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This is a tutorial about how to create a new eagle application for monitoring cassandra query log step by step.


1. Flow data stream into kafka

 Raw Query Log Sample:

host:/|source:/|user:cassandra|timestamp:1454965365762|category:QUERY|type:CQL_SELECT|ks:dg_keyspace|cf:customer_details|operation:Select  id,name,email,contact from customer_details|masked_columns:[email,contact]|other_columns:[id,name]

Create Kafka topic: cassandra_querylog_sandbox

/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --create --topic cassandra_querylog_sandbox --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Parsed Query Log and Flow into Kafka

    "host": "/",
    "source": "/",
    "user": "jaspa",
    "timestamp": 1455574202864,
    "category": "QUERY",
    "type": "CQL_SELECT",
    "ks": "dg_keyspace",
    "cf": "customer_details",
    "operation": "CQL_SELECT",
    "masked_columns": "bank|ccno|email|ip|name|sal|ssn|tel|url",
    "other_columns": "id|npi"

2. Startup Eagle Web

3. Create New Monitoring Application

  • Site: sandbox
  • Application
    • Group: Cassandra
    • Name: cassandraQueryLog
  • Source Stream: 
    • Name: cassandraQueryLogStream
    • Executor: cassandraQueryLogExecutor
    • Schema:
cfstringquery column family
ksstringquery keyspace
hoststringthe host that current metric comes form
typestringquery type
userstringquery user
categorystringquery category
timestamplongquery timestamp
masked_columnsstringquery masked_columns
operationstringquery operation
other_columnsstringquery other_columns
sourcestringsource host


Here is the script for defining the metadata
# EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST, default is `hostname -f`
export EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST=localhost
# EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT, default is 9099
curl -u ${EAGLE_SERVICE_USER}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PASSWD} -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
 "http://${EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT}/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=SiteApplicationService" \
  -d '
        "enabled": true,
        "config": "{}"
curl -u ${EAGLE_SERVICE_USER}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PASSWD} -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
 "http://${EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT}/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=ApplicationDescService" \
  -d '
        "desc":"cassandra Query Log Monitoring",
## AlertStreamService
echo ""
echo "Importing AlertStreamService for HDFS... "
curl -u ${EAGLE_SERVICE_USER}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PASSWD} -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
 "http://${EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT}/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=AlertStreamService" \
 -d '
       "desc":"cassandra query log data source stream"
## AlertExecutorService: what alert streams are consumed by alert executor
echo ""
echo "Importing AlertExecutorService for HDFS... "
curl -u ${EAGLE_SERVICE_USER}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PASSWD} -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
 "http://${EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT}/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=AlertExecutorService" \
 -d '
       "desc":"executor for cassandra query log stream"
## AlertStreamSchemaService: schema for event from alert stream
echo ""
echo "Importing AlertStreamSchemaService for HDFS... "
curl -u ${EAGLE_SERVICE_USER}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PASSWD} -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
"http://${EAGLE_SERVICE_HOST}:${EAGLE_SERVICE_PORT}/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=AlertStreamSchemaService" \
 -d '
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "host"
       "attrDescription": "the host that current metric comes form",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "source"
       "attrDescription": "source host",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "user"
       "attrDescription": "query user",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "timestamp"
       "attrDescription": "query timestamp",
       "attrType": "long",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "category"
       "attrDescription": "query category",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "type"
       "attrDescription": "query type",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "ks"
       "attrDescription": "query keyspace",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "cf"
       "attrDescription": "query column family",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "operation"
       "attrDescription": "query operation",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "masked_columns"
       "attrDescription": "query masked_columns",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
       "tags": {
          "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
          "streamName": "cassandraQueryLogStream",
          "attrName": "other_columns"
       "attrDescription": "query other_columns",
       "attrType": "string",
       "category": "",
       "attrValueResolver": ""
## Finished
echo ""
echo "Finished initialization for eagle topology"


After successfully loading above metadata, the new application of Cassandra Query Monitoring Application could be found in Eagle Web after refreshing the page as following:

4. Start Monitoring Topology

  1. Create a new topology configuration file named "cassandra-querylog-sandbox.conf" to connect source kafka topic: cassandra_querylog_sandbox as following:

     # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
      "envContextConfig" : {
        "env" : "storm",
        "mode" : "cluster",
        "topologyName" : "cassandrawQueryLogMonitorTopology",
        "stormConfigFile" : "cassandraw-querlog-storm.yaml",
        "parallelismConfig" : {
          "cassandraQueryLogStream" : 1,
          "cassandraQueryLogExecutor*" : 1
      "dataSourceConfig": {
        "topic" : "cassandra_querylog_sandbox",
        "zkConnection" : "",
        "zkConnectionTimeoutMS" : 15000,
        "consumerGroupId" : "eagle.consumer",
        "fetchSize" : 1048586,
        "deserializerClass" : "org.apache.eagle.datastream.storm.JsonMessageDeserializer",
        "transactionZKServers" : "",
        "transactionZKPort" : 2181,
        "transactionZKRoot" : "/consumers",
        "transactionStateUpdateMS" : 2000
      "alertExecutorConfigs" : {
         "cassandraQueryLogExecutor" : {
           "parallelism" : 1,
           "partitioner" : "org.apache.eagle.policy.DefaultPolicyPartitioner"
           "needValidation" : "true"
      "eagleProps" : {
        "site" : "sandbox",
        "dataSource": "cassandraQueryLog",
       "dataJoinPollIntervalSec" : 30,
        "mailHost" : "",
        "mailDebug" : "true",
        "balancePartitionEnabled" : true,
        #"partitionRefreshIntervalInMin" : 60,
        #"kafkaStatisticRangeInMin" : 60,
        "eagleService": {
          "host": "localhost",
          "port": 9099,
          "username": "admin",
          "password": "secret"
        "readHdfsUserCommandPatternFrom" : "file"
      "dynamicConfigSource" : {
       "enabled" : true,
       "initDelayMillis" : 0,
       "delayMillis" : 30000
  2. Start monitoring topology

    ./bin/ cassandraQueryLogStream cassandraQueryLogExecutor cassandra-querylog-sandbox.conf



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