The SpamAssassin ASF Zone
Here's a list of the stuff we have running on the SpamAssassin zone,
AutoMC: run from cron, spiders the SpamAssassin bugzilla, finds bugs marked with a specific keyword, performs MassChecks on those. currently disabled.
Buildbot: continuous integration daemon, running at . It uses Python and the Twisted framework, which is installed in /local.
, an rsync server with several authenticated accounts for upload of nightly MassChecks results and those for the periodic rescoring run.
Mass-check tag cron job: cron to tag the SVN tree for the nightly MassChecks.
Named: serving the subzone , which contains DNS records used in the SpamAssassin test suite's "dnsbl.t".
Httpd: provides public read-only access to the nightly MassChecks' log files; also serves pre-packaged tarballs for the nightly MassChecks.
We also have a selection of locally-installed binaries in /local. Mostly, this is custom perl builds – /local/perl561 , /local/perl586 , and the Twisted framework for Python.