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Report for Dec 2009 for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project.

The Apache Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.


  • Three new PMC members have been added: Bruno Busco, Adam Heath, Ashish Vijaywargiya
  • One new committer has been added: Erwan de Ferrieres
  • Community interaction remains strong: user and dev mailing lists traffic is high, and the commits remain about the same.
  • The PMC has voted to change SVN authorization so that all committers have full access instead of newer committers only having access to higher-level parts of OFBiz (applications, themes, specialpurpose)



  • The OFBiz wiki and other content has been moved from the old server to
  • The CI server is now in use to test builds and automated tests in the project
  • Work is in progress to move nightly builds and other remaining infra that is not on ASF servers to ASF servers by the end of the month (special thanks to Gavin and others on the infra side, and Jacques and Tim and others on the OFBiz side)
  • No labels