It is a sign of growth and popularity in any project if a book is being published about the project.

It is fair to establish that Apache Camel and its community have grown well over the last few years.
It was just a year ago when Apache Camel became a Top Level Project at Apache, moving out from under Apache ActiveMQ.

Now a year later we are happy to announce a dedicated book about Apache Camel is in the works entitled Camel in Action.

The book is being published by Manning, which is known for its high standard of technical books.
The authors are from within the core team of Camel which means the information is accurate and from the source.
It's up to date and distills details and insights that only people deeply involved with Camel could provide.

The authors are:

This book is essentially the Camel bible. It contains 14 chapters which are highly practical,
with examples demonstrating how you can get your head around Camel and be successful.
At present time 8 chapters are available through the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP).
The first 6 chapters have already been copy edited, which ensures a high standard for early access materials.

The topic for Chapter 14 is still open and is currently being debated in the book's online forum.
The forum is the meeting point between the authors and the readers.

Chapter 1 is a free chapter which is recommended for anyone starting with Camel. It explains what Camel is and what it is NOT.
It takes you through how to download, install and get started with your first example. And most importantly it also explains
the basic and core Camel concepts which ensure you are well prepared to understand the lingo used in Apache Camel and in integration in general.

If you are interested in buying the book, Manning have provided us with an exclusive and limited discount of 30%.
You can use coupon code camel30 when ordering online from the Manning bookstore.

We have also gathered a page which lists other books that are related to Camel.


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