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DAS Release Process


   DAS C++ design is based on the existing DAS Java API with necessary changes to accommodate differences between Java SDO and C++ SDO. The initial implementation might be leaving the Config and Paging concepts out of scope.

DAS Lite C++ 

    The DAS Lite C++ library is a minimal collect of classes needed to implement a simple read  webApp. This webApp should create a prepared statement using a given select statement string  and return the selected rows. It also should generate a graph with the data returned by the database using SDO C++ framework.

     Class Diagram

    This class diagram represents the structure of DAS Lite C+. These classes were extracted from DAS Java and should be implemented in C+. The Connection class should be replaced for HDBC structure, from ODBC framework.


Basic Requirements

  •    Use ODBC for Database access
  •    Support access MySQL database
  •    Win32 and Linux support


http://wiki.apache.org/ws/Tuscany/TuscanyCpp/DesignNotes http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dzichelp/v2r2/topic/com.ibm.db2.doc.pdf/dsnodj13.pdf?noframes=true


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