The Apache MiNiFi Java codebase has been merged with the Apache NiFi codebase as of NiFi 1.14.0. Please refer to the NiFi Release Notes going forward.

Version 0.5.0

Release Date: 7 July 2018

Highlights of 0.5.0 release include

  • Provides handling of the NiFi Registry version flow format to MiNiFi YAML
  • Updates to utilize the NiFi 1.7.0 core libraries
  • Usability enhancements when ingesting new configuration

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

Version 0.4.0

Release Date: 22 January 2018

Highlights of 0.4.0 release include

  • Support for communication with NiFi 1.5.0 Remote Process Group
  • Improved error reporting

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

Version 0.3.0

Release Date:  2017 December 22

Highlights of 0.3.0 release include

  • Support for MiNiFi running as a Windows service
  • Configurable repository implementations
  • Improved handling of added extension bundles and versioning
  • S3 implementation for MiNiFi C2 configuration cache 
  • Upgrade to 1.4.0 NiFi core libraries

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

Version 0.2.0

Release Date:  2017 May 18

Highlights of 0.2.0 release include

  • Upgrading of core component dependencies to NiFi 1.2.0
  • Initial command and control server capabilities
  • Increased support for NiFi features in configuration YAML inclusive of:
    • Support for HTTP Site to Site Proxy Properties
    • Controller Services
    • Binding site to site to a specific network interface

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

Version 0.1.0

Release Date:  2016 December 4

Highlights of 0.1.0 release include

  • Upgrading of core component dependencies to the NiFi 1.x baseline
  • Inclusion of the HTTP Site to Site
  • Increased support of NiFi components within MiNiFi YAML configuration
  • Introduction of Pull mechanism for configuration changes
  • Addition of reporters from bootstrap process to solicit information from the running instance 

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

Version 0.0.1

Release Date: 10 July 2016

Highlights of 0.0.1 release include

  • Declarative configuration of processing flows through a YAML configuration file
  • Exporting of provenance events to another NiFi instance via a Reporting Task over Site to Site
  • Flow change configuration watcher implementations that provide reloading a NiFi instance when receiving an updated flow over REST or changes on a file system
  • Providing a mechanism to query an instance's status

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at

  • No labels