Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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POST /kylin/api/query

Request Body

  • sql - required. string. The text of sql statement.
  • offset - optional. int. Query offset. If offset is set in sql, curIndex will be ignored.
  • limit - optional. int. Query limit. If limit is set in sql, perPage will be ignored.
  • acceptPartial - optional. bool. Whether accept a partial result or not, default be “false”. Set to “false” for production use.
  • project - optional. string. Project to perform query. Default value is ‘DEFAULT’.

Request Sample

"sql":"select count(*) from kylin_sales",
"project": "learn_kylin"

Curl Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{ "sql":"select count(*) from kylin_sales", "project":"learn_kylin" }' http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/query

Response Body

  • columnMetas - Column metadata information of result set.
  • results - Data set of result.
  • cube - Cube used for this query.
  • affectedRowCount - Count of affected row by this sql statement.
  • isException - Whether this response is an exception.
  • ExceptionMessage - Message content of the exception.
  • Duration - Time cost of this query
  • Partial - Whether the response is a partial result or not. Decided by acceptPartial of request.

Response Sample

    "columnMetas": [
            "isNullable": 0,
            "displaySize": 19,
            "label": "EXPR$0",
            "name": "EXPR$0",
            "schemaName": null,
            "catelogName": null,
            "tableName": null,
            "precision": 19,
            "scale": 0,
            "columnType": -5,
            "columnTypeName": "BIGINT",
            "autoIncrement": false,
            "caseSensitive": true,
            "searchable": false,
            "currency": false,
            "signed": true,
            "writable": false,
            "definitelyWritable": false,
            "readOnly": true
    "results": [
    "cube": "CUBE[name=kylin_sales_cube]",
    "affectedRowCount": 0,
    "isException": false,
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "duration": 2557,
    "totalScanCount": 0,
    "totalScanBytes": 0,
    "hitExceptionCache": false,
    "storageCacheUsed": false,
    "traceUrl": null,
    "partial": false,
    "pushDown": false

Prepare query

POST /kylin/api/query/prestate

Request Body

  • sql - required. string. The text of sql statement.
  • offset - optional. int. Query offset. If offset is set in sql, curIndex will be ignored.
  • limit - optional. int. Query limit. If limit is set in sql, perPage will be ignored.
  • acceptPartial - optional. bool. Whether accept a partial result or not, default be “false”. Set to “false” for production use.
  • project - optional. string. Project to perform query. Default value is ‘DEFAULT’.

Request Sample

"sql":"select count(*) from kylin_sales",
"project": "learn_kylin"

Save query

POST /kylin/api/saved_queries

Request Body

  • sql - required. string. The text of sql statement.
  • name - required. string. Sql name.
  • project - required. string. Project to perform query.
  • description - optional. string. Sql description.

Request Sample

	"sql": "select count(*) from kylin_sales",
	"name": "test",
	"project": "learn_kylin"

Remove saved query

DELETE /kylin/api/saved_queries/{id}

Path Variable 

  • id - required. string. The id of saved query you want to remove

Get saved queries

GET /kylin/api/saved_queries

Response Sample

        "name": "test",
        "project": "learn_kylin",
        "sql": "select count(*) from kylin_sales",
        "description": null,
        "id": "-1674470999"

Get running queries

GET /kylin/api/query/runningQueries

Stop Query

PUT /kylin/api/query/{queryId}/stop

Path Variable

  • queryId - required. String. The queryId of you want to stop. You can obtain it by Get running queries.

List queryable tables

GET /kylin/api/tables_and_columns

Request Parameters

  • project - required string The project to load tables

Response Sample

        "columns": [

  • No labels