Use this page to keep a track of the progress of the new skins for iOS7+ look and feel. 

All the code is available here:


Name of ComponentCompletedIn-progressYet to be startedWho's working on it?
ActionBarx  Om
Buttonx  Om
ButtonBarx  Om
CheckBoxx  EdB
HSlider (Scrubber)x  Aaron (Committer = Om)
RadioButtonx  Om
TabViewNavigatorx  Om
ToggleSwitchx  Om
Calloutx  Om
CalloutViewNavigatorx  Om
CalloutActionBarx  Om
BusyIndicatorx  Om
DateSpinnerx  Om
HScrollBarx  Om
IconItemRendererx  Om
Imagex  Om
Listx  Om
SkinnableTextx  Aaron (Committer: Om)
SpinnerListx  Om
SplitViewNavigatorx  Om
TextAreax  Aaron (Committer: Om)
TextInputx  Aaron (Committer: Om)
Viewx  Om
ViewMenu (star)x  Om
VScrollBarx  Om
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