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How To Release Tez

Create or Checkout the Release Branch

git checkout origin/branch-x.y.z

Run Basic Release checks

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
mvn clean apache-rat:check

Update Version Number if Required

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion="x.y.z"
Commit and push the version change.

Create a Release Tag

git tag -a release-x.y.z-rc0 -m 'Tez x.y.z RC0'
git push --tags origin

Deploy the jars to Staging

Your .m2/settings.xml should have something along these lines:

<settings xmlns=""

To deploy jars, run:

mvn deploy -Pgpg

Log on to and look at the Staging Repositories. "Close" the tez jars recently uploaded to get the temporary staging repo URL.

Create a Release tarball for the Source

git clean -f -x -d
cd ..
cp -R tez-git-x.y.z tez-x.y.z-incubating
tar --exclude=.git -zcvf tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz tez-x.y.z-incubating 

Sign the Release

gpg2  --armor --output tez-{x.y.z}-incubating.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig tez-{x.y.z}-incubating.tar.gz

Generate MD5 checksums

md5sum tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.md5
sha1sum tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.sha


openssl md5 tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.md5
openssl sha1 tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.sha

Upload Artifacts for Release Vote

The artifacts ( tarball, checksums ) need to be copied over to public_html/tez-release-rc/tez-x.y.z-rc0/ on

Release Voting process

Call for a vote on the dev mailing list and CC with something like this:

Email subject should be: VOTE Release Apache Tez-x.y.z-incubating RC0

I have created an tez-x.y.z-incubating release candidate rc0.
GIT source tag (r***);a=log;h=refs/tags/release-x.y.z-rc0
Staging site:
Nexus Staging URL:

PGP release keys (signed using <GPG KEY>)<GPG KEY>

One can look into the issues fixed in this release at**

Vote will be open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

Once the vote passes/fails, send out an email with subject like "RESULTVOTE Apache Tez x.y.z rc0" to and For the vote to pass, 3 +1 votes are required from IPMC members.

For a cancelled vote due to any reason, change the subject to "CANCELVOTE Apache Tez x.y.z rc0"

After A Successful Vote

Copy the bits to distribution folder for Apache Tez


cd /www/
mkdir tez-x.y.z
cp ~/public_html/tez-release-rc/tez-x.y.z/* tez-x.y.z
ln -sfn tez-x.y.z current

Create the release tag

git tag -a release-x.y.z -m 'Tez x.y.z'
git push --tags origin

Note that it takes 24 hours for the changes to propagate to the mirrors.
Wait 24 hours and verify that the bits are available in the mirrors before sending an announcement.

Release Announcement

Send out Announcement to, and
Suject: ANNOUNCE Apache Tez x.y.z. ( Incubating )

The Apache Tez team is proud to announce the release of Apache Tez version x.y.z (incubating)

The Apache Tez project is aimed at building an application framework which allows for a complex directed-acyclic-graph of tasks for processing data.

The release bits are at:

We would like to thank all the contributors that made the release possible.


The Tez Team

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