Opening Bugs For Development
The general practise is to open a bug when some task needs to be done, even if there is no "bug" involved. The idea is to provide a "thread" of discussion and a place to track development. Also does Bugzilla offer a more persistent way of storing things, ie. stuff like patches and votes are less likely to get lost on the mailinglist.
When Taking Bugs...
MichaelParker phrased it like this:
When taking a bug in Bugzilla, please go ahead and make sure is in the CC list. That way bug
discussion is out in the open.
Committing Fixes For Bugs
When you commit a fix for some bug, the number of the bug should be stated in the commit message. JustinMason said once:
BTW, a tip on referring to bugs – the convention is
bug NNNN: blah blah
simply because Bugzilla has the smarts to automatically turn "bug NNNN"
into a hyperlink – and it's easily greppable.