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Current state: under discussion
Discussion thread: hereJIRA: KAKFA-3265


Systems that interface with Kafka, such as management systems and proxies, often need to perform administrative actions.  For example, they might need to be able to create or delete topics.  Currently, they can't do this without relying on internal Kafka classes, or shell scripts distributed with Kafka.  We would like to add a public, stable AdminClient API that exposes this functionality to JVM-based clients in a well-supported way.

The AdminClient will use the KIP-4 wire protocols to communicate with brokers.  Because we avoid direct communication with ZooKeeper, the client does not need a ZooKeeper dependency.  In fact, once this KIP is implemented, we will be able to lock down Zookeeper security further, by enforcing the invariant that only brokers need to communicate with ZK.

By using the AdminClient API, clients will avoid being tightly coupled to the implementation details of a particular Kafka version.  They will not need to access internal Kafka classes, or parse the output of scripts.  They will also gain the benefits of cross-version client compatibility as implemented in KIP-97.

Proposed Changes

The AdminClient will be distributed as part of kafka-clients.jar.  It will provide a Java API for managing Kafka.

The KafkaAdminClient interface will be in the org.apache.kafka.clients.admin namespace.  The implementation will be in the AdminClient class, in the same namespace.  The separation between interface and implementation is intended to make the difference between public API and private implementation clearer, and make developing mocks in unit tests easier.

Users will configure the AdminClient the same way they configure the Producer and Consumer: by supplying a map of keys to values to its constructor.  As much as possible, we should reuse the same configuration key names, such as bootstrap.servers,, etc.  We should also offer the ability to configure timeouts, buffer sizes, and other networking settings.

The AdminClient will provide future-based APIs that closely reflect the requests which the brokers can handle.  The client will be multi-threaded; multiple threads will be able to safely make calls using the same AdminClient object.  When a future fails, its get() method will throw an ExceutionException which wraps the underlying exception.

Each area of functionality in the AdminClient is accessed by creating a context object.  For example, functionality related to topics is accessed by calling client.topics() to create a TopicsContext object.  Context objects are lightweight and only contain minimal state such as the lengths of timeouts.  Context objects are not intended to be shared between multiple threads.

In general, we want to avoid using internal Kafka classes in the AdminClient interface.  For example, most RPC classes should be considered internal, such as MetadataRequest or MetadaResponse.  We should be able to change those classes in the future without worrying about breaking users of AdminClient.  Inner classes such as MetadataResponse#TopicMetadata should also be considered internal, and not exposed in the API of AdminClient.

We want to handle errors fully and cleanly in AdminClient.  APIs that require communication with multiple brokers should allow for the possbiility that some brokers will respond and others will not.  Any possible return value from the API should be handled.


As mentioned earlier, the AdminClient will use the KIP-4 wire protocol.  This mainly means using NetworkClient and related RPC classes for the implementation.

This KIP will add only APIs that can be implemented with the existing server-side RPCs.  See "New or Changed Public Interfaces" for details.  The intention is that we will continue to extend AdminClient with further KIPs that also add the appropriate server-side functionality is added (such as ACL management.)

New or Changed Public Interfaces

Clients use the administrative client by creating an instance of class KafkaAdminClient.  It is configured by supplying a configuration map to the KafkaAdminClient#Factory#create function.  When the user is done with the KafkaAdminClient, they must call close to release the network sockets and other associated resources of the client.

public interface KafkaAdminClient {
    class Factory {
         * Create a new KafkaAdminClient with the given configuration.
         * @param conf          The configuration.
         * @return              The new KafkaAdminClient.
        KafkaAdminClient create(Map<String, Object> conf);

     * Close the AdminClient and release all associated resources.
    void close();

     * The base class for a request to create a new topic.
    abstract class NewTopic {
        private final String name;
        protected Map<String, String> configs = null;
        public NewTopic(String name) {
   = name;

        public String name();

         * Set the configuration to use on the new topic.
         * @param configs               The configuration map.
         * @return                      This NewTopic object.
        public NewTopic setConfigs(Map<String, String> configs);

