development and the deployment team. Different versions can be created according to the environment where the code will be deployed (development, acceptance and production).

If you prefer to generate automatically the file based on the dependencies of yours pom, then you can use the maven plugin maven-features-plugin

Create the file reportincident.features-1.0-SNAPSHOT-features.xml in the directory src/main of the project reportincident.features

Remarks :
(1) - The reportincident feature has the number version 1.0
(2) - Each feature is a collection of bundles or bundles/features. The bundle tag contains the URI syntax used by PAX URI to install the JAR or the resource on the OSGI server. We us the mvn protocol to download the jar from Maven repository but other protocols exist (see OPS4J for more info)
(3) - The camel feature include a list of camel-xx features.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<feature name="reportincident" version="1.0"> (1)
		<bundle>mvn:org.apache.camel.example/reportincident.activemq/1.0-SNAPSHOT</bundle> (2)
	<feature name="camel" version="2.0-M1">
		<feature>camel-core</feature> (3)

	<feature name="camel-core">

	<feature name="camel-spring">

	<feature name="camel-osgi">

	<feature name="camel-bindy">
	<feature name="camel-mail">
    <feature name="camel-velocity">

	<feature name="camel-jms">

	<feature name="camel-activemq">

	<feature name="camel-cxf">
	<feature name="cxf-osgi">

	<feature name="cxf" version="2.2">

	<feature name="web-core">

	<feature name="web">
	<feature name="spring-web">
    <feature name="transaction">
    <feature name="connector">
    <feature name="common">
    <feature name="activemq" version="5.2.0">
    <feature name="hibernate">
    <feature name="jdbc-driver">
    <feature name="wicket">

To generate the jar file containing the feature xml file, adapt the pom.xml like this :

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<name>Report Incident Project Features</name>

			<!-- standard Maven folder -->



During the execution of the maven command :

mvn clean install

maven will put the file reportincident.features-1.0-SNAPSHOT-features.xml in the jar and the jar will be installed in your Maven local repository under the directory {{localMavenRepository/org/apache/camel/example/reportincident.features/1.0-SNAPSHOT


The deployment process is very simple and two steps will be necessary :

Step 1 : Copy properties files in etc directory

Step 2 : Edit the file

Test it




  • No labels