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Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 1.1.1

Geronimo URLs
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System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 1.4.2.  CORBA support requires a 
Sun Java 1.4.2 VM (specifically 1.4.2_08 or a higher 1.4.2_* release).

For users that do not require CORBA for their applications may also choose to use
Sun Java 1.5 VM.
Release Notes - Geronimo - Version 1.1.1

** Bug
    * [GERONIMO-1182] - Connector portlet delete challenge
    * [GERONIMO-1196] - Keystore portlet: Viewing trusted certificate results in an error
    * [GERONIMO-1445] - Allow deployment and use of exploded EAR modules
    * [GERONIMO-1476] - Changes to default log4j.rootCategory are not dynamic
    * [GERONIMO-1492] - Many "org/apache/geronimo" configIds still live in source tree
    * [GERONIMO-1582] - NPE for EJB webservices.xml with bad <jaxrpc-mapping-file>
    * [GERONIMO-1596] - Repeated interface in JMS connection factory plan causes deployment failure
    * [GERONIMO-1695] - CORBA for EJB with Local interface only causes NPE
    * [GERONIMO-1703] - ServerInfo.getBaseDirectory() returns null
    * [GERONIMO-1791] - LDAP Security Realm created via Console can fail deployment
    * [GERONIMO-1817] - "Test a Login" while adding LDAP Realm fails with NullPointerException
    * [GERONIMO-1906] - Cannot add a new connector using ActiveMQManagerGBean
    * [GERONIMO-1917] - repository doesn't deal well with case insensitive file systems
    * [GERONIMO-1959] - Console: plugin % complete shoudl reset to 0 while preparing a download
    * [GERONIMO-1960] - Bad GBean reference isn't caught during deployment
    * [GERONIMO-1967] - /remote-deploy url link throws Error 404.
    * [GERONIMO-1984] - New Keystore portlet - Add Trust Certificate throws exception
    * [GERONIMO-1996] - Error during deployment may result in files not being cleaned up properly
    * [GERONIMO-2007] - Avoid Classloader warnings generated by BasicProxyManager
    * [GERONIMO-2072] - Client-Deployer config is using wrong/hardcoded commons-primitives version
    * [GERONIMO-2076] - Must edit config.xml to provide custom plugin install source
    * [GERONIMO-2087] - MimeUtility.encodeWord()/encodeText() have some errors.
    * [GERONIMO-2091] - MimeBodyPart.getFileName() not retrieving name from the Content-Disposition header
    * [GERONIMO-2093] - Console database pool always gets NPE on deploy
    * [GERONIMO-2102] - Cannot deploy portlet WAR outside of console EAR
    * [GERONIMO-2117] - Remove files - they are no longer used
    * [GERONIMO-2120] - Can't have ejb references outside current config.  ClassCastException on org.openejb.proxy.ProxyInfo
    * [GERONIMO-2125] - Classpath entries in the web app archive META-INF/MANIFEST.MF are not added to the wep app class path
    * [GERONIMO-2134] - Shutdown error in ConfigurationClassLoader on Java 5
    * [GERONIMO-2136] - Remove About icon and about page from console
    * [GERONIMO-2138] - Configuration jsp-examples-tomcat includes Jetty dependencies
    * [GERONIMO-2142] - EJB Refs to EJB in parent module often fail
    * [GERONIMO-2145] - NPE in Maven1Repository
    * [GERONIMO-2146] - GBeanOverride ignores reference name when saving if artifact is not set
    * [GERONIMO-2160] - Can't install a J2EE connector plugin
    * [GERONIMO-2164] - Creating SQL- based security realm fails
    * [GERONIMO-2169] - Once tagged, the m:co goal of tags/1.1.1 should checkout the corresponding tagged version of OpenEJB (not a branch)
    * [GERONIMO-2170] - Tagged versions of Geronimo should not include in their list of maven repositories
    * [GERONIMO-2171] - some portions of a build still look at
    * [GERONIMO-2173] - Fix branches/1.1 (1.1.1-SNAPSHOT) build