     * A request to create a new topic with a fixed replication factor and number of partitions.
    class NewTopicWithReplication extends NewTopic {
        private final int numPartitions;
        private final short replicationFactor;

        public NewTopicWithReplication(String name, int numPartitions, short replicationFactor);
        public int numPartitions();
        public short replicationFactor();

     * A request to create a new topic with a specific replica assignment configuration.
    class NewTopicWithReplicaAssignments extends NewTopic {
        private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> replicasAssignments;
        public NewTopicWithReplicaAssignments(String name, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> replicasAssignments);
        public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> replicasAssignments();

     * Options for the newTopics call.
    class CreateTopicsOptions {
        private int clientTimeoutMs = -1;
        private int serverTimeoutMs = -1;
        private boolean validateOnly = false;

        public CreateTopicsOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);
        public int clientTimeoutMs();

        public CreateTopicsOptions setServerTimeoutMs(int serverTimeoutMs);

        public int serverTimeoutMs();

        public CreateTopicsOptions setValidateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

        public boolean validateOnly();
     * The result of the createTopics call.
    class CreateTopicResults {
         * Return a map from topic names to futures, which can be used to check the status of individual
         * topic creations.
        public Map<String, CompletableFuture<Void>> results();
         * Return a future which succeeds if all the topic creations succeed.
        public CompletableFuture<Void> all();

     * Create a batch of new topics.
     * @param newTopics         The new topics to create.
     * @param options           The options to use when creating the new topics, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The CreateTopicsResults.
    CreateTopicResults createTopics(Collection<NewTopic> newTopics, CreateTopicsOptions options);

     * Create a single new topic.
     * @param newTopic          The new topic to create.
     * @param options           The options to use when creating the new topic, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The CreateTopicsResults.
    CreateTopicResults createTopic(NewTopic newTopic, CreateTopicsOptions options);

     * Options for the deleteTopics call.
    class DeleteTopicsOptions {
        private int clientTimeoutMs = -1;
        private int serverTimeoutMs = -1;
        public DeleteTopicsOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);

        public int clientTimeoutMs();

        public DeleteTopicsOptions setServerTimeoutMs(int serverTimeoutMs);

        public int serverTimeoutMs();
     * The result of the deleteTopics call.
    class DeleteTopicResults {
         * Return a map from topic names to futures which can be used to check the status of
         * individual deletions.
        public Map<String, CompletableFuture<Void>> results();

         * Return a future which succeeds only if all the topic deletions succeed.
        public CompletableFuture<Void> all();

     * Delete a batch of topics.
     * @param topics            The topic names to delete.
     * @param options           The options to use when deleting the topics, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The DeleteTopicsResults.
    DeleteTopicResults deleteTopics(Collection<String> topics, DeleteTopicsOptions options);

     * Delete a topic.
     * @param topic             The topic name to delete.
     * @param options           The options to use when deleting the topics, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The DeleteTopicsResults.
    DeleteTopicResults deleteTopic(String topic, DeleteTopicsOptions options);

    class ListTopicsOptions {
        private int clientTimeoutMs = -1;
        private Boolean listInternal = null;

        public ListTopicsOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);

        public int clientTimeoutMs();

         * Set whether we should list internal topics.
         * @param listInternal  Whether we should list internal topics.  null means to use
         *                      the default.
         * @return              This ListTopicsOptions object.
        public ListTopicsOptions setListInternal(Boolean listInternal);

        public Boolean listInternal();
     * The result of the listTopics call.
    class ListTopicsResults {
         * Return a future which yields a map of topic names to TopicDescription objects.
        public CompletableFuture<Map<String, TopicDescription>> namesToDescriptions();

         * Return a future which yields a collection of TopicDescription objects.
        public CompletableFuture<Collection<TopicDescription>> descriptions();

         * Return a future which yields a collection of topic names.
        public CompletableFuture<Collection<String>> names();
     * A detailed description of a single topic in the cluster.
    class TopicDescription {
        public String name();
        public boolean internal();
        public Map<Integer, TopicPartitionInfo> partitions();
        public Map<Integer, KafkaException> partitionErrors();
        public String toString();

    class TopicPartitionInfo {
        public int partition();
        public Node leader();
        public List<Node> replicas();
        public List<Node> isr();
        public String toString();
     * List the topics available in the cluster.
     * @param options           The options to use when listing the topics, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The ListTopicsResults.
    ListTopicsResults listTopics(ListTopicsOptions options);

    class DescribeTopicOptions {
        public DescribeTopicOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);
        public int clientTimeoutMs();

