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ActionFlow Plugin


Aleksandr Mashchenko


Open Source (ASL2)




Struts 2.3.4 +


Error formatting macro: rate: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.String com.atlassian.confluence.setup.BootstrapManager.getDomainName()'


A Struts2 plugin for creating wizards (action flows).

Features Overview

  • Simple integration to new or existing Struts2 application
  • Automatic use of Post/Redirect/Get pattern to avoid duplicate form submissions
  • Proper handling of browser back and refresh buttons
  • Action flow scope to keep data, there is no need to use scoped model-driven


Copy struts2-actionflow-plugin-x.x.x.jar into your classpath WEB-INF/lib. No other files need to be copied or created.

If you are using Maven, add this to your project POM:


Example Usage

1. Install it by adding this plug-in dependency to your POM or by copying jar into /WEB-INF/lib directory.
2. Make your action package extend actionflow-default package.
3. Add <param name="actionFlowStep"> parameters to actions you want to include in action flows. (NOTE: the action must have an input result!)
4. Use next and prev actions in JSP to move between wizard steps.
5. Use @ActionFlowScope annotation on action classes and fields in order to keep data in action flow scope.

Action Mappings

<package name="actionflow-showcase" namespace="/" extends="actionflow-default">

    <action name="saveName" method="saveName" class="com.example.FlowAction">
        <param name="actionFlowStep">1</param>

        <result name="input">/WEB-INF/pages/name.jsp</result>
        <result name="error">/WEB-INF/pages/name.jsp</result>
    <action name="savePhone" method="savePhone" class="com.example.FlowAction">
        <param name="actionFlowStep">2</param>

        <result name="input">/WEB-INF/pages/phone.jsp</result>
        <result name="error">/WEB-INF/pages/phone.jsp</result>



<s:form action="next">
   <s:hidden name="step" value="%{#session['actionFlowPreviousAction']}" />

   <s:textfield key="name" label="Name" />
   <s:submit value="previous" action="prev" />
   <s:submit value="next" action="next" />

Note: Since Struts2 version if you are using <s:submit> tags with action attribute you need to enable support for action: prefix.

Put that in your struts.xml file:

<constant name="struts.mapper.action.prefix.enabled" value="true" />


public class FlowAction extends ActionSupport {
    private String name;

Showing action flow steps in JSP

Available from struts2-actionflow-plugin 2.1.0

Implement ActionFlowStepsAware interface in action and create getter for ActionFlowStepsData:

public class FlowAction extends ActionSupport implements ActionFlowStepsAware {
    private ActionFlowStepsData stepsData;

    public void setActionFlowSteps(ActionFlowStepsData stepsData) {
        this.stepsData = stepsData;
    public ActionFlowStepsData getStepsData() {
        return stepsData;

In JSP iterate over ActionFlowStepsData#steps map. Use #key and #value to get step index (starting from 1) and action name. The ActionFlowStepsData#stepIndex property holds index of current step.

    <s:iterator value="stepsData.steps">
        <s:if test="stepsData.stepIndex > key">
            <s:set var="status" value="'passed'"/>
        <s:elseif test="stepsData.stepIndex == key">
            <s:set var="status" value="'active'"/>
            <s:set var="status" value="'simple'"/>

        <li class="<s:property value="#status"/>">
            <s:property value="key"/> <s:property value="value"/>
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