Domain-specific language for graph processing: Create a GraphDataSet that
abstracts away the internal representation of a graph and operations on the
GraphDataSet. The project involves gathering requirements for graph
processing functionality, architecting the DSL, implementation, and
possible work on optimizing the operations when a graph operation can be
mapped to different DataSet to DataSet transformations.
Distributed mutable state: Currently delta iterations use internally a hash
index to store the state of the iteration, and they invoke index merging
functionality. One idea would be to surface an operator (with care) to the
APIs that essentially allows mutable state manipulations. Another idea
would be to implement something along the lines of a parameter server and
make such functionality accessible to the APIs.
Enhance Flink's Monitoring Capabilities: Flink has a web interface to track the progress
of running jobs. In addition to that, it contains some basic system information.
We would like to enhance the monitoring capabilities to a much broader set of features, including
system performance monitoring (cpu, memory, disk, network, processes) and application
level monitoring (records processed per second, garbage collection statistics, input/output ratio,
data distribution information, iteration statistics).
There is also a need for reworking the internal APIs of the current webinterface. Changing the
AJAX requests to a well-defined API (Rest, ...), integration with other systems such as Ambari will be
much easier.
Domain-specific language for spatial data: Create spatial data types
(point, region, etc) and operations thereof
Integration into Apache BigTop
Integration with Apache Ambari
Pig frontend for Flink: An initial effort was here:
Cascading on Flink
Optimizing the integration with columnar file formats (Parquet, ORCFile)
and perhaps eventually pushing filters down to data scans.
Statistical operators to extract statistical information from a DataSet
(e.g., histograms of value distributions)
Integration with Apache Mahout (ongoing effort)
Integration with Apache Tez (ongoing effort)
Flink Streaming (ongoing effort)
Eclipse plugin that includes functionality for execution plan debugging
Local execution of programs using Java Collections
Utility Library: