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This is a technical comparison of the interfaces and classes present in both Chemistry and OpenCMIS.


In Chemistry the session and the Connection are the same thing. The connection has different implementations depending on the way it's connected to an underlying protocol. The connection implements methods from the high-level API, and also gives access to the low-level SPI implementing different methods.

In OpenCMIS the Session is a semi-generic context-like object (PersistentSessionImpl). Eventually, there will be two Session implementations. In the persistent model (almost) all changes are immediately passed to the repository. In the transient model all changes are cached until save() is called on the Session object. A Session can be "connected" using parameters to instantiate internally a low-level provider (CmisProvider). The provider holds configuration parameters that enable it to create a low-level SPI through a CmisSpiFactory. Through the SPI you can get to the various SPI *Service implementations.

Repository access

In Chemistry you get to a repository instance based on general repository parameters, and from it you can open connections with a username and password. The repository instance can be introspected (types, etc) without opening a session.

In OpenCMIS, you get a session factory, from which you open a session, from which you can get to the repository info (types, etc.). All connection parameters are passed to the createSession() method, including repository URL.

Registering a repository

  • Chemistry:
    Map<String, Serializable> params = ...; // URL, optional user, password
    RepositoryService repositoryService = new APPRepositoryService(url, params);
  • OpenCMIS
    No global registration. A JNDI-based method or dependency injection is suggested but not implemented.

Getting a repository / session factory

  • Chemistry
    Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getRepository("myrepo");
  • OpenCMIS
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = SessionFactoryImpl.newInstance();

Getting a session / connection

  • Chemistry
    Map<String, String> params = ...; // user, password
    Connection conn = repository.getConnection(params);
  • OpenCMIS
    Map<String, String> params = ...; // URL, user, password
    Session session = sessionFactory.createSession(parameters);

High-level APIs

From a connection/session you can get the root folder and express high-level operations

  • Chemistry
    Folder root = conn.getRootFolder();
    List<CMISObject> children = root.getChildren();
  • OpenCMIS
    Folder root = session.getRootFolder();
    PagingList<CmisObject> list = root.getChildren(1);

Base object

Contains getters and setters for properties, with convenience methods.
Contains methods like delete() etc. that pass through to the SPI/provider.

  • Chemistry
    The base interface is CMISObject. It flushes changes on save().
  • OpenCMIS
    The base interface is CmisObject. It flushes property changes on updateProperties().

Specialized Objects

Implement additional object-oriented methods depending on the interfaces.

  • Chemistry
    Folder, Document, Relationship, Policy
  • OpenCMIS
    FileableCmisObject, Folder, Document, Relationship, Policy


  • Chemistry
    ListPage: a page
    = List + getHasMoreItems + getNumItems
    Implemented by SimpleListPage. This is a data transfert object.
  • OpenCMIS
    PagingList: a list of pages which are themselves lists
    = Iterable<List> + getNumItems + getMaxItemsPerPage + size + get(page)
    AbstractPagingList is the base class. This is an active object that can fetch new pages by implementing a fetchPage() method that returns a FetchResult (which is equivalent to Chemistry's ListPage). It also has a LRU cache for pages which is disabled by default.

Provider APIs

This is called "SPI" in Chemistry, and "Provider" in OpenCMIS.

Services interfaces

  • Chemistry
    All CMIS services are implemented under the single interface SPI. The SPI uses classes and interfaces designed for Java.
  • OpenCMIS
    From a provider you get the various CMIS services as different interfaces (RepositoryService, ObjectService, NavigationService, etc.) using getters. The interfaces and classes are generic and reflect the CMIS schema.

High-level vs low-level vs implementation

  • Chemistry
    The high-level and SPI interfaces are mutualized (ex: org.apache.chemistry.RepositoryInfo).
    Florian> JAXB objects will be necessary for Web Services, similar to OpenCMIS.
  • OpenCMIS
    For the same concept OpenCMIS manipulates three different interfaces and their implementations:
    • the one in the high-level client API (ex: org.apache.opencmis.client.api.repository.RepositoryInfo, convenient access to data),
    • the one in the provider (ex: org.apache.opencmis.commons.provider.RepositoryInfoData, access to all extension points),
    • the one from JAXB (CmisRepositoryInfoType).

Common method parameters

  • Chemistry
    The SPI bundles together a number of call parameters that are used often together: Inclusion contains properties and rendition filters, relationship inclusion, flags for allowable actions, policies, acls. An Inclusion is passed to the relevant SPI methods.
  • OpenCMIS
    A default OperationContext on the session is used to specify these call parameters. A variant of the high-level methods taking an explicit OperationContext is also available. Furthermore, OperationContext controls the caching behavior of the objects retrieved by the call. In the provider interfaces everything is explicit, following the CMIS specification.

Object data

The base object contains information about one object: properties, allowable actions, relationships, renditions, etc.

  • Chemistry
    ObjectEntry is the basic class.
    It also contains change info and path segments, depending on how it was retrieved.
  • OpenCMIS
    ObjectData is the basic class.
    To provide it context, it is used by delegation is more complex constructions: ObjectInFolderData, ObjectInFolderContainer, ObjectInFolderList, ObjectParentData, ObjectList, etc. thus reflect the CMIS schema and allow access to all extension points.

Various enums

Relationship direction:

  • Chemistry
    Defines them according to best Java use. For instance RelationshipDirection can be 'source', 'target', 'either' or null. There is no separate IncludeRelationships.
  • OpenCMIS
    Mimicks JAXB. RelationshipDirection and IncludeRelationships are different.

Property type:

  • Chemistry
    PropertyType is a class allowing definition of new types, for specialized backends.
  • OpenCMIS
    PropertyType is an enum following JAXB.

Allowable actions:

  • Chemistry
    AllowableActions is a set of QNames.
  • OpenCMIS
    AllowableActions is a map from String (non-namespaced) to Boolean.
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