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Notification mechanism is introduced in Hcatalog so that a user can be notified of certain events occurring in Metastore if she desires so. Events are of six types: add_database, add_table, add_partition, drop_partition, drop_table, drop_database. When any of these events occur on Metastore message is sent to a Message Bus. Any user who wish to get notification for these messages can subscribe to a message bus. Once subscribed, message bus will deliver the messages to the subscriber.

To start receiving message you first need to create a connection to messagebus as demonstrated below:

    ConnectionFactory connFac = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(amqurl);
    Connection conn = connFac.createConnection();

Then subscribe to a topic you are interested in. While subscribing on a message bus, user need to subscribe to a particular topic to receive the messages which are being delivered on that topic. The topic name corresponding to a particular table is stored in table properties and can be retrieved using following piece of code:

    HiveMetaStoreClient msc = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hiveConf);
    String topicName = msc.getTable("mydb", "myTbl").getParameters().get(HCatConstants.HCAT_MSGBUS_TOPIC_NAME);

Use the topic name to subscribe to a topic as follows:

    Session session = conn.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
    Destination hcatTopic = session.createTopic(topicName);
    MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(hcatTopic);

To start receiving messages user need to implement a jms interface MessageListener which will make you implement a method onMessage(Message msg). This method will be called whenever a new message arrives on MessageBus. The message contains a partition object representing the corresponding partition, which can be retrieved as following:

public void onMessage(Message msg){

  // We are interested in only add_partition events on this table.
  // So, check message type first.

    // Retrieve HCatEventMessage, using MessagingUtils.
    HCatEventMessage hcatMessage = MessagingUtils.getMessage(msg);

    //Get the partition-keys for all partitions added.
    List<Map<String, String>> partitionList = ((AddPartitionMessage)hcatMessage).getPartitions();

You need to have jms jar in your classpath to make this work. You additionally need to have a jms provider’s jar in your classpath as well. Hcatalog uses ActiveMQ as a jms provider. In principle any JMS provider can be used in client side. However, ActiveMQ is recommended. It can be obtained from:

Event Message Formats

While HCatalog Event-string formats are pluggable, the strings are in JSON by default. Each event conveys only just enough information to identify the Database/Table/Partition that's been added/deleted in HCatalog. An event-consumer may use the identifiers specified in the event to query HCatalog for further information.
HCatalog sends events for 6 metastore operations. Here's a listing of the supported events, and their corresponding event formats:

1. Creation of Database:

Event type-string: "CREATE_DATABASE"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "CREATE_DATABASE",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb"

2. Dropping a Database:

Event type-string: "DROP_DATABASE"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "DROP_DATABASE",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb"

3. Creation of a Table:

Event type-string: "CREATE_TABLE"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "CREATE_TABLE",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb",
  "table"     : "mytbl" 

4. Dropping a Table:

Event type-string: "DROP_TABLE"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "DROP_TABLE",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb",
  "table"     : "mytbl" 

5. Adding (an atomic set of) partitions:

Event type-string: "ADD_PARTITION"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "ADD_PARTITION",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb",
  "table"     : "mytbl",
  "partitions": [
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1A", "partKey2" : "partVal2A" },
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1B", "partKey2" : "partVal2B" },
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1C", "partKey2" : "partVal2C" }

6. Dropping (a set of) partitions:

Event type-string: "DROP_PARTITION"
Example JSON Format:

  "timestamp" : 1360272556,
  "eventType" : "DROP_PARTITION",
  "server"    : "",
  "servicePrincipal" : "hcat/hcatserver@MYDOMAIN.NET",
  "db"        : "mydb",
  "table"     : "mytbl",
  "partitions": [
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1A", "partKey2" : "partVal2A" },
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1B", "partKey2" : "partVal2B" },
                   { "partKey1" : "partVal1C", "partKey2" : "partVal2C" }

All the JMS messages are sent as TextMessage instances. Apart from the message-body, each message conveys 3 string properties, using the following keys:

  1. HCatConstants.HCAT_EVENT: The event-type string (E.g. "CREATE_TABLE", "ADD_PARTITIONS", etc.)
  2. HCatConstants.HCAT_MESSAGE_VERSION: The version-string for the messages (E.g. "0.1", etc.)
  3. HCatConstants.HCAT_FORMAT: An identifier for the message format (E.g. "json", by default.)
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