Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.


  • Angelo will do a talk about massive device deployment and Karl and Marcel will be doing a tutorial about ACE in the Cloud at the upcoming EclipseCon / OSGi DevCon.
  • Some of the feedback and follow up discussions after ApacheCon have been discussed further on the mailing list.


  • Quite a lot of work has gone into the new Vaadin based Web UI.
  • A new, simpler launcher is being worked on by Angelo.

Licensing and other issues

  • None at the moment.

Things to resolve prior to graduation

  • Make sure all our dependencies are based on released artifacts.
  • Make a release.
  • Grow the community some more.

Signed off by mentor: ...

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