     * The results of the describeTopic call.
    class DescribeTopicResults {
         * Return a future which yields a topic description.
        public CompletableFuture<TopicDescription> description() {
            return future;

     * Descripe an individual topic in the cluster.
     * @param options           The options to use when describing the topic, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The DescribeTopicResults.
    DescribeTopicResults describeTopic(String topicName, DescribeTopicOptions options);

     * Options for the listNodes call.
    class ListNodesOptions {
        public ListNodesOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);
        public int clientTimeoutMs();

     * The results of the listNodes call.
    class ListNodesResults {
        public CompletableFuture<Collection<Node>> nodes();

     * List the nodes in the cluster.
     * @param options           The options to use when listing the nodes, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The ListNodesResults.
    ListNodesResults listNodes(ListNodesOptions options);

     * Options for the apiVersions call.
    class ApiVersionsOptions {
        public ApiVersionsOptions setClientTimeoutMs(int clientTimeoutMs);
        public int clientTimeoutMs();

     * Results of the apiVersions call.
    class ApiVersionsResults {
        ApiVersionsResults(Map<Node, CompletableFuture<NodeApiVersions>> futures);
        public Map<Node, CompletableFuture<NodeApiVersions>> results();
        public CompletableFuture<Map<Node, NodeApiVersions>> all();

     * Get information about the api versions of nodes in the cluster.
     * @param nodes             The nodes to get information about, or null to get information about all nodes.
     * @param options           The options to use when getting api versions of the nodes, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The ApiVersionsResults.
    ApiVersionsResults apiVersions(Collection<Node> nodes, ApiVersionsOptions options);

     * Get information about the api versions of a node in the cluster.
     * @param nodes             The node to get information about.
     * @param options           The options to use when getting api versions of the node, or null to use defaults.
     * @return                  The ApiVersionsResults.
    ApiVersionsResults apiVersion(Node node, ApiVersionsOptions options);



Just like the consumer and the producer, the admin client will have its own AdminClientConfig configuration class which extends AbstractConfig.

Initially, the supported configuration keys will be:

  • bootstrap.servers
    • The boostrap servers as a list of host:port pairs.
    • An ID  string to pass to the server when making requests.
    • The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven't seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions.
  • send.buffer.bytes
    • The size of the TCP send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used
  • receive.buffer.bytes
    • The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used.
    • The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the consumer to the broker.
    • The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a failed request.

    • The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted.


    • Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config

  • security.protocol

    • The security protocol used to communicate with brokers

Migration Plan and Compatibility

The AdminClient will use KIP-97 API version negotiation to communicate with older or newer brokers.  In cases where an API is not available on an older or newer broker, we will throw an UnsupportedVersionException.

We should avoid making incompatible changes to the AdminClient function and class signatures.  So for example, if we need to add an additional argument to an API, we should add a new function rather than changing an existing function signature.

Test Plan

We should have an AdminClientTest integration test which tests creating topics, deleting topics, and listing topics through the API.  We can use the KafkaServerTestHarness to test this efficiently with multiple brokers.  For methods which support batches, we should test passing a batch of items to be processed.  We should test error conditions as well.  We should test the node listing and version getting APIs as well.

Rejected Alternatives

Synchronous API

Instead of having a futures-based API, we could have a synchronous API.  In this API, each function would block rather than returning a Future.  However, the Futures-based API can easily be used as a blocking API, simply by calling get() on the Futures which get returned.

Batch APIs

We could have a batch API that allows people to create or delete multiple topics at once.  However, batch APIs are awkward.  We can also do batching behind the scenes by waiting for a millisecond or two before sending requests, to see if more requests arrive.

Future Work

We would like to add more functionality to the AdminClient as soon as it becomes available on the brokers.  For example, we would like to add a way of altering topics that already exist.  We would also like to add management APIs for ACLs, or the functionality of GetOffsetShell.

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