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Camel 2.3.0 release (currently in progress)

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.3.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • Property placeholders in for example endpoint uris is not natively supported in camel-core which means you no long need to use Spring for that. It works therefore in any environment as its provided out of the box in camel-core.
  • Property placeholders also works in the <CamelContext> when using Spring XML. Basically nearly all places where you enter text the property placeholder is supported.
  • Added ExchangeSentEvent to EventNotifier which contains time taken and is emitted when an Exchange is sent to an Endpoint. This allows end users to easily gather performance stats for Exchange send to endpoints.
  • Added disconnect option to MINA to close Mina session right after usage.
  • Jetty now supports to get the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse from the Message header.
  • XPathBuilder now supports being used without an Exchange which allows you to use it in a custom/generic fashion.
  • XPath now supports using the JVM system property specifying a custom XPathFactory to be used. You can use this to switch from default to use e.g. Saxon.
  • XSLT now supports using <xsl:include> where the files is loaded from classpath, and being able to load relative according to the endpoint configured location. See the wiki page for details.
  • Aggregator the completionPredicate is now being evaluated on-the-fly which allows it to trigger before the batchTimeout.
  • File, FTP added option eagerDeleteTargetFile to control the behavior when using tempFile whether or not to eagerly delete the target file or wait until last moment.
  • Total overhaul of the Aggregator EIP pattern.
  • Reduced registering producers in JMX to prevent using too much memory and potentially registering short lived producers which didn't bring much value of being managed as well.
  • Upgraded HTTP to use Apache HTTP Client 4.0.1. You may need to migrate if you use special or advanced configuration of HTTP Client.

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

  • camel-nagios for sending passive checks to Nagios
  • properties for using property placeholders to resolve endpoint uris.
  • camel-gae extensions
    • gauth component for implementing OAuth consumers.
    • glogin component for programmatic login to Google App Engine applications from Java clients.


New Annotations

New Data Formats

  • [camel soap]

New Languages

New Examples

API breaking

The Aggregate has been overhauled and thus you need to migrate you Camel application if you use it.
See the Aggregate wiki page for which options it has you should use.


org.apache.camel.spi.PollingConsumerPollStrategy now returns a boolean in the begin method. Use true to accept to begin polling, and false to skip polling at this time.

Known Issues

See known issues from previous releases.

Important changes to consider when upgrading

The SEDA endpoint is now by default unbounded in size, where as before they had a default size of 1000.

camel-http has been upgraded to use Apache HTTP Client 4.0.1 from 3.1. These two versions is much different how to configure, so you may have to migrate if you do any special or advanced configuration. Consult the Apache HTTP Client documentation.

Getting the Distributions

Binary Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



The above URLs use redirection

The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source for Windows

Source for Unix/Linux/Cygwin



Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the:
TODO: Fix for 2.3.0

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