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Ignite OSGi enablement involves at least two tasks:

  • "bundlezation" of the Ignite Core jar, as well as the optional jars.
  • OSGi-aware marshaller implementation.


For the inter-package dependencies (package export/import) and other bundle metadata, OSGi relies on a number of special entries in the jar's META-INF/MANIFEST file. Those entries are usually generated semi-automatically by the Maven Bundle plugin during a Maven build. The OSGi Framework will refuse to load a jar without a valid OSGi manifest defined.

Since the Ignite's distribution includes a number of optional dependencies (such as ignite-indexing, ignite-log4j, etc) in addition to non-optional ignite-core, the proposal is to make the optional dependencies the bundle fragments hosted by the ignite-core bundle. The fact that fragments share the class loader of the host bundle should simplify inter operation between the components.

At runtime the Ignite user installs all required bundles (including ignite-core, any optional Ignite bundles as well as the application bundles) using either the standard mechanisms defined by the OSGi spec, or relying on the container's implementation-specific capabilities. For example, Apache Karaf (an OSGi implementation) offers a packaging/deloyment concept called "Feature" which roughly speaking is a list of bundles to automatically deploy when the OSGi Framework starts.


The main problem we need to solve in order to allow Ignite OSGi enablement is the marshalling. More specifically the issue is with deserialization of the classes that are provided by the bundles other than the JDK and the Ignite bundle itself.

When the Ignite transport layer receives a message it needs to figure out how to deserialize the bytes and for that it needs to know the bundle that provides the class to be deserailized. To make things more complex, the class may contain other classes that come from other bundles, and so on recursively. In general, what is needed then is a way to map an FQN of a class to its bundle (and hence to the class loader).

And this is where ClassLoaderCodec comes into to play.

On the high level the proposal is as follows:

  1. During serialization, Ignite marshaller calls ClassLoaderCodec.encodeClassLoader(cls) with the class to be serialized as its only parameter. The implementation of the method may return an arbitrary object that in some way (up to the implementation) represents the class loader of the class. The encoded representation of the class loader will be serialized along with the rest of the message data. The returned object may be a primitive, a serializable POJO, or a null.
  2. During deserialization, the encoded class loader (as returned by the encodeClassLoader() call during serialization) as well as the FQN of the class being deserialized are passed into ClassLoaderCodec.decodeClassLoader(fqn, encodedClassLoader) method. The implementation of the method is expected to decode and return an instance of the class loader to use for loading the class with the given FQN.

It's responsibility of the implementation to ensure that the encoded representation is sufficient to unambiguously identify the correct bundle during deserialization.


The ClassLoaderCodec should be called for every Object during serialization and deserialization and should be part of the IgniteConfiguraiton:

public interface ClassLoaderCodec {
    @Nullable public Object encodeClassLoader(Class<?> cls, ClassLoader clsLdr) throws IgniteException;
    public ClassLoader decodeClassLoader(String fqn, @Nullable Object encodedClsLdr) throws IgniteException;

ClassLoaderCodec Implementations

Ignite will come with 2 OSGI class loader codecs out of the box, pessimistic and optimistic, leaving users with opportunity to provide their own custom class loader codecs as well (potentially for non-OSGI environments).

In general in OSGi, the same package may be exported by multiple bundles and therefore an FQN may not be sufficient to look up the correct class loader. In such cases, the codec implementation must employ a pessimistic approach and encode enough information (for example, the bundle symbolic name, plus the bundle version) for the deserializer to be able to resolve the FQN to the correct class loader. Such implementation will work for all use cases, but it introduces some overhead and increases the size of the serialized messages.

However, for the applications that can enforce one-to-one mapping of packages to bundles, a simplified (optimistic) approach can be used instead. With this approach, no encoding of the class loader is required (encodeClassLoader() returns null), and only the FQN is used for decoding of the class loader.

Here's how the pessimistic codec implementation might look like (in pseudo-code): 

public class ClassLoaderPessimisticCodec implements ClassLoaderCodec {
    public ClassLoaderPessimisticCodec() {}
    @Nullable public Object encodeClassLoader(Class<?> cls, ClassLoader clsLdr) throws IgniteException {
        // TODO
        return bundleName + bundleVersion;

	public ClassLoader decodeClassLoader(String fqn, @Nullable Object encodedClsLdr) throws IgniteException {
        // TODO: get class loader for a bundle based on bundleName and version.


