1. You should be able to view the customer's profile picture (directions available here: View Profile Picture).


2. Click on the edit button () on the top-right of your screen.


3. Clicking the edit button will bring up a dialog. To update/upload the profile picture, you have two options. You can either select an image from your gallery, or capture an image with your camera.

Picking an Image from Your Gallery

a. Select the "Gallery" option (the middle one). 


b. This will launch the file selection dialog. Click the "Choose a file" button. Keep in mind that the maximum file size for an image is 512 KB.


c. This will launch a file manager application. Here, navigate to the directory where your image is stored. Click on the image to select it for upload.


Capturing an Image with Your Camera

a. Select the "Camera"option (the first one).


b. This will launch the file selection dialog. Click the "Take photo" button. Keep in mind that the maximum file size for an image is 512 KB.


c. Ensure that you accept permission requests by clicking "Allow". Repeat the process for all requests.


d. After accepting all permission requests, the application will launch your phone's default camera application. Take a picture, and then click "Ok" to confirm your image.


4. After selecting/taking your image (either through the gallery or with your camera), the application will return you back to the file selection dialog. You should see the image that you selected in the circle, along with the file name underneath. To submit the image and upload, click "Upload". Otherwise, click "Cancel". You can also re-select an image by clicking "Choose a file".

5. You should get a message saying that "Portrait upload successfully". The view customer image page should also update, showing the customer's new profile picture.

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