Apache Airavata

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User Hosted PGA with SciGaP in Ubuntu OS


  1. Requires a Unix or Unix like operating system
  2. Requires a web server (e.g apache web server) with PHP 5.4 or higher. Make sure have enabled mod_rewrite module in httpd.conf file and enable PHP SOAP extension
  3. Install Composer
  4. MYSQL database installation (Required if the user is hosting Airavata on his own. To communicate with SciGaP this step is not relevant)
  5. MCrypt PHP extension
  6. Enable OpenSSL PHP extension
  7. Follow instructions given in links to install the prerequisites based on the OS ;
    1. On Ubunutu: http://www.dev-metal.com/install-laravel-4-ubuntu-12-04-lts/
    2. On Centos: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-laravel-4-on-a-centos-6-vps
    3. On MAC OS: http://sangatpedas.com/20140219/installing-laravel-osx-mavericks/
  8. Important: Do not need to install Laravel. You can skip the steps given on the links

Download PGA from GIT

  1. Download PGA from github to the document root of you web server /var/www. 
  2. Use git clone https://github.com/apache/airavata-php-gateway.git or download the zip from the github web page.
  3. Go inside the PGA directory (e.g /var/www/airavata-php-gateway)
  4. Make sure the storage folder is writable
    1. sudo chmod -R 755 app/storage
  5. Go to [PGA_HOME]/app/config/pga_config.php and change the configuration to match your settings
  6. Now issue composer install command
    1. sudo composer install
  7. Restart the web server
    1. sudo service apache2 restart

 Troubleshooting for Ubantu OS:


If you are facing issues and not able to open the user interface even after doing the necessary steps, please troubleshot with below steps
below command may not work which is specified in the installation page for the Ubuntu :

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

because you will not find the dafault file in the specified path
instead open: sudo pico /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
go bottom of the file and add below lines before </VirtualHost> tag

<Directory "/var/www/html">

AllowOverride All

save changes.

Installing composer may fail with below error:
Loading composer repositories with package information
installing dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Please follow the below steps:
git checkout -b test origin/airavata-php-gateway-0.15-release
sudo composer install
If this ask for Mcrypt PHP extension required, then install mcrypt by
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt


use locate mcrypt.so ,to get its locaton
locate mcrypt.ini and open the mcrypt.ini file
sudo pico /etc/php5/mods-available/mcrypt.ini
change the at line a extension=<location of e mcrypt.so fil> eg:/usr/lib/php5/20121212+lfs/mcrypt.so
save changes.
provide permission to storage by
sudo chmod -R 777 app/storage
Now restart the apache server again and test PGA web-interface.




User Hosted PGA with SciGaP on Arch Linux


  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
    1. $ sudo pacman -S polkit apache php php-apache php-mcrypt php-composer mariadb

  2. Enable the appropriate extensions:
    1. $ sudo vim /etc/php/php.ini
      Uncomment the following extensions: mcrypt.so, openssl.so, pdo_mysql.so, and soap.so

    2. $ sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      Uncomment the following extension: rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
      Replace the mpm_event_module modules/mod_mpm_event.so with mpm_prefork_module modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so
      Add the following line: LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
      Add the following line: Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf

  3. Create necessary MySQL config:
    1. $ sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
  4. Start and enable the Apache and MySQL daemons:
    1. $ sudo systemctl start polkit
      $ sudo systemctl start httpd
      $ sudo systemctl enable httpd
      $ sudo systemctl start mysqld
      $ sudo systemctl enable mysqld

    2. Note: you may need to reboot to start polkit

  5. Complete the MySQL installation:
    1. $ sudo mysql_secure_installation

  6. Add a MySQL user:
    1. $ mysql -u root -p
      > CREATE USER 'forge'@'localhost';
      > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'forge'@'localhost'; 
      > CREATE DATABASE 'forge';
      > exit 

  7. Clone the PGA git repository:
    1. $ cd /srv/http
      $ sudo git clone https://github.com/apache/airavata-php-gateway.git
      $ sudo chown -R $USER airavata-php-gateway

  8. Configure the PGA:
    1. $ cd airavata-php-gateway
      $ cp app/config/pga_config.php.example app/config/pga_config.php
      $ vim app/config/pga_config.php
    2. Note: make sure to make the directory pointed to by 'experiment-data-root' in pga_config.php and chmod 777 it. By default, this is /srv/http/experimentData
  9. Configure the PGA storage permissions:
    1. $ chmod -R 777 app/storage 

  10. Install using Composer:
    1. $ sudo composer install

User Hosted PGA with SciGaP in MAC OS



  1. To install MCrypt for PHP on MAC please follow the steps in http://coolestguidesontheplanet.com/install-mcrypt-php-mac-osx-10-9-mavericks-development-server/
  2. Once above is completed follow the steps given in http://sangatpedas.com/20140219/installing-laravel-osx-mavericks/ for
    1. Configuring Apache
    2. Installing Composer 


Download and Configure PGA

  1. cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
  2. git clone https://github.com/apache/airavata-php-gateway.git
  3. cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/airavata-php-gateway
  4. Make sure the storage folder is writable
    1. sudo chmod -R 755 app/storage
  5. (optional) Go to [PGA_HOME]/app/config/pga_config.php and change the configuration to match your settings
  6. Enable Apache extensions (mod_rewrite module and PHP SOAP extension)
    1.  sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
      1. uncomment #LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
      2. uncomment #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
  7. Now issue composer install command
    1. sudo composer install
  8. Restart the web server
    1. sudo apachectl restart


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