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You are performing an Apache StreamPipes release for the first time?

Read the Onboarding Guide for Release Managers!

Prepare release candidates

Use a clean repository

It is recommended to use a clean repository for release preparation to ensure there are no unexpected local files in the source release.


First, set sp.version in the Maven archetypes to the upcoming release version of StreamPipes:

Update Maven archetypes
# In all subdirectories of archetypes, open the pom.xml file in src/main/resources/archetype-resources and set the sp.version property to the upcoming version (e.g., 0.66.0)

# Commit and push these changes to rel/VERSION

Update the UI version manually to the upcoming version:

Update UI version
# Update the version in ui/package.json

Now it's time to perform the Maven release!

Make sure to checkout a clean copy of incubator-streampipes and perform the following. Make sure you do this from the rel/VERSION branch!

Perform Maven release
mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Papache-release

The release plugin will ask you a few things:

  1. The version we want to release as (It will suggest the version you get by omitting the -SNAPSHOT suffix)

  2. The name of the tag the release commit will be tagged with in the SCM (Name it release/{release-version} (e.g., release/0.66.0 )

  3. The next development version (The version present in the pom after the release) (e.g., 0.66.1-SNAPSHOT, use the next patch version and not the new minor version in dev)

Once this is finished, check that everything is correct: There should be a new tag release/version (e.g., release/0.66.0) which doesn't have any SNAPSHOT dependencies. In addition, your rel/VERSION branch should be increased to the next patch version.

Great! So the next step is to actually perform the release and stage the artifacts to the ASF Nexus. The command you need to run is:

Finish release
mvn release:perform -DreleaseProfiles=apache-release

Uploading the artifacts to the ASF Nexus might take some time. Once it is finished, go to, log in with your Apache credentials, go to "Staging Repositories" and search for "streampipes".

There should be one item in the list containing the just uploaded files. Click on "Close" and enter a message (e.g., Close StreamPipes release VERSION) and then you are done on the Maven side!

The final step is to upload the source release artifacts to the Apache SVN:

Upload files to SVN
# Create a new rc folder in the SVN (
# Create a new directory for the version (e.g., 0.66.0) and a new subdirectory for the release candidate (which is increased for every failed release), e.g., rc1.

# The folder structure should look like this:

  - 0.66.0
     - rc1

# Copy the following files into this folder (they can be found in incubator-streampipes/target/checkout/target:
- The zip file (
- The asc file
- The sha512 file

# Commit these changes to SVN.

Great! The core module is ready for release voting.


As the dependencies required by the extensions from incubator-streampipes are not yet available in Maven Central, we first need to manually install these dependencies locally:

Install StreamPipes core dependencies
# in incubator-streampipes/target/checkout (make sure the version is the release version (e.g., 0.66.0)

mvn clean install

Now switch to the incubator-streampipes-extensions project, make sure you are in the release branch (e.g., rel/0.66.0) and edit your pom.xml to make sure it uses the release version of all core modules:

Modify pom.xml
# in incubator-streampipes-extensions/pom.xml

# Change the parent to the StreamPipes core release version:


# Change the streampipes.version property to the core release version:


The next step is to prepare the release with the following command (make sure to do this in a fresh local copy)

Perform Maven release
mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Papache-release

Afterwards, finish the release. The deployment to a Maven repository is skipped, as the binary artifacts are all fat jars that are not intended for distribution via Maven.

Finish release
mvn release:perform -DreleaseProfiles=apache-release


Now you can go to target/checkout/target and copy the dependencies to the Apache SVN. The Apache SVN directory is "extensions", the steps are equal to the steps described for the core module.


The preparation of a release candidate for incubator-streampipes-installer is a manual process:

Modify versions

Use the update version script to change version to release version:

Create release branch
# go to release brnacht (e.g. rel/0.66.0)

# change version to next release version
git push origin

Create release candidate tag

Modify StreamPipes version
git tag release/VERSION

#e.g., git tag release/0.66.0

# push tags
git push origin --tags

Remove git related files

Ensure to remove all files and folders that start with ".git" before creating the zip file.

Create Zip file

The next step is to create a zip file for the source release:

Create zip file
zip -r incubator-streampipes-installer

# e.g.:
zip -r incubator-streampipes-installer/

Do a quick check if the source release contains any binary files, SNAPSHOT dependencies or other things that should not be part of the release. (e.g.,  grep -rnw './' -e 'SNAPSHOT')

Now we'll create a GPG signature:

Create GPG signature
gpg --detach-sign -a -u GPG_KEY

# e.g.:
gpg --detach-sign -a -u CA110DC0

# enter your passphrase when asked

The next step is to create a checksum:

Create checksum
sha512sum >

# e.g.:
sha512sum >

Now we are ready to prepare the release candidate in the Apache SVN:

Upload files to SVN
# Create a new rc folder in the SVN (
# Create a new directory for the version (e.g., 0.66.0) and a new subdirectory for the release candidate (which is increased for every failed release), e.g., rc1.