Here's how the optimistic (opportunistic :)))) codec implementation might look like:

public class ClassLoaderOptimisticCodec implements ClassLoaderCodec {

    public ClassLoaderOptimisticCodec() {}
    @Nullable public Object encodeClassLoader(Class<?> cls, ClassLoader clsLdr) throws IgniteException {
        return null;

	public ClassLoader decodeClassLoader(String fqn, @Nullable Object encodedClsLdr) throws IgniteException {
        // TODO:
        // Iterate through all the bundles and pick the first one
        // that can load the class. Once found, cache the class loader
        // for faster lookups going forward.

Implementation strategies


First of all the both approaches imply that your cluster is consistent and contains the same version of the bundles on all the nodes. This can be see a a valid assumption in order to ensure the consistency of your computation tasks. If you want to be able to work it in a more non deterministic approach then we have to introduce yet another strategy. But first let focus assume that the bundles are equals on the entire cluster.

Supported version of OSCi


Pessimistic Codec

On the write side this approach require you to capture the bundle symbolic name and its version. This is something easy to do as in OSGi all classloader except the system classloader implements the BundleReference. The pessimis codec can look like that:

public class ClassLoaderPessimisticCodec implements ClassLoaderCodec {

    private static final byte FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LOADER_ID = 0;
    private static final byte IGNITE_CLASS_LOADER_ID = 1;
    private static final byte BOOT_CLASS_LOADER_ID = 2;
    private static final byte BUNDLE_CLASS_LOADER_ID = 4;

    private static final ClassLoader FRAMEWOR_CLASS_LOADER = Bundle.class.getClassLoader();

    private final PackageAdmin packageAdmin;

    public ClassLoaderPessimisticCodec(PackageAdmin packageAdmin) {
        this.packageAdmin = packageAdmin;

    public Object encodeClassLoader(Class<?> cls) throws IgniteException {
        ClassLoader classLoader = cls.getClassLoader();

        if (isIgniteClass(classLoader)) {
            return ClassLoaderDesc.newIgniteClassLoaderDesc();

        if (isFrameworkClassLoader(cls.getClassLoader())) {
            return ClassLoaderDesc.newFrameworkClassLoader();
        Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(cls);

        if (bundle != null) {
            return ClassLoaderDesc.newBundleClassLoaderDesc(bundle);

        return ClassLoaderDesc.newBootClassLoader();

    private Bundle getBundleExt(Class<?> cls) {

        // maybe handle SecurityManager

        Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(cls);

        if (bundle == null && isFrameworkClassLoader(cls.getClassLoader())) {
            bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(Bundle.class);
        return bundle;

    public ClassLoader decodeClassLoader(String fqn, ClassLoader clsLdr, @Nullable Object encodedClsLdr)
            throws IgniteException {
        ClassLoaderDesc classLoaderDesc = (ClassLoaderDesc) encodedClsLdr;
        switch (classLoaderDesc.classLoaderId) {
            case BOOT_CLASS_LOADER_ID:
                return clsLdr;
                return FRAMEWOR_CLASS_LOADER;
            case IGNITE_CLASS_LOADER_ID:
                return ClassLoaderCodec.class.getClassLoader();
            case BUNDLE_CLASS_LOADER_ID:
                //strict version but we can think about an different strategy here like minor or micro version range
                packageAdmin.getBundles(classLoaderDesc.bsn, classLoaderDesc.version);
        return null;

    static final class ClassLoaderDesc implements Externalizable {

        private String version;
        private String bsn;
        private byte classLoaderId;

        public ClassLoaderDesc(byte classLoaderId) {
            this.classLoaderId = classLoaderId;

        public ClassLoaderDesc(Bundle bundle) {
            this.classLoaderId = BUNDLE_CLASS_LOADER_ID;
            this.bsn = bundle.getSymbolicName();
            this.version = bundle.getVersion().toString();

        public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
            if (classLoaderId == BUNDLE_CLASS_LOADER_ID) {
                //can be optimized

        public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            classLoaderId = in.readByte();
            if (classLoaderId == BUNDLE_CLASS_LOADER_ID) {


        static ClassLoaderDesc newIgniteClassLoaderDesc() {
            return new ClassLoaderDesc(IGNITE_CLASS_LOADER_ID);

        public static ClassLoaderDesc newBundleClassLoaderDesc(Bundle bundle) {
            return new ClassLoaderDesc(bundle);

        public static ClassLoaderDesc newFrameworkClassLoader() {
            return new ClassLoaderDesc(FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LOADER_ID);

        public static ClassLoaderDesc newBootClassLoader() {
            return new ClassLoaderDesc(BOOT_CLASS_LOADER_ID);



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