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17:01:07 <jzb> #startmeeting
17:01:07 <cs-meeting> Meeting started Wed Sep 19 17:01:07 2012 UTC. The chair is jzb. Information about MeetBot at
17:01:07 <cs-meeting> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
17:01:23 <jzb> ke4qqq: I concur with the meeting assesment.
17:01:30 <edison_cs> hi morning
17:01:35 <jzb> I'll give a minute for other folks to show up.
17:01:42 <rohityadav> hi everyone!
17:01:46 <chipc> good morning / evening folks
17:01:53 <jzb> if there are no objections, we'll go in alpha order around the room, as always.
17:01:54 <chipc> or afternoon as well
17:02:13 <rohityadav> +1 jzb
17:03:01 <jzb> and also - just as a reminder, this meeting is for discussion and updates. Any project decisions will of course be taken on the CloudStack-dev list.
17:03:14 <jzb> ok, let's get started
17:03:21 <jzb> bhaisaab: did you have anything for the meeting?
17:03:33 * rohityadav is bhaisaab
17:03:52 <rohityadav> nothing, still working on some bugs, debs/rpm using mvn in progress
17:04:05 <jzb> rohityadav + bhaisaab thanks!
17:04:31 <jzb> #chair chipc dlafferty edison_cs Japje ke4qqq nslater vogxn widodh
17:04:31 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Japje chipc dlafferty edison_cs jzb ke4qqq nslater vogxn widodh
17:04:45 <jzb> chipc: looks like you're up next - have anything to fill us in on or discuss?
17:05:11 <chipc> ke4qqq and I have documented the list of patches / scripts / config files in the patches folder here:
17:05:12 <chipc> #link
17:05:37 <chipc> I'm going to start up threads on each of the ones that we need help identifying the source on
17:06:09 <chipc> I suspect that we will end up with some files that we will either have to ask permission to include as-is, or have to deal with a clean room implementations
17:06:11 <jzb> chipc: is it safe to assume all the ASLv2 ones are pretty much safe?
17:06:17 <chipc> yes
17:06:28 <chipc> that's it
17:06:40 <chipc> I was out sick, so things didn't go as far as I wanted
17:06:49 <jzb> chipc: a lot of that going around, I think.
17:06:56 <jzb> thanks, chipc
17:07:03 <jzb> dlafferty: did you have anything for us?
17:07:11 <dlafferty> nope,
17:07:23 <dlafferty> more of a lurker, not sure I should be here
17:07:36 <ke4qqq> you are welcome here dlafferty
17:07:45 <jzb> dlafferty: lurkers welcome. Thanks!
17:07:49 <rohityadav> and we got RAT, just in case anyone missed the email by chip,
17:07:59 <jzb> #chair cvittal
17:07:59 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Japje chipc cvittal dlafferty edison_cs jzb ke4qqq nslater vogxn widodh
17:08:17 <jzb> cvittal: I know you just joined - did you have anything for discussion today, or any updates?
17:08:39 <cvittal> no, nothing from me.
17:08:58 <jzb> thanks cvittal
17:09:02 <cvittal> topcloud is having problems connecting
17:09:10 <jzb> edison_cs: anything from you? Updates, discussions?
17:09:43 <edison_cs> nothing to say
17:09:46 <cvittal> is there another way to connect?
17:09:57 <jzb> cvittal: sorry? To IRC, or...?
17:10:02 <chipc> rohityadav: thanks for putting that on the wiki
17:10:14 <rohityadav> cvittal: try
17:10:24 <cvittal> to IRC, thanks rohityadav
17:10:32 <rohityadav> chipc: you're welcome
17:10:43 <rohityadav> +1 cvittal
17:10:49 <chipc> cvittal: he could try this
17:11:26 <jzb> welcome topcloud
17:11:38 <topcloud> sorry i'm late....xchat can't connect to freenode for some reason.
17:11:40 <jzb> OK, moving on - Japje do you have anything?
17:11:44 <jzb> topcloud: no worries.