# The folder structure should look like this:


Copy the following files into this folder:
- The zip file
- The asc file
- The sha512 file

# Commit these changes to SVN.

Initiate vote

Now comes the best part: You're ready to send the VOTE mail to the developer list!

Remember: As an incubating project, two votes are required: First, the Apache StreamPipes community triggers a vote - once this vote is successful, a second vote will happen on the incubator list. But one step after the other - now let's write the mail targeted at our developer list at

Vote Mail

[VOTE] Apache StreamPipes 0.66.0 (incubating) RC1 release

Apache StreamPipes (Incubating) 0.66.0 has been staged and it’s time to vote on accepting it for release.
If approved, we will seek final release approval from the IPMC. Voting will be open for 72 hours.
A minimum of 3 binding +1 votes and more binding +1 than binding -1 are required to pass, but everyone is welcome to vote!

Three artifacts are relevant for this vote:

incubator-streampipes, staged at [1], available in Nexus at [2], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: b8c23e6785eaad79da6dd03072f2c1dcbfa467b4
incubator-streampipes-extensions, staged at [3], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: 44b7dd13c75058811a001f1aa6b3f6805285eb2d
incubator-streampipes-installer, staged at [4], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: 1a8054239d8f42d66ee95e7b1282708f5f1266b0

Per [5] "Before voting +1, [P]PMC members are required to download the signed source code package,
compile it as provided, and test the resulting executable on their own platform,
along with also verifying that the package meets the requirements of the ASF policy on releases."

A release validation guide is available at [6]. The KEYS file is available at [7]

[ ] +1 accept (indicate what you validated - e.g. performed the checklist at the end of [6])
[ ] -1 reject (explanation required)

Thanks for taking your time for validating this release!


Cancel a vote

  • If problems occur during the VOTE cancel the VOTE and prepare a new release candidate
Vote Mail

[CANCEL][VOTE] Apache StreamPipes 0.66.0 (incubating) RC1 release


Add description of the problem and how to resolve it.

Announce vote result

After 72 hours, the vote can be closed. Sometimes it might be worth to wait a little longer to allow all IPMC members to vote accordingly. If votes are missing, you can also directly approach people from the PPMC and ask for their vote.

Send the following mail to the dev list to announce the results:

Vote Result Mail

[RESULT][VOTE] Apache StreamPipes 0.66.0 (incubating) RC1 release

Hi all,

the vote is now closed after the 72h period has passed.
Result (as per [1], only votes from IPMC members are binding):
The vote PASSES with X votes +1 (X binding/Y non-binding) and no -1.

+1 (binding)

+1 (non-binding)

I will now bring the vote to the IPMC to get final approval for release.



Vote on Incubator list

IPMC Vote Mail

[VOTE] Apache StreamPipes 0.66.0 (incubating) RC1 release 

Hi all,

this is a call for a vote to release Apache StreamPipes (incubating) 0.66.0.
Apache StreamPipes (incubating) is self-service Industrial IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IIoT data streams.
The Apache StreamPipes community has voted on and approved a proposal to release Apache StreamPipes (incubating) 0.66.0

We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this release.

Vote and result threads from the StreamPipes community:

From the PPMC vote, we carry over 3 binding IPMC votes:
Christofer Dutz
Justin Mclean
Julian Feinauer

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

Please vote accordingly:

[] +1 approve (indicate what you validated - e.g., performed the checklist at [6])
[] +0 no opinion
[] -1 reject (explanation required)

Three artifacts are relevant for this vote: 

incubator-streampipes, staged at [1], available in Nexus at [2], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: b8c23e6785eaad79da6dd03072f2c1dcbfa467b4
incubator-streampipes-extensions, staged at [3], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: 44b7dd13c75058811a001f1aa6b3f6805285eb2d
incubator-streampipes-installer, staged at [4], release tag: release/0.66.0, hash for the release tag: 1a8054239d8f42d66ee95e7b1282708f5f1266b0

Per [5] "Before voting +1, [P]PMC members are required to download the signed source code package, 
compile it as provided, and test the resulting executable on their own platform, 
along with also verifying that the package meets the requirements of the ASF policy on releases." 

A release validation guide is available at [6]. The KEYS file is available at [7] 

Thanks for taking your time for validating this release!


Publish vote result to Incubator list

IPMC Vote Result Mail

[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache StreamPipes 0.66.0 (incubating) 

Hi all,

The vote to release Apache StreamPipes (incubating) 0.66.0 has passed with three +1 binding votes.

Binding votes:

Christofer Dutz
Julian Feinauer
Justin Mclean

Vote thread:

Thanks a lot to everyone for taking your time to review our release candidate!
We will proceed with publishing the approved artifacts and sending out the announcements in the coming days.

On behalf of the Apache StreamPipes Community,

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