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The Apache OpenEJB community is proud to release OpenEJB 3.1. This release contains significant enhancements, improvements, new functionality and allows developers to get early access to some key parts of EJB 3.1. In addition to the embeddable EJB container and Collapsed EAR (ejbs in .war files) functionality which have been long standing OpenEJB features, now slated for EJB 3.1, this release contains full support for the new EJB 3.1 Singleton Session bean type. The Singleton API adds some critical new functionality to EJB such as application startup/shutdown hooks and multi-threaded capabilities. Much of what Stateless beans are used for now can be replaced by a multi-threaded Singleton.

OpenEJB 3.0 Final Released

The Apache OpenEJB team is excited to announce the release of OpenEJB 3.0 final. The 3.0 release includes several refinements over beta 2 and overall higher quality of service. Thanks to all the wonderful feedback we received in the beta releases, the OpenEJB 3.0 has grown into quite a mature and robust codebase. We truly appreciate all the users who have supported us since the launch of the 3.0 codebase and wish to share our gratitude in helping to make OpenEJB the best its ever been. We couldn't have done it without you.

OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2 is up and ready for download! New features in this release include JAX-RPC support via CXF, Tomcat 5.5 support, and support for using OpenEJB as an OSGi bundle. Overall this release is packed with new improvements notably around usability, validation, and configuration. Definitely a must try. Unless any major issues are discovered it will likely be the last beta and 3.0 final will be right around the corner!

The Apache OpenEJB team is proud to announce the release of OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1. As our first release of the new OpenEJB 3.0 codebase, OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1 continues where prior versions 0.9.2 and 1.0 left of in all things OpenEJB. Embeddabiliy, Tomcat integration, Collapsed EARs, Container Driven Testing, a standalone server and overall ease of use are back. In addition to repolishing and updating these tried and true features, OpenEJB supports the EJB 3.0 specification and many new features such as extended Dependency Injection, EAR support, custom JNDI name formatting, and CMP over JPA.

OpenEJB has graduated from the Apache Incubator and is now a top-level project (TLP) at Apache. We had a pretty great Incubation and are very appreciative of all the people who got involved and made it one of the smoothest incubations Apache has seen. A very special thanks to our Incubator Mentors Brett Porter, Henri Yandell and Jason van Zyl.

With Incubation complete, we look forward to continued community growth and very soon a first release of the OpenEJB 3.x (EJB 3.0) codebase! Keep an eye on the project at our new URL for more news!

EJB 3 Examples Initiative

We are launching a new initiative to create some really simple and neat EJB3 examples similar to the excellent examples that Tomcat ships which show people how to write Servlets and JSPs. With these examples people will not only be able to use OpenEJB 3 very easily, but moreover they will be one of the definitive places to learn EJB3. Period.

We've already received a couple volunteers, but there's more than enough to go around, so we're sending out the word. If you would like to help create examples, reply to this email on the dev list and we'll help you get started! See this JIRA item for the planned list of examples:


Check out the examples:

Full catalogue of examples available here

OpenEJB has known many homes since it's start in December 1999. We began in Exolab, relocated to SourceForge, found a home in Codehaus and now OpenEJB joins the community of the Apache Incubator. We're very thankful to all our past hosts and are grateful for the service and contributions they've given us in our nearly seven years of existence.

At Apache we look forward to a stronger community bond with the projects that depend on us and whom we integrate with such as Tomcat, Geronimo, OpenJPA, ActiveMQ and more. During our time in the Apache Incubator we will learn the ways of Apache and converge our community ideals together. Our infrastructure such as mailing lists, SVN, JIRA, Confluence, and website have all been transitioned.

We're very excited about our new home the Apache Incubator and the benefits it will bring to all of our collective communities. Let's raise our glass to our former hosts, Codehaus, our new hosts Apache, our community, and to one day a successful graduation! Cheers!

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