    * [GERONIMO-2182] - Add 1.1 schemas to web site
    * [GERONIMO-2186] - Editing of Connection Pools other than Derby from console not working
    * [GERONIMO-2194] - Eclipse project names not generated consistently
    * [GERONIMO-2195] - SharedLib GBean fails to start if shared/lib and shared/classes dirs are missing
    * [GERONIMO-2197] - NPE when the "edit" link is selected on the Security Realms console page
    * [GERONIMO-2198] - CSSBean creates 2 unnecessary threads for every instance.
    * [GERONIMO-2199] - Key portion of Geronimo-1145 appears have gotten lost.
    * [GERONIMO-2200] - SMTP debug output echos portions of the output twice.
    * [GERONIMO-2202] - Move to new Apache Maven 1 repo (repo/m1-snapshot-repository
    * [GERONIMO-2208] - bad classpath in geronimo-deploy-jsr88-1.1.jar
    * [GERONIMO-2218] - KeyStore portlet:  Functionality missing from 1.0
    * [GERONIMO-2222] - Application errors in static initialization blocks during serialization of configuration during deployment  due to incorrect TCCL
    * [GERONIMO-2228] - generates wrong default-repository element
    * [GERONIMO-2230] - No cleanup after DeploymentWatcher exception
    * [GERONIMO-2234] - User can lock the default keystore without warning, making jetty server unusable
    * [GERONIMO-2235] - Locking default keystore results in serialization error on tomcat termination
    * [GERONIMO-2237] - Filtering of in TomcatDeployer plan creates CNF Exceptions in Ears
    * [GERONIMO-2238] - Can't copy a MultiParentClassLoader
    * [GERONIMO-2240] - Memory leak in DWR memory viewer info screen in console
    * [GERONIMO-2241] - Duplicate attributes created in config.xml for gbean
    * [GERONIMO-2243] - GBean references do not trim space from interface names (ref-type)
    * [GERONIMO-2247] - Apllications Portlets: "Restart" column does not alternate background color
    * [GERONIMO-2252] - A locked key in a keystore can never be unlocked.
    * [GERONIMO-2253] - No way to get information on a plugin you're about to install through the console
    * [GERONIMO-2256] - update m:checkout goal to use http to checkout openejb
    * [GERONIMO-2258] - Abstract/Maven repositories install modules incorrectly
    * [GERONIMO-2259] - Redeploy fails when module is not running
    * [GERONIMO-2260] - Plugin export process loses data
    * [GERONIMO-2261] - Stopped module makes plugin eligible
    * [GERONIMO-2269] - Error after redeploy (with no version in module ID)
    * [GERONIMO-2270] - Redeploy broken in 1.1.1

** Improvement
    * [GERONIMO-1037] - Clicking on "uninstall" link in Applications management pages deletes the configuration without any confirmation from user
    * [GERONIMO-1524] - DB pool portlet should let you select multiple driver JARs
    * [GERONIMO-1531] - KeyStore portlet should support deletion of certificates and private keys
    * [GERONIMO-1557] - When you enter the url of a web service in the console You should get a page showing the service name
    * [GERONIMO-1572] - Adjust the admin console app so that if the user does not have cookies enabled, the application presents a custom error page or popup telling the user that cookies must be enabled (instead of allowing the browser to present a default 408 error page)
    * [GERONIMO-1716] - Add usage of SimpleEncryption to PropertiesFileLoginModule and Admin Console
    * [GERONIMO-2030] - Allow WebServiceBuilder determine if there are WebServices to be deployed
    * [GERONIMO-2109] - Link to Console on Welcome application should be more prominent

** New Feature
    * [GERONIMO-1865] - Add ability to restart and reload configurations

** Task
    * [GERONIMO-2073] - Copyright date in the console needs to be updated
    * [GERONIMO-2264] - Created branches/1.1.1 to start release process

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