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A Provider Module is a module that collects a standards-compliant dataset from a non-standards-compliant data source.

A Provider Module contains provider document schemas, provider configuration schemas, provider classes, converter classes, and testing that ensures provider and converter classes continue to work as expected over time.

A Provider Document Schema is an artifact that declares the significant fields of a particular entity, event, or relationship in it's original form.

A Provider Configuration Schema is an artifact that describes how to query a particular endpoint for data of a particular type.

A Provider Class is software that can produce documents matching a Provider Document Schema, given an instance of its Provider Configuration Schema.

A Provider Converter is software that knows how to convert provider documents into activity streams documents.


The goal is to write a maven module that supports collection and conversion of a new online data source into activity streams format using Apache Streams interfaces and patterns.

Official Providers reside in the streams-contrib directory of streams-project, are named org.apache.streams:streams-provider-*, and are released with the rest of streams.

Unofficial Providers can be built and published under any groupId but the artifactId should still be named streams-provider-* and the code should be built with Apache Streams interfaces and patterns.;a=tree;f=streams-contrib;h=0dc5e92783e9aa634b29e11f0bbd4e97fd17d8c0;hb=HEAD


Pick a source

Decide where the data will come from.  

For example purposes this guide walks through the process of building a provider for

Collect links to pertinent documentation and resources.

Find their API documentation and confirm that the entities, events, and relationships available align with the Activity Streams data model.

REST API documentation:

Figure out credentials

If the data source requires credentials, go through the process of getting credentials and document how you got them.

Create personal token:

Identify Important Entities

Go through the API documentation carefully, and make a list of the most important types of Entities, as well as at least one way those entities can be collected.

Entities are typically people, places, things, sometimes abstract things such as ideas or concepts.

The API will typically allow the caller to get a list of entities of a specific type.

Top Three GitHub Entity Types:

Identify Important Event Types

Go through the API documentation carefully, and make a list of the most important types of Events that involve the important Entity types, as well as at least one way those events can be collected.

Events are specific occurrences involving one or more entities, almost always with a timestamp.

List of 30 types -

Top Four Event Types:

Document up-stream data model

For each entity, event, and relationship on the short-list, find links to documentation on exactly what the data looks like in JSON or XML form.

Identify Important Relationships

Go through the API documentation carefully, and make a list of the most important types of Relationships that associate the important Entity types, as well at least one way those relationships can be collected.

Top Four Relationship Types:

Find the best Activity Streams Actor or Object type for each upstream Entity type 

Identify which upstream Entity types have a direct and obvious alignment with Activity Streams, and note the corresponding Actor or Object type from the Activity Streams vocabulary.

github:user -> as:Person

github:organization -> as:Organization

github:repository -> as:Page

Some of these will be obvious, some will be debatable, and some simply wont match the activity streams vocabulary at all.  That's OK.

Actor / Object Types produced by official provider modules include:

  • Person / Profile / Page 
  • Organization / Group

Find the best Activity Streams Activity or Relationship type for each upstream Event type 

Identify which upstream Event types have a direct and obvious alignment with Activity Streams, and note the corresponding Activity and/or Relationship type from the Activity Streams vocabulary

Activity Types produced by official provider modules include:

  • Post
  • Share

Find the best Activity Streams Activity or Relationship type for each upstream Relationship type 

Identify which upstream Relationship types have a direct and obvious alignment with Activity Streams, and note the corresponding Activity and/or Relationship type from the Activity Streams vocabulary

github:follow -> as:IsFollowing, as:IsFollowedBy

github:member -> as:IsMember

Relationship Types produced by official provider modules include:

  • Follow / Friend

Enumerate and Prioritize Providers

Make a short list of providers to write in the initial implementation, identifying what inputs they will require to start and what type(s) of documents they will provide.


Look for a high-quality java library.

Search github / stack-overflow / google and see if you can find a high-quality java library to simplify the code involved in getting the data.

It should be:

  1. FOSS-friendly license (Apache 2.0, MIT, etc...)
  2. In maven central (findable with
  3. Active (have at least one release in the prior 12 months)

Make notes on how you plan to use the java library to get the source data on your shortlist.


Figure out permissions

If the data source requires special permissions to get at the dataset you are looking at, figure out how to get those permissions and document the process.

Document all the information that will be needed to connect to the data source.

Make an empty module

Create an empty module in your own project or in streams-contrib.  Make sure it's part of the reactor.

Create a base configuration object

Create a json schema file (src/main/jsonschema) with fields containing all the information needed to establish basic connectivity with the data source.

These fields should include:

  • everything needed to connect
  • everything needed to authenticate


Create a reference.conf

Create a  reference.conf file in src/main/resources containing a HOCON snippet matching the base configuration schema containing just the connection details.

This file should contain only the connection details, no credentials.

By putting these in reference.conf, you ensure that they get set by default for anyone who uses the module, thus relieving you of needed to bake default values into either the code or the json schemas.


Create a credential resource file for testing

Create an application.conf file containing a HOCON snippet matching the base configuration schema containing your credentials.

This file should contain only your credentials - but you only need one credential file for every provider you are working with.


Create a unit test that demonstrates reading the test configuration resource into the configuration object

The test should demonstrate that the test resource gets loaded from the hocon snippet, into the JVM properties, then using StreamsConfigurator into an instance of the base configuration object.



Create a base provider that just opens a re-usable connection object to the data source

Create a java class which implements StreamsProvider.  

This provider doesn't need to implement any of the read* methods, just prepare.  Calling prepare should result in a Provider with a live connection to the data source.  

Appropriate validation on the configuration and on the resulting connection object should be added.



Create an integration test that demonstrates connectivity

Make a 'IT' in src/test/java that loads the test configuration with your credentials in it, instantiates a provider, and then asserts that the connection object is connected and authorized.



Create a specialized provider configuration for the profile provider

Create a second configuration bean that extends the base configuration bean we created earlier, but also has fields that specify what data should be collected.


Create initial provider class for collecting profiles

Create a provider class that extends the base provider (which connects but doesn't implement read methods)

First provider will take a list of IDs, and get the current profile for each.

Implement the startStream method on this provider.  startStream should create and queue threads to bring data into the class.

Implement the readCurrent method on this provider.  readCurrent should pass collected data in a StreamsResultSet to the caller exactly once.


Identify and understand the upstream java library profile object

If using a java library, find the object in the SDK that corresponds to the profile object.

Figure out if

Add a main method to the provider

This should allow you to run the provider from the command line, with all the collected data written into a specified file.

Create an integration test for the provider that calls the main method

This simultaneously tests that data can be collected, and that the java CLI binding works.

As a side effect, collected data gets placed in target/test-classes and can then be used to test conversion


Implement a 


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