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The Apache NiFi community recognizes how important it is to provide reliable releases on a number of levels.  But one of the most important aspects is that we consider the importance of changes which create new behavior, change existing behavior and so on.  We're committed to being a responsible community whereby we can continue to evolve the capabilities and features of NiFi and users can have a well understood and reliable upgrade path.  We're committed to ensuring backward compatibility issues are made quite rare or that the impact is clearly understood, minimized, and communicated.  You can read more about our approach to version management.  If you find that we've violated this commitment in any way please send us an email at and we'll work to resolve it for you and other users.

To summarize:
  • When moving between patch (also known as incremental) version changes such as 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 users should be safe to assume a clean upgrade can occur with no risk of behavior changes other than bug fixes and no compatibility issues.
  • When moving between minor changes such as 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 users can expect new behaviors and bug fixes but backward compatibility should be protected.
  • When moving between major changes such as 0.x.y to 1.0.0 there may be backward compatibility impacting changes largely focused on removal of deprecated items.


The following guidance is specific to the indicated version changes.  It will contain specific items that users should be aware of when moving between versions:
  • Migrating from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
    • New framework managed state feature
      • The framework now offers a way to manage state which works both for single nodes as well as being distributed across a cluster.  Numerous processors such as ListFile, FetchFile, GetHTTP, GetHBase, and others have been updated to use this new feature rather than their own rolled approach.  They were each setup to automatically transition the existing saved state files from their previous approach and so should be transparent but it is worth noting in case any issues arise.
    • Improved encryption and decryption features with password and algorithm safety check
      • We moved to a much more recent version of the underlying BouncyCastle provided algorithms, added new key derivation functions and algorithms, and provided validation of which password and algorithm combinations are considered unsafe.  This validation can be overridden if the user prefers but flows using these will need to be manually updated to reflect this override.
    • PutS3Object supports uploading files greater than 5GB
      • The processor now supports using the Multipart Upload feature of the S3 API. Files which were too large previously failed, but now should work transparently. The processor will attempt to clean up partial uploads and can resume progress if an upload is interrupted (e.g. due to a connection failure or processor being stopped)
  • Migrating from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
    • Better flow validation for connections
      • NiFi now supports stronger flow validation for processors which require incoming connections and those which do not support incoming connections.  Previously connections were allowed to be set but were ignored if they were not meaningful.  For example, in previous versions of NiFi you could have incoming connections to the GetFile processor which didn't make sense because that processor cannot utilize an incoming connection - it is simply the start of a flow.  With this release the flows utilizing these invalid connections will come up in an invalid state and simply deleting the connection will resolve it.
    • ReplaceText has been refactored to provide a better user experience. Changes include:
      • Rather than always searching with a Regular Expression, users can now choose from several different Replacement Strategies. Not only do these new strategies make configuration much easier but in many cases are much more efficient than using Regular Expressions. You should check any of the existing ReplaceText Processors on your graph to see if they should be updated to use a new strategy. The default strategy is Regex Replace, for backward compatibility purposes.
      • A bug was found and corrected that results in a Regular Expression that matches line endings being able to completely remove line endings. For example, if the Processor is configured to perform replacements Line-by-Line and the search regex is ".*" and the replacement is "hello", we would end up with hellohellohellohello... with no line endings. This should have resulted in the same line ending being maintained between each line. This was corrected.
      • If matching against the Regular Expression ".*" to ensure that the content is always replaced, the Processor should be updated to use the Always Replace replacement strategy.
      • When using the "Regex Replace" replacement strategy, back references may now be referenced from within the Expression Language by referring to them as if they were attributes. For example, if the search regex is ".*(hello|goodbye).*" we can now have a replacement such as "${ '$1':toUpper() }" which will return either HELLO or GOODBYE if either 'hello' or 'goodbye' was found. Note the quotes around the $1 - since $1 is not a typical attribute name, it must be quoted.
  • Migrating from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
    • Added Reporting Tasks for integrating with Apache Ambari
    • Added support for interacting with Kerberos enabled Hadoop clusters
    • Added Processors that integrate with Amazon Web Services, processing images, execute SQL commands, run Apache Flume sources and sinks, and introduced additional avro capabilities.
    • Archival of flow file content is now enabled by default with a target of 12 hours of retention or at 50% of total partition usage.
  • Migrating from 0.1.x to 0.2.0
    • For Windows users: the start-nifi.bat and stop-nifi.bat have been removed. Please use run-nifi.bat instead. This was done in order to ensure that all messages from NiFi are properly written to the log files.
  • Migrating from 0.0.x to 0.1.0
    • We have made management of controller services and reporting tasks a first-class feature that is manageable through the REST API and User Interface.  This means that the 'conf/controller-services.xml' and 'conf/reporting-tasks.xml' are no longer going to be read in on startup.  WARNING: You will have to recreate those services and tasks through the UI and you can delete those configuration files.  This change is a violation of our commitment to proper compatibility changes (and what motivated this page in the first place).
  • Migrating from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
    • There is now a content viewer available allowing you to look at content as it existed in the flow at certain stages as indexed with provenance.  To enable this you must edit your 'conf/' file.  Edit or add a line that says ''nifi.content.viewer.url=/nifi-content-viewer/"
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