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Geode is a reliable distributed data management tool. There is a demand to access Geode from various programming languages. But the existing client-server protocol is too complex to understand, undocumented. This establishes the need for a new client-server protocol.


Here are the high level goals.

Protocol Terms

  Any binary protocol will require following things:

  1. Version: This indicates the API version.

  2. Correlation Id: This helps to relate the request-response.

  3. Object Type: What is the type of serialized object.

  4. Response Type: It indicates whether a response is partial or complete.

  5. ErrorCodes: It indicates the problem with API invocation.

  6. Chunk Response: Send large response in multiple chunks.

  7. Continuous Response: Client can register(Observer pattern) for events and then server notify the client if those events occur.

  8. Request: It indicates client's message

  9. Response: It indicates server's message.

  10. Request Format: Format of request api and its parameters, which client wants to invoke.

  11. Response Format: Format for api return value, which client invoked.

  12. Message: Set of bytes which contain the Message Header and Request/Response.

  13. Serialized Byte Order: Big Endian


The new protocol will be integrated with the current Geode server. The new client driver can connect with the Geode server by sending a protocol byte. Initially, the Geode will support the following two protocols.

  • byte - 110: Message will contain the whole request or response. 
  • byte - 111: If the message is large then client or server can divide the message into the set of small messages. Then they need to collect all the small message and parse the whole request or response.


The ApiId recognizes the API, a client wants to invoke on the server. The request format will contain the 2-byte(int16) for Api id. It will be marked as ApiId in the request format.

API Version

API version will be associated with the request api. The request format will contain a 1-byte(int8) for the version. It will be marked as ApiVersion in the request format. Its current value will be 1.

Correlation Id

The purpose of correlation id to match the request and its corresponding response. The request format will contain the 4-bytes(int32) for correlation Id. It will be marked as CorrelationId in the request and response format. The client needs to send correlation id with the request and server will send the same id with the response.

Object Type

We will support all the object types which Geode understands. This would include all the primitive java types, an array of primitive types, collections, java serialization, data serializable, pdx serialization and custom user data serializers. The client needs to serialize objects as described here.


Geode supports only few object types as the region Key. The region key will be marked as Key in the request format. the client needs to serialize key as described here.


ReponseType will indicate that whether the response is partial or complete. A client can process a partial response.  Response with the FullResponse type id will indicate the completion of that request. 

The response format will contain the 2-bytes(int16) for response type. It will be marked as ResponseTypeId in the response format.


Error Codes

Error codes indicate the issue with the invocation of API at the server. We have following error code for various issues at the server. The response format will contain the 2-bytes(int16) for error codes. It will be marked as ErrorCode in the response format.

Format grammar

The format is described using Extended Backus–Naur form grammar.

optional[ ... ]
repetition{ ... }


The format contains following fixed and variable types. They need to serialize in Big Endian byte order as showed for the example.

TypeNumber Of BytesValueSerializedBytes
booleanFixed = 1true0x01 
booleanFixed = 1false0x00
int8Fixed = 110x01
int16Fixed = 210x00 0x01 
int32Fixed = 410x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 
int64Fixed = 810x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 
String(modified UTF 8 )


  • 2 byte(int16) for length of encoded String
  • Utf Encoding

0x00 0x05 (length)

0x47 0x65 0x6f 0x64 0x65 (utf encoding)



  • 2 byte(int16) for number of bytes
  • sseries of bytes.

0x00 0x02 (length)

0x01 0x02 


Variable: series of bytes which contains all the

meta info to create the java object.



A message is series of bytes which contains the request or response. If the message is large, then we will have provision to divide the message into small messages. The message will be sent in following way.  A client can send the multiple messages on the connection and server will respond to those messages in same order.


Message => MessageHeader (Request | Response)
MessageHeader => defined below
Request => defined below
Response => defined below



The Message header is a fixed size header which contains the size of a message, boolean flag to indicates whether a message is partial, and correlation id for that request message. The correlation id is used for the dual purpose here.

  • If a message is sent in multiple sub-messages, then it will be used for combining the whole message. 
  • It will be used for correlating the request to its response.
MessageHeader => Size isPartialMessage CorrelationIdDescription
Size => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32Size of request or response
isPartialMessage => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean 
CorrelationId => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32 

Request Format

The request would contain the fixed size request header, optional metadata and request api parameters. 

Request => RequestHeader [MetaData] RequestAPI
RequestHeader => defined below
MetaData => optional

RequestAPI => (PutRequest | GetRequest | PutAllRequest | GetAllRequest |ServerConfigRequest | ClientConfigRequest | AuthRequest)



The request header contains the ApiId, ApiVersion, and hasMetaData flag to indicate whether the request contains some metadata.