17:12:40 <jzb> we'll circle back if Japje has anything.
17:12:52 <jzb> ke4qqq: anything on your end to report or discuss?
17:13:05 <ke4qqq> a feew things
17:13:24 <ke4qqq> 2 are questions though
17:13:24 <jzb> #chair topcloud sudhap
17:13:24 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Japje chipc cvittal dlafferty edison_cs jzb ke4qqq nslater sudhap topcloud vogxn widodh
17:14:11 <ke4qqq> the first is - RC1 is getting stale - I am finding bugs that are already fixed from a licensing standpoint
17:14:36 <ke4qqq> I may regen another source pre-release unless someone else wants to pick that up
17:14:43 <chipc> ke4qqq: I didn't get any replies for when folks wanted that build to occur
17:14:50 <chipc> so I'm more than happy to do a fresh one today
17:15:09 <ke4qqq> chipc: weekly basis at this point? until we get close to something releasable?
17:15:16 <ke4qqq> lets discuss on list though
17:15:19 <chipc> sure
17:15:30 <jzb> who's going to lead that?
17:15:38 <ke4qqq> I will
17:15:49 <chipc> and I'll kick out another source RC today
17:15:56 <jzb> #action ke4qqq lead discussion about weekly builds/RCs.
17:16:29 <jzb> I think that also addresses widodh's comment on list, yes?
17:16:29 <ke4qqq> second - unit tests are failing - 4.0 has been failing longer than master - and my few moments to dig around hasn't uncovered anything obvious - would be awesome if someone cloud look at it.
17:16:36 <edison_cs> ke4qqq: the build on jenkins
17:16:40 <ke4qqq> third - and this is really for sudha and her folks.
17:16:42 <ke4qqq> edison_cs: yes
17:16:47 <edison_cs> already has hourly build for both 4.0 and master
17:16:55 <ke4qqq> edison_cs: yes and is failing
17:17:02 <edison_cs> failing?
17:17:11 <topcloud> we should file bugs on failing unit tests.
17:17:24 <chipc> +1
17:17:26 <ke4qqq> topcloud: ok, I'll take that as an action item
17:17:42 <ke4qqq> edison_cs: 4.0 hasn't completed a successful unit test run in 11 days
17:17:45 <jzb> #action ke4qqq file bugs on failing unit tests.
17:17:56 <edison_cs> ok
17:18:03 <ke4qqq> anyway- is marvin being run against the 4.0 candidates?
17:18:12 <ke4qqq> if so can we see the pretty reports?
17:18:15 <rohityadav> vogxn?
17:18:30 <edison_cs> rohityadav:
17:18:31 <edison_cs> axis2-webapp-1.5.1.war' doesn't exist
17:18:47 <rohityadav> edison_cs: link?
17:18:54 <edison_cs>
17:19:01 <edison_cs> any idea?
17:19:24 <ke4qqq> vogxn: sudhap: ?
17:19:48 <rohityadav> edison_cs: no, I'll check, may be some recent dep/pom changes
17:20:34 <cvittal> am I right in assuming that no new features will be merged into 4.0 by topcloud?
17:20:35 <sudhap> I will follow up on marvin run against 4.0
17:20:56 <rohityadav> oh wait, I did not configure test-junit, so I'll have to check with vogxn (prasanna)
17:21:01 <topcloud> cvirttal: new features.
17:21:20 <edison_cs> rohityadav: I'll give you the permission to these build machines
17:21:26 <ke4qqq> sudhap: thanks - the reports you were running were awesome and gave us a good visibility into status.
17:21:31 <rohityadav> ok edison_cs !
17:21:49 <sudhap> I will post them on wiki and send it to mailing lists
17:21:59 <ke4qqq> and would be useful to see how 4.0 is shaping up
17:22:14 <jzb> #action sudhap will follow up on Marvin run against 4.0
17:22:20 <ke4qqq> EOF
17:22:22 <topcloud> so ke4qqq the watcher for 4.0 build and file bugs; rohityadav will fix problems?
