When is the next version of SpamAssassin going to be released?
On Friday, 2004-07-09, SpamAssassin 3.0.0-pre2, a beta version, was released. Here's the [http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=spamassassin-users&m=108942809709527&w=2 announcement], which includes links to the downloads. The final release is expected within a month.
Here's the schedule for the 3.0.0 RescoreMassCheck runs:
- RescoreSet01Details for sets 0 and 1: by Jul 19th (7 days)
- generation of scores for sets 0+1, release of pre3: released Jul 22nd (3 days)
- RescoreSet23Details for set2, set3: by Jul 28th (5 days)
- generation of scores for sets 2+3, release rc1: released Jul ~29th (1 day)