RequestHeader => ApiId apiVersion hasMetaDataDescription
ApiId => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16 
apiVersion => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = int8 
hasMetaData => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = booleanif there is any meta data associated with this request


Response Format

The response would contain the fixed size response header, optional metadata and return values.


Response => ResponseHeader [MetaData] APIResponse
ResponseHeader => defined below
MetaData => Optional
APIResponse => (PutResponse | GetResponse | PutAllResponse | GetAllResponse | ServerConfigResposne | ClientConfigResponse | AuthResponse)



The response header will have resposneType, which indicates its partial response, full response or error. A hasMetaData flag indicates whether the response contains some metadata.

ResponseHeader => (ResponseTypeId | ErrorCode) hasMetaData CorrelationIdDescription
ResponseTypeId => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16 
ErrorCode => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16 
hasMetaData => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = booleanif there is any meta data associated with this request
CorrelationId => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32 



The Value is serialized bytes for the Geode region value. It contains value header and series of bytes. Using value header, we can send a large number of bytes in more than one chunk. 

Value => ValueHeader value {ValueHeader value}Description
ValueHeader => defined below 
value => bytesSerialized Value Object which Geode can understand


The value header contains the value bytes size, and a flag indicates whether it contains all the value bytes. 

ValueHeader => Size hasPartialBytesDescription
Size => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32Number of serialized bytes
hasPartialBytes => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = booleanWhether this contains partial bytes of value



PutRequest => RegionName Key CallbackArg Value
RegionName => (variable size, type = String)
Key => bytes
CallbackArg =>  bytes 
Value => defined above


PutResponse => Success
Success => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean



GetRequest --> RegionName Key CallbackArg
RegionName => (variable size, type = String)
Key => bytes
CallbackArg => bytes



GetResponse => Result
Result => bytes



GetAllRequest => RegionName NumberOfKeys Key {Key} CallbackArg
RegionName => (variable size, type = String)
NumberOfKeys => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32
Key => bytes
CallbackArg => bytes


GetAllResponse --> NumberOfKeyValuePair Key value {Key value}
NumberOfKeyValuePair => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32
Key => bytes
value => bytes


PutAllRequest => RegionName NumberOfKeys Key Value{Key Value} CallbackArg
RegionName => (variable size, type = String)
NumberOfKeys => fixedSize = 4 bytes, type = int32
Key => bytes
Value => defined above
CallbackArg => bytes


PutAllResponse => Success
Success => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean


The purpose of metadata to pass defined key value pair with request and response. That will be optional for client. If there is any metadata associated with request or response, then need to set "hasMetadata" flag to "true" in request or response header. After that send metadata in following format.


MetaData => NumberOfMetadata MatadataKeyId MetadataKeyValue { MatadataKeyId MetadataKeyValue}
NumberOfMetadata=> fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
MatadataKeyId => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
MetadataKeyValue => variable, Value as defined in table below


We would have following pre-defined key and value for metadata. Note this list will grow over time.

Request MetaData KeyMetaData KeyIdMetaData ValueDescription


fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16


fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean

Geode will expect key as JSON string(or bytes) and convert that into pdx key.

If the response requires a key, then it will convert pdx key to JSON string(or bytes) back.



fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16


fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean

Geode will expect Value as JSON string(or bytes) and convert that into pdx value.

If the response requires a value, then it will convert pdx value to JSON string(or bytes) back.



fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16

EventId {

uniqueId: type = String


SequenceId: type=int64


The eventid is used to identify same region event in Geode. Geode keeps map of "uniqueId + threadId" Vs

"SequenceId" to know whether region event has been already seen or not.


Response MetaData KeyMetaData KeyIdMetaData ValueDescription


fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16


fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean

[optional]This would indicate in response that request was handled by remote peer. So client

should update PR meta data.



The purpose of ServerConfigRequest request to get server config from the server. The client needs to send this request after connecting to the server. If the client knows server properties, then there is no need to send this request.


ServerConfigRequest => {}
ServerConfigResponse =>NumberOfProperties PropertyId PropertyValue{ PropertyId PropertyValue}
NumberOfProperties => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
Propertyid => fixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
PropertyValue => variable, Value as defined in table below
Server Response PropertiesPropertyIdPropertyValueDescription
SECURITY_ENABLED1booleanWhether security is enabled at server
DIFFIE_HELLMAN_KEY2byte[]The server Diffie-Hellman key if the credential is required to encrypt.
MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_CLIENT_PING3int32If the client connection is idle for MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_CLIENT_PING seconds then the server will close that connection.


The Purpose of ClientConfigRequest request to send client config to a server. The client needs to send this request after connecting to the server. 

