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Everything in this document reflects functionality which has already been developed unless it is marked with 'TODO'.  If you have comments or questions please let me know and I will update this document.

This document lays out the integration of the OpenStack Swift Object Store as an object store service made available through the CloudStack UI.  This integration allows CloudStack users to authenticate against Swift using their CloudStack credentials as well as exposing a UI in CloudStack for users to manage their the documents in Swift.  

A key enabling component for this integration is a Swift Auth middleware that I wrote called 'mauth'.  This middleware supports CloudStack by default, but it is also extensible and open source.  

How 'mauth' works:

To get thing started I will show a curl example using mauth to authenticate a CloudStack user.
In this example, is pointing at the Swift cluster.
The $username and $apikey reflect the CloudStack user and his api key respectively. 

    Request for authentication
    curl -v -H "X-Auth-User: $username" -H "X-Auth-Key: $apikey"
    returns: $auth_token and $swift_storage_url

    Request container list
    curl -v -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" $swift_storage_url

In this example, the user requests authentication and they are given back a token and their storage url for where their objects are stored.  They can then use that token and url for subsequent requests.

How the integration works:

A UI for Object Store is added to CloudStack in the left hand services menu.  When a user clicks on the Object Store menu option, they are authenticated with the Swift backend (assuming they have api keys generated, if they don't, it will notify them that they need to generate an api key to use the service).  Once authenticated, the user's containers and objects are listed in the main area using the treeView mechanism.  Selecting a container or object gives details about it as well as shows actions that can be taken on it.

A technical overview of the integration:

There are a few challenges with this integration.  I will give a basic overview of the components in play and touch on some of the reasons for the decisions, but more detail will be added later in the document.

Because the object storage data is often large and very network intensive, we do not want the data to actually flow through the CloudStack box as it would introduce a huge bottleneck.  Because of this, there is no Java component of this implementation on CloudStack.  Instead, the traffic is routed to Swift or CloudStack based on the url structure by a load balancer which sits in front of the two services.  The technology used for load balancing (and ssl termination) is not important, but to illustrate the concept, I used HAproxy and Pound for these tasks.


  • mauth - An extensible middleware for OpenStack Swift which enables Swift to authenticate CloudStack users.  (Developed by Will Stevens @ CloudOps)
  • HAproxy configuration example.

Document History


Feature Specifications

  • 'Object Store' added to the main services menu on the left
  • User can List all containers and objects in their Swift account
  • User can Add/Delete Swift Containers
    • Supports cascade delete, so it will first delete all the objects in the container
  • User can Add/Delete Swift Objects
  • User can Add/Delete Folders in containers to group objects (unique to this implementation)
    • Supports cascade delete of folders, so it will first delete all the objects in the folder
  • User can create containers as Public or Private
    • Public - Each object in the container can be accessed without needing authentication
    • Private - Each object in the container requires the user to authenticate to access it
  • User can modify the Public/Private setting for existing containers
  • A public URL is shown in the details for each object in a public container
  • Supports sharing a Swift account with all users in a specific CS account (global setting)
  • Supports giving each user in a CS account their own Swift account (global setting)

  • When a user logs in, a change had to be made to add the 'api key' to the CS user object in the browser
  • The load balancer exposes the URL that is used by both CloudStack and Swift calls
    • One reason for this is to make sure the Swift traffic does not go through the CS server which would create a bottleneck
    • Another reason is to be able to make AJAX calls to Swift without having issues with the Same Origin Policy
  • All Swift calls are done using AJAX and the load balancer handles routing the calls to Swift
  • Swift uses the HTTP PUT verb and browsers do not support the PUT verb, so the client sends the requests as POST and the LB translates to PUT
    • This means that the current implementation does not support any of the Swift API calls that require POST
    • More details on this can be found in the HAproxy config attached at the end of this document
  • This functionality requires the 'mauth' middleware to be installed on Swift
  • The mauth configuration points to CS (the load balancer actually) and requires the 'admin' keys (mauth requires 'listUsers' API call for all accounts)
  • It is VERY recommended to use CS on HTTPS (with SSL)
  • TODO - Important - A global variable needs to be added to CS to enable/disable the Object Store functionality
  • TODO - Medium - Clean up the couple places where text is not translatable
  • TODO - Nice-to-have - Find a cleaner solution when someone tries to download a folder or container (maybe I should just hide download of those)
  • TODO - Nice-to-have - Make the public URL for a public object clickable (just text right now)
  • TODO - Nice-to-have - Reflect the full object path in the breadcrumb when an object is in detail view
  • TODO - Nice-to-have - Remember what containers and folders were open and reopen them after a new container is added (enhancement)
  • TODO - Nice-to-have - When a container or folder is clicked, expand/collapse it rather than forcing the arrow to be clicked (CS treeView enhancement)

Use cases

For now, refer to the Feature Specifications or the UI Flow sections.

Architecture and Design description

Most of this has already been covered.  I will add to this section as questions arise or if there is a request for more detailed descriptions of the different pieces.

  • When a user logs in, a change was made to CS to ALSO pass the 'api key' to the client side, it is then saved in the user object.
    • This was added because mauth (the Swift middleware) authenticates to Swift with the CS 'username' and 'api key' (see curl example above).

Web Services APIs

No changes to the CloudStack APIs

UI Flow

I will continue to add screenshots to this section as I have time...

Basic page view

(Old Screenshot:  The Object Store menu item is actually added as the last item in the services menu, it is not the only item in the menu)
(Note: URL is empty because MyContainer is private in this case) 


Add Container


(options are:  `delete`, `add folder`, `upload object` and `make container (and all its contents) public`)


Add Folder

(options are: `delete`, `add sub-folder`, `upload object`)


Add Object

NOTE: Undocumented Step - Before this last screenshot the `make container public` action was applied to show the public URL.

Additional details can be found in this presentation: swift_ui_with_cloudstack.pptx


IP Clearance

  • This implementation depends on both OpenStack Swift and the mauth middleware for Swift.
    • All dependencies are available under the Apache 2 License.


mauth middleware (for Swift auth)

swift_setup.png (overview)

haproxy_conf.txt (haproxy config)

swift_ui_with_cloudstack.pptx (additional details)

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