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Tools in the SpamAssassin masses folder

The masses folder was included in the source tarball prior to SA 3.2.0. Since few users actually use these tools, they have been dropped from the distribution. If you have need of them, they can be publicly fetched from SVN.

This is an overview of the scripts in the SpamAssassin masses folder. In brief these scripts are used to mass check hand classified corpora and to calculate new scores with the percpetron approach using the results of a mass check. It's necessary to calculate 4 different scoresets for the rules, depending on whether the bayes or the net option is used:

set0: no bayes, no net

set1: no bayes, net

set2: bayes, no net

set3: bayes, net

A scoreset is one of the 4 columns in a score file like "../rules/"


This script counts the number of CPU in your system



cpucount calls:

no other scripts


Tests a scoreset and *.log files for false-positives and false-negatives and returns a statistic.


fp-fn-statistics [options]


path to *.cf files. Defalut: "../rules"


lambda value, default: 50


mails above the threshold are classified as spam


spam logfile, default: "spam.log"


ham logfile, default: "ham.log"


scoreset (0-3), default: 0


false-positives logfile (list of false negatives)


false-negatives logfile (list of false positives)

fp-fn-statistics calls:

logs-to-c with --count option


see HitFrequencies.

hit-frequencies calls:



This script analyzes the rules for usability. It therefore uses a freqs file generated by hit-frequencies (with -x -p options). It also uses a scoreset. The bad rules are returned. Following rules are marked as bad:

Rules that rarely hit (below 0.03%) or don't hit at all, rules with a negative score that have a higher spam-hit rate than ham-hit rate, rules with a positive score that have a higher ham-hit rate than spam-hit rate, rules with score = 0.


lint-rules-from-freqs [-f falsefreqs] [-s scoreset] < freqs > badtests

-f falsefreqs

also use a "falsfreqs" file for the analysis that was generated with hit-frequencies and -x -p -f options.

-s scoreset

scoreset (0-3).

lint-rules-from-freqs calls:

no other scripts


Generates different files in the /tmp folder: "", "", "scores.h", "", "tests.h". Those files are later used by the perceptron script. This script is also used to test scoresets and *.log files for false-positives and false-negatives (use --count).


logs-to-c [options]


path to *.cf files. Defalut: "../rules"


create fp-fn statistic


lambda value, default: 50


mails above the threshold are classified as spam


spam logfile, default: "spam.log"


ham logfile, default: "ham.log"


scoreset (0-3), default: 0


false-positives logfile (list of false negatives)


false-negatives logfile (list of false positives)

logs-to-c calls :




see MassCheck.

mass-check calls:

no other scripts in the masses folder


Shell script that tests a scoreset and the files "ham-test.log" and "spam-test.log" for false-positives and false-negatives with various thresholds ranging from -4 up to 20. Returns a statistic for all thresholds.


mk-baseline-results scoreset


desired scoreset (0-3)

mk-baseline-results calls:



Parses the rules in all *.cf files that begin with a digit and that are located in the "../rules" folder.It generates a file called "/tmp/"
that contains a dump of two hashes (perl datatype) called %rules and %scores that can be directly included by other perl scripts using the require command.

The %rules hash consists of a set of data for every rule. In those sets, the score of the rule, a description, the type, whether the rule is mutable and whether it is a subrule are saved. In the %scores hash one score for every rule is saved.


parse-rules-for-masses [-d rulesdir] [-o outputfile] [-s scoreset]


directory of the rules, default: ../rules


output file, default: ./tmp/


scoreset (0-3), default: 0

parse-rules-for-masses calls:

no other scripts


Calculates new scores with the perceptron approach and generates a perceptron.scores file. Needs following files in the /tmp folder: "", "", "scores.h", "", "tests.h", ""


perceptron [options]

-p ham_preference

adds extra ham to training set multiplied by number of tests hit (2.0 default)

-e num_epochs

number of epochs to train (15 default)

-l learning_rate

learning rate for gradient descent (2.0 default)

-t threshold

minimum threshold for spam (5.0 default)

-w weight_decay

per-epoch decay of learned weight and bias (1.0 default)


print help

perceptron calls:

no other scripts


Rewrites a cf file with new scores. Only the area with the generated scores is changed. The argument scoreset is the number of the scoreset (0-3) that is rewritten. The new cf-file is returned on the standard output.


rewrite-cf-with-new-scores [scoreset] [] []


desired scoreset to write (0-3)

old scores

new scores

rewrite-cf-with-new-scores calls:

no other scripts


Shell script that compiles and runs the perceptron script. New scores are calculated with the perceptron approach and random 9/10 of the examples in the "*.log" files. Then the scores are tested for false-positives and false-negatives with the last 1/10 of the examples.

Needs a "config" file in the "./" folder that contains some parameters:


number of the scoreset (0-3)


ham preference for the perceptron


minimum threshold for spam


number of epochs to train the perceptron

Corresponding "*.log" files to the chosen scoreset X (named "ham-setX.log" and "spam-setX.log") are required in the "/ORIG" folder. The script generates several files in the "/tmp" folder by calling logs-to-c, and a new folder named by the options ("gen*") in the config file. This folder contains a "scores" file with the generated scores and corresponding ranges, the "*.log" files that were used for the score generation and for the testing (in "/NSBASE" and "/SPBASE" folders), lists of false-negatives and false-positives that were found in the test, a logfile that contains the used parameters for the score generation, the output of the makefile ("make.output") and a false-positives vs. false-negatives statistic ("test").

The runGA script also generates a "badrules" file by calling lint-rules-from-freqs, that contains rules that are not useful for different reasons (most of them hitting too rarely or not at all).

Note that the generated scores may vary somewhat if runGA is run twice, due to the random selection of the training examples.


runGA (parameters are saved in a "config" file)

runGA calls:












Calculates a score-range for the rules. The magnitude of the range depends on the ranking (generated by hit-frequencies) of a rule. Immutable rules get fixed ranges at their scores. The ranges are later used by the perceptron script that tries to find the optimal scores within these ranges.


score-ranges-from-freqs [cffiledir] [scoreset] < freqs


directory of the rules, default: "../rules"


desired scoreset(0-3)

score-ranges-from-freqs calls:



Split a mass-check log into n identically-
sized buckets, evenly taking messages from all checked corpora and preserving comments. Creates n files named "split-n.log"


split-log-into-buckets-random [n] < LOGFILE


number of buckets, default: 10

split-log-into-buckets-random calls:

no other scripts

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