Suite (Runner Class)

The Suite runner is used with FlexUnit 4 style suites. If you are using FlexUnit .9 suites, see SuiteMethod.

The Suite Runner is used in two ways. The first way is any time RunWith is specified with the Suite runner. This is the most common way the runner called. It will introspect the class and pass any public (this is important) classes back as possible test classes. Any empty Suite will throw an InitializationError.

     public class SuitesToRun
          public var mySuite:MySuite;
          public var anotherSuite:AnotherSuite;

The second way is using a request. When a request is specified with a list of classes or a method, the framework builds them into a suite class before running any of the tests.

     core = new FlexUnitCore(); Request.classes( MyTestClass, AnotherTestClass );


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