1. Topic registration info:
/brokers/topics/[topic] :
Schema: { "fields" : [ {"name": "version", "type": "int", "doc": "version id"}, {"name": "partitions", "type": {"type" : "array", "items" : {"type": "map", "values": {"type": "array", "items": "int", "doc": "a list of replica ids"}, "doc": "a map from partition id to replica list"}, "doc": "a list of partitions"}, } ] } Example: { "version": 1, "partitions": ["0": [0, 1, 3] ] } }
2. Partition state info:
Schema: { "fields": [ {"name": "version", "type": "int", "doc": "version id"}, {"name": "isr", "type": {"type": "array", "items": "int", "doc": "an array of the id of replicas in isr"} }, {"name": "leader", "type": "int", "doc": "id of the leader replica"}, {"name": "controller_epoch", "type": "int", "doc": "epoch of the controller that last updated the leader and isr info"}, {"name": "leader_epoch", "type": "int", "doc": "epoc of the leader"} ] } Example: { "version": 1, "isr": [0,1], "leader": 0, "controller_epoch": 1, "leader_epoch": 0 }
3. Broker registration info:
Schema: { "fields": [ {"name": "version", "type": "int", "doc": "version id"}, {"name": "host", "type": "string", "doc": "ip address or host name of the broker"}, {"name": "port", "type": "int", "doc": "port of the broker"}, {"name": "jmx_port", "type": "int", "doc": "port for jmx"} ] } Example: { "version": 1, "host": "", "port": 9092, "jmx_port": 9999 }
4. Controller epoch:
/controllerEpoch -> int (epoch)
5. Controller registration:
/controller -> int (broker id of the controller)
6. Consumer registration:
Schema: { "fields": [ {"name": "version", "type": "int", "doc": "version id"}, {"name": "pattern", "type": "string", "doc": "can be of static, white_list or black_list"}, {"name": "subscription", {"type": "map", "values": {"type": "int"}, "doc": "a map from a topic or a wildcard pattern to the number of streams"} } ] } Example: A static subscription: { "version": 1, "pattern": "static", "subscription": {"topic1": 1, "topic2": 2} } A whitelist subscription: { "version": 1, "pattern": "white_list", "subscription": {"*abc": 1}} A blacklist subscription: { "version": 1, "pattern": "black_list", "subscription": {"!abc": 1}}
7. Consumer owner:
/consumers/[groupId]/owners/[topic]/[partitionId] -> string (consumerId)
8. Consumer offset:
/consumers/[groupId]/offsets/[topic]/[partitionId] -> long (offset)
9. Re-assign partitions: to be documented
10. Preferred replication election: to be documented