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It looks that currently the AbstractStreamOperator API has some scope/stability annotation inconsistency. More specifically,

  • The AbstractStreamOperator class is marked as @PublicEvolving
  • AbstractStreamOperator.getInternalTimerService() returns a type of InternalTimerService which is marked as @Internal
  • InternalOperatorMetricGroup and InternalIOperatorIOMetricGroup are also available to the subclasses of AbstractStreamOperator but marked as @Internal

Although the naming pattern of "InternalXXX" is a little confusing even somewhat misleading, this FLIP tends to leave that as is and only fix the annotation inconsistency.

Public Interfaces

Change the scope annotation of the following classes from @Internal to @PublicEvolving.

- org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InternalTimerService
- org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.InternalOperatorMetricGroup
- org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.InternalOperatorIOMetricGroup

Proposed Changes

Please see the public interface section.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The FLIP only changes the method changes are fully backwards compatible.

Test Plan


Rejected Alternatives

The following change would address both the annotation inconsistency and the misleading naming issues.

  • Introduce a new @PublicEvolving class of NamespacedTimerService which extends from the InternalTimerService class.
  • Deprecate the InternalTimerService class. From now on, no change should be made to this class.
  • Add a new method of AbstractStreamOperator.getNamespacedTimerService() which returns a NamespacedTimerService.
  • Mark AbstractStreamOperator.getInternalTimerService() as deprecated, and simply delegate the call to AbstractStreamOperator.getNamespacedTimerService().

This is a fully backwards compatible solution which replaces the class and method named in InernalXXX Pattern with new class and method.

The downside of this proposal is that we will have a few more deprecated methods / classes in Flink. Given that we don't know when the next major version bump will come, I'd prefer not introducing more deprecations unless necessary.

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