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I'm still writing this, come back later

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Make it really easy to install Roller with minimal user interaction and asking user only bare minimum number of questions.


  • Easy installation, meaning:
    • Ask users to provide minimum information to get Roller up and running
    • Create and upgrade tables automatically for user
  • It must be possible to disable automatic upgrade
  • It must be possible to specify DB and mail via properties or JNDI names

Issues: four options

The Roller installation process is unacceptably complex and I'd like to fix that. I've been thinking about the problem for a couple of weeks now and I've talked to folks in Sun, at ApacheCon and JavaOne about the problem. I looked at configuration features in Tomcat and Glassfish. I also looked at installation instructions for popular Java webapps Confluence, JIRA, Liferay Portal and Blojsom. So far, I've identified four these options:

Option 1) Property file based configuration

  • User puts JDBC and mail-session connection parameters in
  • If no DB and mail properties found, Roller falls back to JNDI names
  • Roller can create/upgrade tables as needed
  • Pros:
    • Easy, just one properties file for all Roller configuration
  • Cons:
    • To use JNDI, user still needs to configure resources

Option 2) Separate installer for each Servlet container / app server

  • Installer prompts user for configuration parameters
  • Installer sets properties or sets up JNDI resources
  • Installer does all setup and deploys Roller
  • Roller can create/upgrade tables as needed
  • Pros:
    • Easy UI driven installation
    • Can support properties or JNDI resources
    • Complements option #1
  • Cons:
    • Need to develop separate installer for each Servlet container / app server

Option 3) Standalone bundle with Roller, Servlet container / app server and database

  • User downloads, unpacks, runs startup script... done!
  • Pros:
    • Amazingly easy for user
    • We can steal creation script from Blogapps project for Roller, Derby, Tomcat bundle
    • We'll need a separate bundle for each server
    • Not a complete solution if user wants database other than one we bundle

Option 4) Roller completely handles it's own installation

  • Roller prompts user for configuration parameters, does all setup
    • Creating JNDI data-source and mail-session if needed
    • Or creating property file for non-JNDI based installation
  • Roller can create/upgrade tables as needed
  • Pros:
    • Easy UI driven installation
    • Does everything!
  • Cons:
    • Need to develop separate logic for each Servlet container / app server
    • May be difficult or impossible for some servers
    • May require application server jars in Roller's WEB-INF/lib directory

Consensus on the Roller dev list is that option #1 is a must have, #2 and #3 are nice to have and #4 is too complex.

Note that the options are not mutually exclusive. Once #1 is in place, #2 is easier to implement because all of the options can take advantage of property-based configuration and automatic database creation and update.

So, this proposal covers option #1 and those who wish to development #2, #3 and #4 installers can propose those separately.

Design for Option #1: Property file based configuration

List and describe new manager methods, Struts actions, JSP pages, macros, etc.

Here are the changes to be made to enable property based installation/configuration:

Change #1: New properties:

(we've already got JDBC connection properties in place)

Change #2: Change implementations of the Roller interface

When creating persistence strategy:

  • If JDBC connection properties present, use them
    • Save errors in Servlet context attributes so we can show them later
  • Else use JNDI data-source
    • Save errors in Servlet context attributes so we can show them later

Change #3: Change mail sending code

When creating mail-session

  • If mail-host property is present, use it
  • Else use JNDI mail-session

Change #4: Change RollerContext initialization

  • Don't throw RuntimeException on DB connection error
  • Instead, allow context to load so we can show error/upgrade pages to user
  • Only run upgradeDatabaseIfNeeded if option is false

Change #5: Add DatabaseStatusFilter that checks database configuration

  • If DB connection fails
    • If, show error page to explain what went wrong and how to fix it
    • Else, show simple error/maintenance page
  • If DB does not have tables
    • If, show table creation page/action
    • Else, show simple error/maintenance page
  • If DB is older version
    • If, show database upgrade page/action
    • Else, show simple error/maintenance page

Change #6: Table creation page/action

  • Tell user that tables need to be created, offer to create them
  • Create tables, show user output from running creation script
  • Ask user to redeploy or restart server

Change #7: Table upgrade page/action

  • Tell user that tables need to be updated, offer to upgrade them
  • Upgrade tables, show user output from running upgrade script
  • Ask user to redeploy or restart server


Please comment on the dev mailing-list.

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