17:22:41 <rohityadav> topcloud: +1
17:22:54 <ke4qqq> ok, I'll assign the bug to him directly then
17:23:04 <topcloud> i think we should file these immediately as they happen.
17:23:23 <ke4qqq> topcloud: agreed
17:23:28 <ke4qqq> my apologies for not doing so
17:23:55 <edison_cs> I can help to take a look also
17:24:11 <rohityadav> edison_cs:
17:24:24 <topcloud> sudhap: have qa taken any newer builds from jenkins?
17:24:33 <sudhap> yes
17:24:40 <sudhap> sailaja - can you confirm
17:25:19 <Sailaja> Currently running with 19th build .
17:25:42 <topcloud> sailaja: nice....thx
17:26:01 <edison_cs> Sailaja: which url are you using?
17:26:18 <edison_cs> Sailaja:
17:26:29 <edison_cs> this is the new build url for 4.0 on rhel 6.3
17:26:38 <edison_cs> are you using this build?
17:26:42 <Sailaja>
17:26:46 <Sailaja> yes Edison
17:27:28 <ke4qqq> Sailaja: you are using build 19 from that job? or a build from the 19th of Sep?
17:27:50 <edison_cs> Sailaja: please use
17:28:05 <Sailaja> okay.
17:29:07 <jzb> are we wrapped up on that topic?
17:29:13 <edison_cs> Sailaja: QA team needs to build by yourself
17:29:24 * ke4qqq leaves for another meeting
17:29:37 <edison_cs> for ubuntu
17:29:54 <Sailaja> Sure Edison , will take up builds from this location
17:30:07 <ke4qqq> edison_cs: lets delete the old builds?
17:30:26 <edison_cs> ok, old builds are already disabled
17:33:41 <jzb> OK. Let's go to nslater next.
17:33:49 <jzb> nslater: do you have anything to discuss or report?
17:36:54 <jzb> ok, Sailaja anything from you to report or discuss?
17:37:10 <jzb> #chair jlkinsel iswc
17:37:10 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Japje chipc cvittal dlafferty edison_cs iswc jlkinsel jzb ke4qqq nslater sudhap topcloud vogxn widodh
17:37:44 <Sailaja> We are progressing with testing . We are yet to start with non-oss components
17:39:30 <jzb> Sailaja: OK, thanks
17:39:42 <jzb> sudhap: anything to report or discuss?
17:40:03 <sudhap> so far no blockers for test execution
17:40:34 <sudhap> executed around 45% of test plan
17:40:34 <jzb> OK
17:41:04 <sudhap> planning to reach 70% by Monday and rest would be covered next week
17:41:29 <sudhap> need defect fixes come in before 28th
17:41:44 <sudhap> so we can cut candidate drop by 28th
17:42:06 <chipc> sudhap: that's great progress
17:42:19 <chipc> I don't want us to lose sight of the outstanding legal issues to be resolved though
17:42:31 <chipc> they remain blockers to any release
17:42:39 <sudhap> meanwhile will try to get automation run on 4.0 and do some sanity test with non oss components
17:42:59 <sudhap> chips: yes, who can give estimates on that front??
17:43:03 <topcloud> chipc: +1 i wasn't here for your part but is there a clear path now to resolution?
17:43:13 <chipc> no, no clear path yet
17:43:29 <chipc> expect emails from me on specific files - we need help figuring out the actual source of the content
17:43:59 <chipc> sudhap: it's very hard to estimate, since some of the issues may require legal-discuss@a.o to agree to specific exceptions
17:44:04 <topcloud> i'm very worried about this problem. just the thread gave me headaches. do you need help driving the issue?
17:44:08 <chipc> but we have the list now
17:44:31 <chipc> topcloud - yes - if you can help ensure that we get answers to the specific file questions, that would be good
17:44:45 <jzb> chipc: I don't suppose any other Apache projects are in a simiar situation w/r/t this issue?
