Hello Apache PMCs --I hope you're having a great week thus far.

The ASF (through our Diversity & Inclusion committee) is a mentoring organization with Outreachy, a program organized by the Software Freedom Conservancy. Outreachy provides paid internships to those who are under-represented in technology, including women, individuals from the African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native American/Alaskan/Hawaiian communities, among others.

This year's Outreachy internships will run May-August 2020. Interns will work full-time and remotely with individual mentors from our community (= PMC members). Interns can work on a range of projects, such as programming, documentation, data science, user experience, marketing, graphic design, and more.

Several internships are available to Apache Projects: all PMCs are welcome to apply to propose work projects for Outreachy interns. The program works in a similar manner as GSoC, where candidate interns select which project/activity they’d like to work on. The more work projects proposed, the greater your Project's chance of being selected!

This is a great chance to give deserving individuals of diverse backgrounds, genders, and ages a chance to contribute to Open Source in many different ways. Helping others helps Apache Projects and our communities.

NOTE: The deadline to submit work project proposals to is 25 February 2020 at 4PM UTC. We encourage you to review the Outreachy mentor FAQ as you consider this opportunity https://www.outreachy.org/mentor/mentor-faq/

Those PMCs ready to apply as mentors may do so directly at https://www.outreachy.org/communities/cfp/apache/

For help crafting your project proposal, please contact the Apache coordinators --Matt Sicker, Awasum Yannick, and Katia Rojas-- at <dev@diversity.apache.org>.

To learn more about ASF Diversity & Inclusion, visit https://diversity.apache.org/
To learn more about Outreachy, visit https://www.outreachy.org/

We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

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