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The CXF Swagger2Feature allows you to generate Swagger 2.0 documents from JAX-RS service endpoints with a simple configuration.

For generating Swagger 1.2 documents, you can use SwaggerFeature instead of Swagger2Feature.

These features can be configured programatically in Java or using Spring or Blueprint beans.



Note that a cxf-rt-rs-service-description needs to be used if older CXF 3.1.x versions are used.



The following optional parameters can be configured in Swagger2Feature

Note some properties listed below are not available or used differently in SwaggerFeature, as the corresponding properties are used differently in Swagger 2.0 and Swagger 1.2. Please refer to the corresponding Swagger documentation for more information.)

basePaththe context root path+null
contactthe contact information+""
descriptionthe description+"The Application"
filterClassa security filter+null
hostthe host and port+null
ignoreRoutesexcludes specific paths when scanning all resources (see scanAllResources)++null
licensethe license+"Apache 2.0 License"
licenceUrlthe license URL+""
prettyPrintwhen generating swagger.json, pretty-print the json document+false
resourcePackagea list of comma separated package names where resources must be scanned+a list of service classes configured at the endpoint
runAsFilterruns the feature as a filterfalse
scangenerates the swagger documentation+true
scanAllResourcesscans all resources including non-annotated JAX-RS resources++false
schemesthe protocol schemes+null
termsOfServiceUrlthe terms of service URL+null
titlethe title+"Sample REST Application"
versionthe version+"1.0.0"

Note: those descriptions marked with + correspond to the properties defined in Swagger's BeanConfig, and those marked with ++ correspond to the properties defined in Swagger's ReaderConfig.

Configuring Programatically


import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ServerFactoryBean;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature;

    Swagger2Feature feature = new Swagger2Feature();

    // customize some of the properties
   	// add this feature to the endpoint (e.g., to ServerFactoryBean's features) 
   	ServerFactoryBean sfb = new ServerFactoryBean();


Configuring in Spring


<beans xmlns=""
       xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:cxf=""
    <!-- JAXRS providers -->
    <bean id="jsonProvider" class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider" />

    <!-- Application resources -->
    <bean id="sampleResource" class="demo.jaxrs.swagger.server.Sample" />

    <!-- CXF Swagger2Feature -->  
    <bean id="swagger2Feature" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature">
        <!-- customize some of the properties -->
        <property name="basePath" value="/app/swaggerSample"/>

    <jaxrs:server id="sampleServer" address="/swaggerSample">
            <ref bean="sampleResource" />
            <ref bean="jsonProvider" />
            <ref bean="swagger2Feature" />


Configuring in Blueprint


<blueprint xmlns=""
    <!-- JAXRS providers -->
    <bean id="jsonProvider" class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider" />
    <!-- Application resources -->
    <bean id="sampleResource" class="demo.jaxrs.swagger.server.Sample" />

    <!-- CXF Swagger2Feature -->  
    <bean id="swagger2Feature" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature">
        <!-- customize some of the properties -->
        <property name="basePath" value="/cxf/swaggerSample"/>
    <jaxrs:server id="sampleServer" address="/swaggerSample">
            <ref component-id="sampleResource" />
            <ref component-id="jsonProvider" />
            <ref component-id="swagger2Feature" />

Configuring in CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet


        <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>

Enabling in Spring Boot

See samples/jax_rs/spring_boot and on how to create Swagger2Feature in a @Bean method and samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan on how to auto-enable it.


Accessing Swagger Documents

When Swagger is enabled by Swagger feature, the Swagger documents will be available at the location URL constructed of the service endpoint location followed by /swagger.json or /swagger.yaml.

For example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is published at 'http://host:port/context/services/' where 'context' is a web application context,  "/services" is a servlet URL. In this case its Swagger documents are available at 'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.json' and 'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.yaml'.

Starting from CXF 3.1.7 the CXF Services page will link to Swagger documents if Swagger2Feature is active. 

In the above example, go to 'http://host:port/context/services/services' and follow a Swagger link which will return a Swagger JSON document.

Enabling Swagger UI

First one needs to add the following


Automatic UI Activation

This feature is available starting from CXF 3.1.7: Adding a Swagger UI Maven dependency is all what is needed to start accessing Swagger documents with the help of Swagger UI.

For example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is published at 'http://host:port/context/services/'.

Open the browser and go to 'http://host:port/context/services/api-docs?/url=/swagger.json' which will return a Swagger UI page.

CXF Services page will also link to Swagger UI. Go to 'http://host:port/context/services/services' and follow a Swagger link which will return a Swagger UI page.

See samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2samples/jax_rs/spring_boot and samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan 

Note that CXF OSGI endpoints can only depend on this feature starting from CXF 3.1.8.

Unpacking Swagger UI resources

Up until CXF 3.1.7 unpacking Swagger UI resources into the local folder has been the only option. It is demoed in all CXF Swagger demos but samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2 which

shows the automatic UI activation. In CXF 3.1.7: set Swagger2Feature 'supportSwaggerUi' property to 'false' to disable to automatic UI activation described in the previous section


CXF's distribution contains the following samples.


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