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Apache Ozone is run by the Project Membership Committee appointed by the ASF board (for more details about how ASF work see this page).

The current list of the Ozone PMC members can be found in the Apache Phonebook.

This page is for existing PMC members to help with various project related processes.

New committer process

To add a new committer to Apache Ozone, the recommended process is the following:

Discuss thread

Usually it's a good practice to start a DISCUSS thread on the about the new candidate to check if others agree in the nomination or not.

Discuss thread is not strictly required, but an easy way to get feedback.


Subject: [DISCUSS] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone Committer

Dear PMCs,

I'd like to get your thoughts on having <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone


Please share your thoughts,


In the name of transparency, it's a good practice to share if the nominee and the initiator has the same employer:

Please share your thoughts,



DISCLAIMER: We share the same employer

Discuss thread is good place to add more detailed opinion. It't always better to share detailed feedback in addition to +1/-1.

Vote thread

After a positive DISCUSS thread a VOTE thread can be started. Use at least 7 days for the vote period.


Subject: [VOTE] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone Committer

Dear PMCs,

Based on the positive feedback from the earlier discussion thread [1] I am starting the official vote to invite <<FIRST LAST>> to be a Ozone

This will run for 7 days, ending on Feb 28, 2021 01:40 UTC
I'll start with my +1.


[1] <<LINK from >>

Close the vote

After the 7 days, the VOTE can be closed.
A positive result is achieved by Consensus Approval: i.e. at least 3 +1 votes and no vetoes.


Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone Committer

This vote is ended.

It was <<successful/not successful>> with <<NUMBER OF +1>> +1, <<NUMBER OF 0>> 0, and <<NUMBER OF -1>> votes

Thanks for all your votes,

Invite the committer

If the vote is passed, an invitation can be sent out to the new candidate:

Subject: Invitation to become an Apache Ozone committer


The Apache Ozone Project Management Committee (PMC)  hereby offers you committer privileges to the project. These privileges are offered on the understanding that you'll use them reasonably and with common sense. We like to work on trust rather than unnecessary constraints.

Being a committer enables you to more easily make  changes without needing to go through the patch  submission process.

Being a committer does not require you to  participate any more than you already do. It does  tend to make one even more committed. You will  probably find that you spend more time here.

Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a  contributor, participating as you do now.

 This personal invitation is a chance for you to  accept or decline in private. Either way, please
let us know in reply to the address only.

 If you accept, the next step is to register an iCLA:

1. Details of the iCLA and the forms are found through this link:

2. Instructions for its completion and return to the Secretary of the ASF are found at

3. When you transmit the completed iCLA, request  to notify the Apache Ozone and choose a  unique Apache id. Look to see if your preferred  id is already taken at  This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC  when your iCLA has been recorded.

When recording of your iCLA is noticed, you will  receive a follow-up message with the next steps for  establishing you as a committer.

(If you have already done this, all you need to do is decide whether or not you want to accept the privilege.)

Further reading:
- The guide to new committers at Apache Software Foundation:
- A quick understanding on how the ASF works:

We hope that you accept this invitation!

(On behalf of the Apache Ozone PMC)

Create account (Chair)

The secretary will notify the private list (and the nominee) about receiving the ICLA.

Once the ICLA has been filed, PMC Chair can use the ASF New Account Request form to generate the request. Should the PMC chair be unavailable for any reason, any ASF member can act his/her stead.

New PMC member process

Nominating PMC members are very similar to the previous (committer) process. The only differences:

 1. ICLA is not required to be signed as (most probably) the PMC member is already an Apache committer
 2. NOTICE should be sent out to the board before the invitation.

Discuss thread

Usually it's a good practice to start a DISCUSS thread on the about the new candidate to check if others agree in the nomination or not.

Discuss thread is not strictly required, but an easy way to get feedback.


Subject: [DISCUSS] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone PMC member

Dear PMCs,

I'd like to get your thoughts on having <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone
PMC member.


Please share your thoughts,


In the name of transparency, it's a good practice to share if the nominee and the initiator has the same employer:

Please share your thoughts,



DISCLAIMER: We share the same employer

Discuss thread is good place to add more detailed opinion. It't always better to share detailed feedback in addition to +1/-1.

Vote thread

After a positive DISCUSS thread a VOTE thread can be started. Use at least 7 days for the vote period.


Subject: [VOTE] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone PMC member

Dear PMCs,

Based on the positive feedback from the earlier discussion thread [1] I am starting the official vote to invite <<FIRST LAST>> to be a PMC member.

This will run for 7 days, ending on Feb 28, 2021 01:40 UTC
I'll start with my +1.


[1] <<LINK from >>

Close the vote

After the 7 days, the VOTE can be closed.
A positive result is achieved by Consensus Approval: i.e. at least 3 +1 votes and no vetoes.


Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] <<FIRST LAST>> as an Apache Ozone PMC member

This vote is ended.

It was <<successful/not successful>> with <<NUMBER OF +1>> +1, <<NUMBER OF 0>> 0, and <<NUMBER OF -1>> votes

Thanks for all your votes,


Adding a new PMC member requires sending an email notification to the Board's mailing list and the PMC's private mailing list and waiting 72 hours. Be sure to send a separate [NOTICE] email for each individual you are nominating.

For more details, check this page.

Subject: [NOTICE] Jane Doe for Apache Ozone PMC

Apache Ozone proposes to invite Jane Doe (janedoe) to join the PMC.

The vote result is available here:<<FIX THE LINK>>

Thanks and Regards,


Invite the PMC member

If the vote is passed, an invitation can be sent out to the new candidate:

Subject: Invitation to become an Apache Ozone PMC member

Hi <<name>,

The Apache Ozone Project Management Committee greatly appreciates the valuable contributions you have made to the project and would like to invite you to join us as a Hadoop PMC member.

As you may know, the Ozone PMC is tasked with the oversight of Ozone project. Technical discussions related to development in our codebase are *always* held in public. On the occasion that a matter arises that is not suitable for public disclosure, such as legal or security issues, those matters are handled on the private PMC mailing list.

Nominations for new committers and PMC members also go by way of the PMC mailing list. Generally speaking, the role of the PMC can be summarized as keeping an eye on the progress of the project and
working with other contributors, committers and PMC members to ensure that it has a solid future. Our committers are responsible for our code; the PMC is responsible for our community.

You can find more information about PMC role here:

Please reply to this email with your decision (be sure to CC:

If you accept, please send a subscription request to and our moderators will approve your subscription.


(On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC)

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