

Currently Cloudstack allows to deploy a VM using a single API call. In order to deploy multiple VMs, the same API needs to be called multiple times. Most user scenarios would be handled with this. But there are certain scenarios which depends on already deployed VMs (for e.g. user dispersion/concentration heuristics for placement of new VMs). In some of these scenarios if the VM deployment calls are issued at small intervals or simultaneously then there are chances that the distribution may not happen accurately. In order to solve these issues there is a need to support deployment of VMs in bulk using a single API call. This will allow more accurate placement of VMs compared to calling the API multiple times.

Use case/requirements

  • Allow deploying multiple VMs using a single API call with the constraint of dispersing them across clusters/pods.
  • Allow specifying cluster and/or pod as additional placement parameters for bulk VM deployment.


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Document History



Feature Specifications

Feature specifications

  • API to allow deployment of VMs in bulk (based on a count specified) for root admin only
  • API to take cluster and pod as additional input, both are optional. If specified only that cluster or pod will be considered for placement of VMs instead of the entire datacenter. 
  • If pod or cluster is specified for VM deployment then there won't be any retry in case of failure (similar behaviour if host is specified in existing deployvirtualmachine API)
  • VMs to be distributed across cluster or pod based on already deployed VM count
  • All VMs will be deployed with same configuration (i.e. only one set of VM configuration related parameters will be taken as input)
  • The API will be synchronous and return a list of job ids for every VM deployment, individual VMs can be tracked with respective job ids
  • Basic validations like static parameter checks (type, length, null), availability of resources, resource limits will be performed upfront but beyond that it will be a best-effort task and it is not guaranteed that all individual VM deployments will compete successfully. If there are any runtime error, individual job will fail with appropriate logs
  • Existing parameters in deployVirtualMachine API will be supported provided it is generic for all VMs and there is nothing specific which may lead to constraint failures. For the initial release, basic VM deployment parameters (that are available with deployVirtualMachine API) will be supported, additional parameters will be added subsequently on a need basis
  • The functionality is hypervisor agnostic

Not supported

  • API not available for regular user due to security issues (may lead to resource exhaustion if not used diligently)
  • Multiple VM configuration is not supported in a single bulk deployment API call
  • VM specific parameters like display name etc. cannot be specified, all such properties will be automatically generated by the system to maintain uniqueness
  • Distribution of VM is based on count only and not on any other parameter like CPU/RAM capacity
  • Distribution is not based on host (based on cluster OR pod based on the existing global configuration "")

Open items



In addition to testing the new functionality, regressions needs to be run on all deploy VM scenarios.


The VM placement computation process will be serialised within the bulk deployment call. This will lead to some amount of delay proportional to the size of deployment. Once the placement for deploying the VM is finalized, remaining steps will be immediately commenced 


The bulk deployment API will internally create multiple deployment jobs (one per VM). Additional contextual information (VMs getting deployed as part of bulk deployment) will be used to compute placement for individual VMs. Once placement for all VMs are finalised the remaining deployment steps for all VMs will happen in parallel and follow the existing logic.


New API bulkDeployVirtualMachine to be added available to root admin only.

Input parameters

  • zoneid - Id of availability zone for the VM
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • required
  • serviceofferingid - Id of service offering for the VM
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • required
  • templateid - Id of template used to deploy VM
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • required
  • virtualmachinecount - number of VMs to deploy
    • type - integer
    • validation - positive number
    • required
  • podid - Id of the pod in which to deploy
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with clusterid
  • clusterid - Id of the cluster in which to deploy
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with podid
  • hypervisor - hypervisor type on which to deploy VM
    • type - string
    • validation - should be a valid hypervisor type (XenServer, VMware, KVM etc.)
    • optional - if hypervisor information not present in template then required
  • userdata - binary data (base64) that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment
    • type - string
    • validation - base64 encoded, size restriction with GET and POST methods
    • optional
  • keypair - name of the SSH key pair used to login to the virtual machine
    • type - string
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional
  • networkids - comma separated list of network IDs used by VM
    • type - list of longs
    • validation - should exist in DB
  • diwskofferingid - optional disk offering ID for the VM, if the template is of ISO format, it is for the root disk volume otherwise used to indicate the offering for the data disk volume

    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional
  • securitygroupids - comma separated list of security group IDs that are going to be applied to the VM, applicable only for basic network

    • type - list of longs
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with securitygroupnames
  • securitygroupnames - comma separated list of security group names that are going to be applied to VM, applicable only for basic network

    • type - list of strings
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with securitygroupids
  • affinitygroupids - comma separated list of affinity groups IDs that are going to be applied to the VM

    • type - list of longs
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with affinitygroupnames
  • affinitygroupnames - comma separated list of affinity groups names that are going to be applied to the VM

    • type - list of strings
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - mutually exclusive with affinitygroupids
  • account - account for VM
    • type - string
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - used along with domainid
  • domainid - domain to which the account belongs
    • type - long
    • validation - should exist in DB
    • optional - used along with account


Returns a list of jobs that are scheduled to deploy individual VMs

UI flow


Upgrade Considerations

Based on the current requirements no DB schema changes is needed, so no upgrade impact


The new API is available to root admin only and the parameters passed doesn't have any sensitive information

Concurrency Considerations

Distribution of VMs based on count is only for a single bulk deployment API call. If there are multiple bulk deployment API calls then distribution may not be uniform.


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