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This page lists the tasks the Wicket team agreed to implement for Wicket 7.0.

Ideas for Wicket 7.0 list some more ideas but to add a task in the Roadmap it has to be discussed first in the dev mailing list. Ideas with attached patch in Jira ticket or Pull Request have a bigger chance to be included in the Roadmap.

Java 7 as a minimum

Java 7 has nice support for generics, better annotations, and Java 6 is reaching its end of life pretty soon.

Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Not started

Generics for org.apache.wicket.Component

Using Java 7 will allow to use the "diamonds operator", i.e.
  Component<Entity> c = new SomeComponent<>("id", model);

Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Not started

Servlet 3 as a minimum

While we opted to not require servlet 3 for wicket 6, it has bitten us a couple of times solving issues in wicket 6. Servlet 3 has been out for ages, so we should move with the times.

Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Not started

Tickets in Jira with "Fix Version" = 7.0

PageParameters improvements

Assignee: mgrigorov
Status: Not started

Minor API cleanups

API Tweaks

SimpleFormComponentLabel should output the "required" class just like wicket:for

ajaxbehavior#updateAjaxAttributes() should get component passed in

otherwise referencing the component as needed in throttle settings is annoying

queryField.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onkeydown") {
	protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes) {
		attributes.setThrottlingSettings(new ThrottlingSettings(queryField.getMarkupId(), Duration.seconds(1)));

throttling settings should be mutable to make it easier to override just the duration without having to figure out an id

JavaScriptResourceReference#getDependencies() should return an appendable List

so we can do

class MyReference extends JavascriptReference {
  getDependencies() { List<?> list=super.getDependencies(); list.add(...); return list; }

XyzValidator#decorate() should work with IValidationError instead of ValidationError

Refactor checkgroup/radiogroup to make them non-components.

  • it is awkward to require a parent container as a wicket component. most of the time it needs to be attached to wicket:container tag because there is no reason to have an actual parent tag or a parent tag is impossible (in case of trs, lis, etc)
  • having groups as non-components will allow for nested sets of checks and radios
  • having groups as non-components will allow for disjointed sets of checks and radios in a cleaner fashion

cdi 1.1 upgrade

wicket-cdi should use cdi 1.1 which should remove dependency onto seam-conversation module.

  • No labels