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Current state: Under Discussion

Discussion thread: here 

JIRA: here 

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


We have Source Connectors bridging in data from systems that we do not have explicit control over. Even with some defensive settings, it is possible we may receive a message that is too large/un-processable for our configured Connect Worker, Kafka Broker, and other eco system components. The current behavior kills the Connector when such an error arises.

KAFKA-8586 addressed the issue of silently failing to produce data by capturing the producer errors and failing the task.

We have no ability to handle these errors inside of the Connector.

We would like to stay alive and keep processing and log out the error/write metadata to a topic/etc... for other systems to pick up for human intervention.

There is extensive error handling/retry capability (KIP-298, KIP-458) but none of it applies to the step of the process if the actual write to Kafka fails.

Public Interfaces

    public static final String IGNORE_PRODUCER_EXCEPTIONS_CONFIG = "errors.producer.ignore";
    public static final boolean IGNORE_PRODUCER_EXCEPTIONS_DEFAULT = false;
    private static final String IGNORE_PRODUCER_EXCEPTIONS_DOC = "If true, the connector will ignore producer exceptions. "
            + "The SourceRecord that failed to be written will be handed to commitRecord for handling by the connector.";

     * <p>
     * Commit an individual {@link SourceRecord} when the callback from the producer client is received. This method is
     * also called when a record is filtered by a transformation, and thus will never be ACK'd by a broker. It is also
     * called when "errors.producer.ignore" is set to true. In both cases {@code metadata} will be null.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * SourceTasks are not required to implement this functionality; Kafka Connect will record offsets
     * automatically. This hook is provided for systems that also need to store offsets internally
     * in their own system.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The default implementation just calls {@link #commitRecord(SourceRecord)}, which is a nop by default. It is
     * not necessary to implement both methods.
     * </p>
     * @param record {@link SourceRecord} that was successfully sent via the producer, filtered by a transformation, or dropped on producer exception
     * @param metadata {@link RecordMetadata} record metadata returned from the broker, or null if the record was filtered or if producer exceptions are ignored
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void commitRecord(SourceRecord record, RecordMetadata metadata)
            throws InterruptedException {
        // by default, just call other method for backwards compatibility

                    (recordMetadata, e) -> {
                        if (e != null) {
                            log.error("{} failed to send record to {}: ", WorkerSourceTask.this, topic, e);
                            log.trace("{} Failed record: {}", WorkerSourceTask.this, preTransformRecord);
                            if (workerConfig.getBoolean(SourceConnectorConfig.IGNORE_PRODUCER_EXCEPTIONS_CONFIG)) {
                                commitTaskRecord(preTransformRecord, null);
                            else {
                                producerSendException.compareAndSet(null, e);

Proposed Changes

I would like to add a configuration item to SourceConnectorConfig: "errors.producer.ignore". 

WorkerSourceTask will check this configuration item to see if it should “ignore” this exception, call commitRecord(SourceRecord, RecordMetadata) to allow the connector to ack their source system, and continue processing. Otherwise it will set the producerSendException and the current behavior applies.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The configuration item would default to false. Any Source Connector that does not set it to true it will continue with the current behavior of dying on a Producer Exception.

Rejected Alternatives

New interface method to SourceTask:

The original design has some pitfalls as outlined on the mailing list discussion above.

     * <p>
     * This function gives SourceTasks an option to handle Producer Exceptions rather than dying.
     * See {@link Callback} for examples of exceptions.
     * </p>      
     * <p>
     * SourceTasks are not required to implement this functionality; Kafka Connect will still kill the connector
     * by default if this function is not overridden by subclasses.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This function is executed in a different thread than poll().
     * </p>      
     * @param sourceRecord {@link SourceRecord} Pre transformation SourceRecord given to Kafka from the Connector
     * @param producerRecord {@link ProducerRecord} Post transformation representation of the actual record Kafka failed to write
     * @param e {@link Exception} exception that was thrown when the producer attempted to write the ProducerRecord to Kafka
     * @return boolean whether or not Connect should ignore this exception
    public boolean ignoreNonRetriableProducerException(SourceRecord sourceRecord,
                                                       ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> producerRecord, Exception e) {
        return false;

                    (recordMetadata, e) -> {
                        if (e != null) {
                            log.error("{} failed to send record to {}: ", WorkerSourceTask.this, topic, e);
                            log.trace("{} Failed record: {}", WorkerSourceTask.this, preTransformRecord);
                            if (!task.ignoreNonRetriableProducerException(preTransformRecord, producerRecord, e)) {
                                producerSendException.compareAndSet(null, e);
                        } else {

Passing only the SourceRecord back to the connector:

It may be beneficial for some users to have the byte[] ProducerRecord Kafka tried to send.

The connector could get access to the worker properties and do some validation:

The message could then be intercepted before a write is attempted to Kafka. This is a lot of a priori knowledge to configure in advance and does not allow any leeway if an edge case is missed.

Keep current behavior:

There are cases where we want to note somewhere in Kafka that we failed to ingest a record. Writing a DLQ back to the source system may not be advisable or possible. In the particular case of a record that is too large, we have no means to sample some metadata from the SourceRecord or even throw it away with some log messages.

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