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Ozone components depends on maven classpath. We generate classpath descriptor from the maven pom.xml files to use exactly the same classpath at runtime.

As a result, it's easy to start All the components in IDE (eg. IntelliJ) as the right classpath (without provided scope) has already been set.

(1) First of all you need a and an ozone-site.xml to configure the components.

(2) Save this file as to your disk;
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p %c{2} (%F:%M(%L)) - %m%n

(3) Save this to an ozone-site.xml:


As you can see everything is configured to run on localhost and use /tmp to store metadata.

(4) Now you can start the components. Start with the SCM (as OM depends on SCM). The easiest way to create a new Configuration is to open the StorageContainerManager class and try to run it. First time it will be failed but it creates a new StorageContainerManager entry in the run menu.

Now you can open RunEdit Configuration and edit the defaults:

The important settings:

  1. Add the -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/elek/ to the VM options
  2. Add the -conf /home/elek/ozone-site.xml to the Program arguments
  3. First time you should also add the --init flag to the scm/om Program arguments. It will initialize the metadata directory and shoud be removed after the first execution to start up scm.

(5) Do the same for OzoneManager

Note: OzoneManager can be initialized (with adding temporary the --init flag) only if the SCM is running.

(6) Start the datanode. The main class is HddsDatanodeService in this case.

Note1: with the provided configuration only one datanode is supported due to the port conflicts.

Note2: GenericCli doesn't support the -conf flag, yet. (see HDDS-1192). As of now you should copy the ozone-site.xml to the classpath.

 cp ozone-site.xml hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/resources 

But please, don't forget to delete if before commit.

(6) Main class of the S3 REST Gateway is org.apache.hadoop.ozone.s3.Gateway. It also requires the copy of ozone-site.xml to the classpath.

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