ClientConfigRequestNumberOfProperties PropertyId PropertyValue{ PropertyId PropertyValue}
NumberOfPropertiesfixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
PropertyidfixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
PropertyValuevariable, Value as defined in table below
ClientConfigResponse –-> Success
Success => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean
Client Request PropertiesPropertyIdPropertyValueDescription 

Unique id for the client; if client doesn't send this property then server

will just create id (client-host, client-port, server-host, server-port).


The client will wait for ClIENT_READ_TIMEOUT for server response. It's a optional



The client Diffie-Hellman key if the credential is required to encrypt. If server

has enabled Diffie-Hellman then client must send this to server.



The purpose of AuthRequest to authenticate the client connection. A client can send the auth request in the following format. Before sending the auth request a client can verify the server config by sending the ServerConfigRequest. A client can send key-value pair of credentials to authenticate itself.

Those pair needs to serialized in following way. If Diffie-Hellman encryption is enabled on the server side then need to encrypt those serialized bytes. And then send those encrypted bytes to the server. The server will decrypt those bytes and create the key-value pair.



( NumberOfProperties PropertyId PropertyValue{ PropertyId PropertyValue}

| NumberOfEncryptedBytes EncryptedCredentials )

NumberOfPropertiesfixedSize = 2 bytes, type = int16
AuthResponse –-> Success
Success => fixedSize = 1 byte, type = boolean



string regionName = "ExampleRegion"

Key = 101

Value = "New Geode Client Server Protocol"

CallbackArg = Null





Size PartialMessage CorrelationIdRequestType apiVersion hasMetaDataRegionName Key CallbackArg Value ( ValueHeader value )

Size = Size of Request (65)

0x00 0x00 0x00 0x42

RequestType (PutRequestType = 3)

0x00 0x03

RegionName(type:String, value:"ExampleRegion" )

 len = 0x00 0x0d

Utf Encoding = 0x45 0x78 0x61 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x52 0x65 0x67 0x69 0x6f 0x6e 

Size = (number of serialized bytes = 35)

 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x23

PartialMessage = (type = Boolean, value = false)


apiVersion (1)


Key (Serialzied using geode types, value = 101)

 Geode Int type = 0x39

Value = 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x65 

isPartialBytes = (It contains all serialized bytes, type = boolean)


CorrelationId = 1

0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 

hasMetaData (false)


CallbackArg (Serialzied using geode types, value = null)

Value = 0x29 

value (Serialized as Geode String type, value = "New Geode Client Server Protocol")

Geode String type = 0x57

Serialized Encoded length = 0x00 0x20

Encoded String = 0x4e 0x65 0x77 0x20 0x47 0x65 0x6f 0x64 0x65 0x20 0x43 0x6c 0x69 0x65 0x6e 0x74

0x20 0x53 0x65 0x72 0x76 0x65 0x72 0x20 0x50 0x72 0x6f 0x74 0x6f 0x63 0x6f 0x6c




Size PartialMessage CorrelationIdResponseTypeId hasMetaDataSuccess

Size = Size of Request (4)

0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04

ResponseTypeId (FullResponse, type=int16, value =1)

0x00 0x01

Success(type=boolean, value = true)


PartialMessage = (type = Boolean, value = false)


hasMetaData (false)



CorrelationId = 1

0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 



PutRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
 	PutRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
 		key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
 		Value {
 			ValueHeader {
				Size, 4 byte, int32
				hasPartialBytes, 1 byte, boolean
			value {
 				bytes, series of bytes
PutResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
  	Success, 1 byte, boolean
GetRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
 	GetRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
 		key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
GetResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
  	Result, variable, bytes
PutAllRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
 	PutRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
		NumberOfKeyValuePair, 4 byte, int32 
		KeyValuePair  { 
	 		key, variable, bytes		
 			Value {
 				ValueHeader {
					Size, 4 byte, int32
					hasPartialBytes, 1 byte, boolean
				value {
 					bytes, series of bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
PutAllResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
  	Success, 1 byte, boolean
GetAllRequestMessage {
	MessageHeader {
  		Size, 4 byte, int32
 		isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
 	RequestHeader {
 		ApiId, 2 byte, int16
 		ApiVersion, 1 byte, int8
 	GetRequest {
 		regionName, varaible , String {
			len, 2 byte, int16
			variable, utf encoding		
		NumberOfKeys, 4 byte, int32 
		keys {
 			key, variable, bytes
		CallbaclArg, variable, bytes
GetAllResponseMessage {
	MessageHeader {
    	Size, 4 byte, int32
        isPartialMessage, 1 byte, boolean
		CorrelationId, 4 byte, int32
  	NumberOfKeyValuePair, 4 byte, int32 
	KeyValuePair  { 
		key, variable, bytes		
 		Value {
 			ValueHeader {
				Size, 4 byte, int32
				hasPartialBytes, 1 byte, boolean
			value {
 				bytes, series of bytes



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