17:45:01 <chipc> jzb: watching the other mailing lists, they do
17:45:01 <topcloud> chipc: i suggest not only sent to list but file jira for each one. i can help drive resolution.
17:45:08 <chipc> topcloud - good call
17:45:25 <chipc> jzb: and they typically have to deal with the issue head on for incompatible licenses
17:45:45 <jzb> chipc: sorry, I meant specifically with config files
17:45:45 <chipc> we'll get there - we're just not there yet
17:45:55 <chipc> jzb: not that I've seen
17:45:59 <jzb> OK
17:46:11 <edison_cs> can we just release it?
17:46:23 <sudhap> jzb:documentation is another items that needf to come together as well
17:46:24 <edison_cs> if no one chanlledge us
17:46:46 <jzb> edison_cs: that's not a favored approach by our mentors
17:46:56 <topcloud> yes...i will be meeting with jessica to figure out what the plan forward is.
17:47:07 <chipc> edison_cs: I personally won't vote for it… the PPMC is obligated to ensure that this sort of thing is done correctly
17:47:30 <jzb> chipc: +1
17:47:44 <chipc> edison_cs: although it would certainly be easier (wink)
17:47:49 <topcloud> my previous comment was for docs. will come back to the list once i figure out all the logistics of docs changes.
17:47:59 <edison_cs> what can we do to accelerate the process?
17:49:07 <jzb> edison_cs: we just have to work on it.
17:49:41 <chipc> edison_cs - I'll start opening bugs after this meeting - support establishing code provenance is what's needed in the immediate term
17:51:22 <jzb> OK, let's move on
17:51:34 <jzb> I think topcloud is next?
17:52:02 <topcloud> review board has been reduced to half. thanks everyone.
17:52:36 <topcloud> bugs seem pretty tame right now. so we're pretty good on those two fronts.
17:52:43 <topcloud> i do have a question.
17:52:58 <jzb> topcloud: ask away
17:53:05 <topcloud> on the 4.0 feature list, i listed auto-scale and brocade did not make it in.
17:53:13 <topcloud> is there a voting process we need to do?
17:53:36 <jzb> topcloud: to try to put it in, or take it out, or...?
17:53:49 <topcloud> to determine that it didn't make it in.
17:54:12 <topcloud> i based solely on the fact that the code was not in when we break for rc1.
17:54:33 <chipc> topcloud: I think just consensus on list is all that's required
17:54:34 <topcloud> but not sure if it's something that needs to be voted on by community.
17:54:47 <topcloud> so i'll send out an email for that.
17:54:55 <chipc> yeah - that would be best
17:55:07 <jzb> chipc: particularly since it's not being vetoed, but just pushed to another release, yeah?
17:55:24 <chipc> exactly
17:55:29 <topcloud>'s not that we're rejecting it.
17:55:33 <chipc> at least that's my opinion
17:55:36 <topcloud> just that the code didn't make it in.
17:55:44 <topcloud> in time.
17:55:48 <topcloud> for this release.
17:55:55 <topcloud> ok...i'm done.
17:56:00 <jzb> topcloud: thanks!
17:56:14 <jzb> vogxn: anything on your end to report or discuss?
17:57:44 <jzb> Nothing - let's move on
17:57:55 <jzb> widodh: are you here? Anything to own or report.
17:58:24 <jzb> sorry, anything to discuss or report.
17:58:31 <jlkinsel> think he said he'd be out..
17:58:35 <jzb> yeah
17:58:37 <Japje> he isnt hetr
17:58:46 <Japje> and i have nothing
17:59:08 <jzb> OK. Anybody else that wasn't here when we started that we missed?
18:00:08 <topcloud> wow...shortest meeting so far.
18:00:30 <jlkinsel> good sign (smile)
18:00:47 <jzb> OK, thanks everybody for your participation and brevity! (smile)
18:00:49 <topcloud> bb everybody
18:00:54 <jzb> I will post log and minutes shortly.
18:00:57 <jzb> #endmeeting

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