Migrated over from MifosForge - last edit on May 5, 2015.

Target release15.06
Document status
Document ownerDayna Harp


  • There are very few differences between a credit union operation and a bank operation.  The primary difference is the ownership structure. An individual or a group of individuals owns a bank.  The members – or account holders - own a credit union.

  • Products are nearly identical – the names only are different.  Credit union products can be set up in Mifos X as it is today and description of the functionality to be achieved.


  • The difference in setting up a credit union/SACCO account is the membership fee.

Background and strategic fit

Credit unions/SACCOs and similarly structured financial institutions charge a membership fee.  This fee must be collected that the time of application - therefore it is a client-level fee.  This fee must have the ability to refund back to the client based on the organization's policies.  

The fit in workflow is:

  • Create New Client.
  • Take Photo, upload
  • Upload Signature
  • Enter ID
  • Upload Membership Application
  • Collect Membership Fee. 
    • Entry = Cash received,
    • Transaction Type = Membership Fee
    • Posts to General Ledger Income Account – Fee Income
    • Posts to teller cash drawer as cash received 
    • Notification forwarded to supervisor or membership committee for review and decision.
    • If declined, membership fee refunded (organization dependent – some may keep fee)
    • Client account is closed with notes entered for reason for denial.
    • If approved, savings account is opened 


Requirements/User Stories

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes

Business Rules



Security and Permissions

Mifos Functionality Enhancements

New Screens

Changes to Existing Screens

Changes/Enhancements to Batch Jobs

Changes/Enhancements to Accounting Entries

User interaction and design

Exception Handling





Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Out of Scope

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