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Error Response


This response type is returned when an error occurs with any command type.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
errorCodeIntAn Integer representing the error code for a specific errorY
errorMessageStringA description of the error.N

Possible Errors

 While each operation describes some errors particular to its execution, the following errors are fairly generic and can be seen in a wide variety of operations. This list is a possible super-set of errors that can be thrown and are applicable to all operations.

Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 LOW_MEMORYServer does not have enough free memory to complete the operation
 UNCLASSIFIED_FAILUREThis error will be thrown as a last resort if an exception cannot be classified. This error will then have to be investigated and correctly classified
 ENCODING_ERRORThere was an error whilst encoding a data entry (key / value)
 DECODING_ERRORThere was an error whilst decoding a data entry (key / value)



Gets the value associated with a particular key in a particular region.



Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
regionNameStringThe name of the region which is to be targetedY
keyEncodedValueThe key that is to be looked upY



Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
resultEncodedValueThe value matching the looked-up keyY

Expected behavior

  • If key is not found in the region, the result will not be populated.

  • For valid key, return value as EncodedValue

  • If there is no region matching the regionName, a REGION_NOT_FOUND ErrorResponse will be returned
  • If the provided key does not match the configured key-constraint on the region, a CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ErrorResponse will be returned


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo Region exists for the name provided
 CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONThe key-constraint on the region has been violated and incompatible



 Adds a (key, value) pair to a region, replacing any existing entry for the key.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
regionNameStringThe name of the region which is to be targetedY
entryEntryA type containing (key, value) pair to be inserted into the region.Y


A successful Put operaration will result in an empty PutResponse message. This is because there is no data that needs to be sent back, but a message is needed to indicate a complete operation.

Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?

Expected Behavior

  • If an error is returned, any existing entry is left unmodified.
  • If there is no region matching the regionName, a REGION_NOT_FOUND ErrorResponse will be returned
  • If the provided key does not match the configured key-constraint on the region, a CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ErrorResponse will be returned


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo Region exists for the name provided
 CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONThe key-constraint on the region has been violated and incompatible





 Pass an OQL query to the server, which will execute it and return the result.

Request fields

  1. query

    • Type: string

    • Description: OQL describing the query to run

  2. timeoutInMillis

    • Type: int

    • Optional (defaults to 0).

    • Description: a timeout in milliseconds after which the query will terminate. If less than or equal to 0, no user-defined timeout is imposed.

  3. parameters

    • Type: repeated EncodedValue

    • Must match the number of parameters expected for the query. Can be absent if no parameters are needed.

    • Description: must match any parameters specified in OQL

Response fields

  1. queryResults

    • Type: repeated string

    • Description: One JSON formatted string per response (see AbstractBaseController.processQueryResponse)

Behavior notes

The query will timeout on the shorter of the provided timeout or the cache’s timeout (configured in gemfire.Cache.MAX_QUERY_EXECUTION_TIME).


  • CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Bind parameter is not of the expected type

  • BAD_QUERY - Name in the query cannot be resolved!

  • BAD_QUERY - Query cannot be parsed.

  • PARAMETER_MISMATCH - The number of bound parameters does not match the number of placeholders!

  • OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED - Query is not permitted on this type of region!

  • OPERATION_TIMEOUT - Query execution time has exceeded max query execution time (gemfire.Cache.MAX_QUERY_EXECUTION_TIME) configured!

  • OPERATION_TIMEOUT - Query execution time has exceeded provided timeout



Get a structure containing information about a region.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
regionNameStringThe name of the region to get information on


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
regionRegionA structure containing information on the region

Expected behavior

  • If there is no region matching the regionName, a REGION_NOT_FOUND ErrorResponse will be returned


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo Region exists for the name provided



Returns a list of servers, in the cluster, visible to the client.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?



Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?Repeated
servers Server  A list of servers that are available in the cluster to connect to.Y

Expected Behavior

  • Return a list of all available servers in the cluster that are visible to the client



Error CodeError DefinitionError Description



 Returns a list of regions available through this server.


A GetRegionNamesRequest contains no extra data fields.

Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?



Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?Repeated
regions String A list of the names of the regions that are available on the server.Y

 Expected behavior

  •  This only gets the regions present on the target server. This may not be the set of all regions in the cluster, depending on how the servers are configured.


There are no errors particular to this operation.

Error CodeError DefinitionError Description



Remove an entry from a region.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?
regionNameStringThe name of the region to remove an entry from.Y
keyEncodedValueThe key of the entry to be removed.Y


The presence of a remove response indicates the entry is not longer present in the region. The response contains no additional data fields. 

Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?Repeated

Expected behavior 

  •  If the key is not present in the region, this operation will make no changes to the region.  It will still return a RemoveResponse in this case.


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo region with the provided regionName exists.
 CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONThe type of value provided for the key doesn’t match the region’s constraints. 



Removes all of a list of entries from a region.


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?Repeated?
regionNameStringThe name of the region to remove entries from.YN
keyEncodedValueA list of keys who's entries should be removed.Y


Field NameData typeDescriptionMandatory?Repeated
failedKeysKeyedErrorResponseA list of keys that were not removed.NY

Expected behavior 

  • If a key is not present in the region, this operation will ignore it and continue with the others.

  • If a RemoveAllResponse is returned with a list of failedKeys, any keys from the request not present in the response have been removed.  If an empty list is returned, all keys were removed.

  • Any keys present in failedKeys will have their entry remain in the same state they were in prior to this operation.

  • If an error response is returned by this operation (instead of a RemoveAllResponse), all entries remain in the same state as prior to this operation.


Error CodeError DefinitionError Description
 REGION_NOT_FOUNDNo region with the provided regionName exists.



 Put a collection of Entries into a region.

Request fields

  1. regionName

    • Type: string

    • Description: The name of the region to put entries into.

  2. entries

    • Type: repeated Entry

    • Description: the entries to put into the region.

Response fields

  1. failedKeys

  • Type: repeated KeyedErrorResponse

  • Description: A list of keys which we failed to put values for, along with the error for each failed put.

Behavior notes

  1. If an error is returned none of the puts succeeded.

  2. If a PutAllResponse is returned, any keys not in the responses failedKeys were successfully set.

  3. If two Entries share equal keys, a successful operation will result in one of the Entries being present in the region. Which one is undefined.


  • REGION_NOT_FOUND - no region with the provided regionName exists.

  • CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - the type of value provided for a key or value doesn’t match the region’s constraints.



 Get a series of values from a region.

Request fields

  1. regionName

    • Type: string

    • Description: The name of the region to get entries from.

  • keys

    • Type: repeated EncodedValue

    • Description: the keys to look up in the region.

Response fields

  1. entries

    • Type: repeated Entry

    • Description: the entries corresponding to keys that were present.

  2. errors

    • Type: repeated ErrorEntry

    • Description: any keys that encountered an error will be returned here instead of in entries.

Behavior notes

  1. An error for any key will return an error.

  2. Any key not found in the region will return an Entry with that key and a null value.


  • REGION_NOT_FOUND - no region with the provided regionName exists.

  • CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - the type of value provided for a key doesn’t match the region’s constraints.

  • VALUE_ENCODING_ERROR - if a value stored on the server cannot be encoded and sent to the client.

  • No labels